
ɡònɡ tónɡ jī jīn
  • common fund;mutual fund
  1. 论发展共同基金对于完善股市的必要性

    The Necessity of Developing Common Fund for Perfecting Stock Market

  2. 重大维修共同基金协定

    Agreement on the Common Fund for Major Repairs

  3. 这一类机构多是由专业人员管理的,比如,共同基金,养老金计划,银行以及保险公司。

    Examples of elephants are professionally managed entities1 like mutual2 funds , pension plans , banks and insurance companies .

  4. 齐策维茨发现了共同基金中“延迟交易”(latetrading)的证据,这是违法的。

    Zitzewitz found evidence of " late trading " in mutual funds , which is illegal .

  5. 美国投资公司协会(investmentcompanyinstitute)的数据显示,自2007年以来,美国股票共同基金累计的赎回金额超过5000亿美元。

    More than $ 500bn has been pulled out of US equity mutual funds since 2007 , according to the Investment Company Institute .

  6. 在IPO抽签认购中享有优先权的共同基金经理喜欢当前的制度。

    Mutual fund managers , who enjoy preference in the IPO subscription lottery , like the current system .

  7. 一般而言,基金提供者通过类似于首次公开发行(ipo)的大张旗鼓的推售程序,推出新的共同基金。

    Typically , providers launch new mutual funds through an aggressive marketing process , akin to initial public offerings .

  8. 2011年,嘉泰资本也在北京成立,北京一家共同基金和咨询企业嘉实基金管理公司(HarvestAssetManagement)为其提供了启动所需的种子资本。

    JT Capital , also in Beijing , was set up in 2011 with seed capital from Harvest Asset Management , a mutual fund and advisory firm in Beijing .

  9. 投资研究机构晨星公司(Morningstar)评选的最佳市政债券共同基金包括富达中级市政收入基金(FidelityIntermediateMunicipalIncome)和富兰克林联邦免税收入基金(FranklinFederalTax-FreeIncome)等。

    Investment research firm Morningstar 's top muni-bond mutual-fund picks include Fidelity Intermediate Municipal Income and Franklin Federal Tax-Free Income .

  10. 另外,SEC还提议修改共同基金公司的募股说明书。

    Separately , the SEC voted to propose overhauling offering documents , or prospectuses , issued by mutual-fund companies .

  11. 我的确发现了两支似乎符合我的标准的基金:Invesco欧洲增长基金(InvescoEuropeanGrowthFund)和欧洲共同基金(MutualEuropeanFund)。

    I did find two funds that seem to meet my criteria : the Invesco European Growth Fund and the Mutual European Fund .

  12. 史蒂芬·奥斯是共同基金公司FederatedInvestors的股票首席投资官,拥有30多年的华尔街从业经验。

    Stephen authis the chief investment officer in charge of equities at federated investors and has more than three decades of experience on Wall Street .

  13. 最近,KKR与共同基金管理公司富达投资(FidelityInvestments)签署了分销协议,这对于其新努力来说又是一个促进。

    Its recent distribution deal with Fidelity Investments , the mutual fund manager , gives its nascent effort another boost .

  14. ETF类似于指数型共同基金,也像股票一样在交易所上市交易。

    Exchange-traded funds resemble index-oriented mutual funds and trade on an exchange like a stock .

  15. 在有限目的银行模式下,所有共同基金投资,都会由该体系的唯一监管机构联邦金融管理局(FederalFinancialAuthority,FFA)立即在网上进行全面披露。

    Under LPB all mutual fund investments would be fully and instantly disclosed on the web by the system 's single regulator the Federal Financial Authority ( FFA ) .

  16. 交易所交易基金(Exchange-tradedfunds)提供了广泛的股票组合,收取的管理费却只是共同基金的一个零头。

    Exchange-traded funds offer broad baskets of stocks and charge a management fee that 's often just a fraction of those at mutual funds .

  17. 根据纽约咨询机构StrategicInsight的数据,去年,共同基金的全球净销售额为1120亿美元,而ETF基金的净销售额则达到了2680亿美元。

    Mutual funds saw global net sales of $ 112bn last year but ETFs pulled in a net $ 268bn , according to Strategic Insight , a New York consultancy .

  18. 有些基金在美国国税局(IRS)关于共同基金分散投资条例许可的范围内,几乎将所有额度都投入了苹果股票。

    Some of the funds are just about as all-in on apple as the IRS rules for mutual fund diversification allow .

  19. 在IPO中将股票出售给外部投资者(养老金与共同基金持有其大约80%的股权)之后,高盛逐渐增大了风险胃口。

    After it sold shares in the IPO to outside investors pension and mutual funds hold about 80 per cent of its equity it steadily increased its appetite for risk .

  20. 电脑销售公司戴尔(Dell)似乎很符合这个标准,该股过去三个月下跌了10.8%,其共同基金的持股比例高达32%左右。

    That would disqualify computer-seller Dell , which has dropped 10.8 % in the last three months and is about 32 % owned by mutual funds .

  21. 他负责管理SSgA新兴市场共同基金,该基金中目前持股量最大的是中国移动(ChinaMobile),中国概念股合计占该基金15%的权重。

    He manages the SSgA Emerging Markets mutual fund ( SSEMX ), which counts China Mobile ( CHL ) among its biggest holdings , and overall has about a15 % weighting in China .

  22. 其一,出于某种原因,格罗斯就是更加擅长管理一支ETF中的债券,而不是一支共同基金中的债券。

    One , Gross is , for some reason , just better at managing bonds in an ETF than a mutual fund .

  23. 有些比较知名的基金,如万福玛利亚共同基金(AveMariaMutualFunds),明确根据社会问题来筛选公司,避开与堕胎有关的医院和制药企业。

    Some of the better known , such as the Ave Maria Mutual Funds , screen based on explicitly social issues , shunning hospitals and drug companies that it connects with abortions .

  24. 况且,渴望收益的投资者如今可从个股和交易所交易基金(ETF)那里获得与共同基金相同的收益率,而且成本还更低。

    And now income-hungry investors can earn the same yields from individual shares and exchange-traded funds that they would have got from collective funds .

  25. 到了某个阶段,投资者应该会变得更加成熟,明白ETF比通常的共同基金更为有效。

    At a certain stage the investor should become more sophisticated and understand that an ETF is more efficient than their usual mutual funds .

  26. ETF成本低于被动型共同基金,而且与共同基金不同的是,投资者可以在交易日中买卖基金份额。

    ETFs cost less than passive mutual funds and , unlike mutual funds , investors can buy or sell shares in the trading day .

  27. 它还有一套DWS体系,辅助管理德国市场的共同基金。

    The one German jewel is DWS , the subsidiary that manages German mutual funds .

  28. 迄今为止,获得qdii共同基金许可证的21家基金管理公司中,仅有10家公司已经推出了此类基金。

    Only 10 of the 21 fund managers that have licences to issue QDII mutual funds , have so far launched such funds .

  29. 据晨星公司(morningstar)估计,美国有100家左右的sri共同基金,其中约有40家根据宗教进行投资。

    Morningstar estimates that of the 100 or so Sri mutual funds in the US , about 40 invest on a religious basis .

  30. 在大型资产管理公司中,先锋(Vanguard)的共同基金持有的债券规模目前已达4970亿美元,较2008年的1700亿美元增加了逾一倍。

    Of the big asset management groups , Vanguard has more than doubled its mutual fund bond holdings to $ 497bn today compared with $ 170bn in 2008 .