
  • 网络coculture;co-culture;co culture;co-culture system;mixed lymphocyte-tumor culture
  1. 在IVM临床中常规应用卵丘颗粒细胞单层共培养是有利和可行的。

    It is beneficial and feasible to apply cumulus cells monolayer coculture during IVM in clinic routinely .

  2. 同第一部分分离大鼠骨髓单核细胞,将细胞分为三组,分别接受不同处理:A组:与人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVEC)共培养;

    To isolate mononuclear cells following the method described above , then divide cells into three groups , which are plated in diverse culture conditions : A group : endothelial basal and coculture with HUVEC ;

  3. B组,与人脐静脉细胞共培养;

    B : Coculture with human umbilical vein endothelial cell ( HUVEC );

  4. 在含丁酸盐的无机盐培养基中能生长和产甲烷。该共培养物只能利用丁酸盐形成CH4和乙酸盐,不能利用C4以上的脂肪酸。

    It was growth and methanogenesis in the mineral salt medium of butyrate ;

  5. 颗粒细胞共培养能显著的提高囊胚发育率,囊胚率达39.1%(P<0.05);

    D cumulus co-culture is significantly capable to support the development of bovine embryos to blastocysts rate of 39.1 % ( P < 0.05 ) .

  6. 同样A、B组之间的A、B类胚胎形成率无显著性差异。7培养后的培养液病原学检查结果培养多日的共培养的培养液经检查,细菌及真菌均阴性。

    There was also no difference between group A and B.7 Pathogen was examined in culture medium , bacteria and fungus were not found .

  7. 抗原致敏DC与CIK共培养体外抗肾癌效应的研究

    Effects of dendritic cells co-cultured with CIK cells on renal carcinoma cells

  8. 藻酸盐微球的制备及其对共培养的MSCs的影响

    Preparation of alginate beads and their effect on co-cultured MSCs

  9. 方法:用三组不同浓度的三氧化二砷、人参皂甙、β榄香烯及环磷酰胺与人类红白血病细胞株K562共培养,分别于作用后24、48和72小时收集细胞进行下一步检测。

    Collect cells after 24 , 48 and 72 hours to further detecting .

  10. 以DCs诱导活化的T细胞与胶质瘤细胞共培养可使胶质瘤细胞的生长受到抑制,并最终导致其死亡;

    T cells activated by DCs inhibited growth of tumor cells , and resulted in their death .

  11. 通过基因枪和农杆菌共培养法尝试将黄瓜花叶病毒的衣壳蛋白基因转化香蕉组织,其结果表明:经过卡那霉素或G-418的筛选,仅有5%-7%的芽能够存活下来。

    Coat Protein ( CP ) of cucumber mosaic virus was transformed into banana tissues by gene gun bombardment and agrobacterium - mediated culture .

  12. 对638个共培养卵母细胞FISH,观察到5个有HBVdna整合信号,整合率为0.8%。

    FISH of 638 metaphases of co-cultured oocytes with HBV DNA probe showed the clear signals , and its integrated rate was 0.8 % .

  13. 结果表明:在EM共培养方式下载体的生物膜量较高,微生物种类更丰富;

    The results show that the biomass and kinds of biofilm are higher under the co-cultivation method .

  14. 与MSCs粘附共培养的白血病细胞对化疗药物敏感性变化的研究。

    The research to observe chemotherapeutic sensitivity of leukemia cells adhesion to MSCs . 4 .

  15. DC与CIK共培养后对白血病细胞杀伤活性的研究

    Study of the Cytotoxicity Effect of Co-cultured Dendritic Cells With Cytokine Induced Killer Cells on Leukemia Cells

  16. 以CC培养基作为共培养后抗性愈伤筛选的基本培养基有利于抗性愈伤组织的筛选培养。

    The CC medium was an efficient selectable medium for screening hygromycin resistant calli after co cultivation .

  17. 结论体外构建的早产大鼠AECⅡ与LF共培养模型,部分模拟了体内微环境。

    Conclusions The coculture model constructes in vitro mimics microenvironment in vivo .

  18. Schwann细胞促进共培养和共移植的胆碱能神经元的存活和生长

    Schwann cells promote the survival and growth of both co-cultured and co-grafted cholinergic neurons

  19. 大鼠Sertoli细胞与精原细胞的分离及共培养

    Separation and co-culture of Sertoli cells and spermatogonial cells from rat testis

  20. 受试物与细胞共培养24h,观察细胞存活量及活细胞蛋白含量的变化。

    The survival rate and the protein content of the cultured cells were observed at 24 h.

  21. 目的探讨软骨共培养体系诱导小鼠ES细胞向软骨细胞分化的可行性。

    Purpose To induce the mouse embryonic stem ( ES ) cells differentiate into chondrocytes by co-culture with chondrocytes .

  22. 建立了一种新的共培养方法,并将其与猪PBMC进行共培养。

    Established a new co-culture method , and co-culture the epithelioglands with PBMC of swine .

  23. Ox-LDL诱导单核/内皮细胞共培养系统VEGF上调及其促通透性升高的作用机制研究

    Ox-LDL Induce Expression of VEGF in Monocyte / endothelial Cell Coculture System and Its Signaling to Vascular Permeability

  24. 方法大鼠BMSCs在与生长板软骨细胞进行间接共培养,并设阴性对照。

    Methods BMSCs and physeal plate chondrocytes were co-cultured indirectly . The negative control was set up .

  25. 从第3天开始共培养组MSCs的增殖加快,与对照组相比有显著性差异。

    Since 3rd day , MSCs in co-culture group grew faster than control and a significant difference was found .

  26. 与纯培养相比共培养物中乳酸积累的量差异不显著,少于1mM(P0.05)。

    The content of lactate in both co-culture and monoculture had no significant differences ( P0.05 ) .

  27. 结果表明:生殖嵴共培养和差速贴壁方式获得了较好分离EG细胞的效果,与其它两组比较差异显著;

    Results showed that co-culture the genital ridges and different speed attaching were more effective methods than that of the others .

  28. 用于烟草转化的侵染时间以15min为宜,共培养时间以2d最佳。

    The most optimal influence time and co-culture time was 15 min and 2d respectively .

  29. Tat碱性结构域-Bcl-Xs融合蛋白与细胞短暂共培养可诱导细胞程序性死亡

    Heterogenic Bcl-Xs Fused with Tat Basic Domain can Induce Programmed Cell Death after Transient Incubation

  30. 结论:缺氧条件下体外细胞共培养模型表明骨髓间质细胞对心肌细胞的凋亡有一定的拮抗作用,可能是通过抑制Bax蛋白的表达而实现的。

    CONCLUSION : Bone marrow stromal cells prevent the anoxia cardiomyocytes from apoptosis , probably by suppressing the expression of Bax protein .