
  • 网络spaces;shared space;Windows Live Spaces;MSN Spaces
  1. 人们仍保持着在共享空间聚集的需求。

    People still want to come together as a community in shared spaces .

  2. 军队院校图书馆信息共享空间服务的创新模式

    Innovation Pattern of the Information Sharing Spaces Service in Military Academies ' Libraries

  3. 基于共享空间的移动Agent交互

    Mobile Agent Interaction Based on Shared Data Space

  4. 基于CRM的信息共享空间构建研究

    Research on Information Commons Construction Based on CRM

  5. 共享空间的佩戴式计算机与三维CSCW

    Wearable Computers in Shared Space and Three Dimensional CSCW

  6. 信息共享空间(IC)的出现使得高校图书馆作为一个不可或缺的资源融入到正常的教学和科研中。

    With the emergence of Information Commons , the academic Library can be used as indispensable resources into their normal teaching and research .

  7. 信息共享空间(Informationcommons,IC)的建设是当前图书馆界信息服务模式研究的一个新热点。

    The construction of information commons ( IC ) is a new hot spot in the study of the current information service pattern in the library field .

  8. 基于Web2.0的典型特色机构库及高校信息共享空间构建研究

    Study on the Construction of Typical Institutional Repository and the University Libraries ' Information Commons in China University Based on Web 2.0

  9. 在论述信息共享空间(IC)实现目标和构成模型的基础上,指出IC规划与建设的步骤和实现方法。

    On the basis of describing the implementation goal and the composition model of the Information Commons , this paper points out the planning steps and the implementation method for the Information Commons .

  10. 首先对CSCW系统所涉及到的共享空间和群体感知问题进行分析,并归纳出一个CSCW系统应满足的最小感知要素集;

    In the paper , Firstly , the minimum awareness set is given based on the analyses of shared workspace and group awareness in CSCW system .

  11. 关于信息共享空间的理论研究更为完善,在不断的发展中,多数高校均已设立了IC服务板块,实践模式也日渐成熟。

    With its rapid development , the theory of IC has become more complete and most of the foreign university libraries have already established Information Commons , of which practical mode is getting more and more mature .

  12. 相比较而言,国内高校信息共享空间的实践还处于起步发展阶段,发表的论文较多的是介绍国外建设IC的经验,系统化的理论研究较少。

    By contrast , Information Commons of domestic university libraries are still on the initial stage , and most of published papers only introduced the foreign experiences while systematic researches in this field are correspondingly very few .

  13. 随着计算机系统的互联,特别是通过Internet将各种计算机进行互联,大大拓展了信息资源共享空间和时间,提高了其利用率,同时也给计算机网络系统的安全性带来了前所未有的挑战。

    With the interconnecting of computer systems , especially connecting various computers together by Internet , it expands greatly shared space and time of information resource and raises its utilization ratio . At the same time , it brings challenge never existed before to safety of computer network system .

  14. 或者可以用数码相机记录下写字板纸/白板上的内容,照片可以上传到一个文件共享空间或传送到团队的wiki上。

    Or the team may choose to use a digital camera to record notes from flipcharts / whiteboards so the photos can be upload a shared file space or transcribed onto a team wiki .

  15. 以汽车设计为例,讨论了三维机械图形分解的思路和方法,提出了共享空间+Java3D和基于CORBA规范的对象共享分布式CAD计算模式。

    Taking the automobile design as an example , the train of thought and methodology of the resolution of 3D mechanical drawings were discussed . The " sharing space + Java 3d " and the object sharing distributive CAD computing mode based on CORBA standard were proposed .

  16. 迄今为止,蒙德曼已率先在荷兰的friesland规划了逾100个共享空间。

    Monderman has so far spearheaded more than 100 shared space schemes in the Dutch region of Friesland .

  17. 利用关系数据库(RDBMS)存储空间矢量数据和栅格数据,采用客户端缓存技术,提高对空间数据的访问速度,验证了客户端和服务器端以及客户端之间交互共享空间数据的基本模式。

    Using a relational database ( RDBMS ) storage spatial vector data and raster data , using the client cache , improve the technology of spatial data access speed , puts forward the client and the server and client interaction between the basic model of spatial data sharing .

  18. 我国研究型大学图书馆信息共享空间实证研究高校图书馆大型电子阅览室危机管理剖析

    Dissection of Large-scale Electronic Reading Room Crisis Management in University Libraries

  19. 图书馆信息共享空间构建与实施研究

    A Study on the Construction and Implement of Library Information Commons

  20. 大学城高校图书馆联盟条件下的信息共享空间研究

    The Research of Information Commons Based on University Town Library Consortia

  21. 创建大学信息共享空间是高校图书馆的发展潮流

    Building Information Commons Will Be the Developing Trend of University Libraries

  22. 天津滨海新区信息共享空间建设模型的构建

    On the Construction of IC Model of Tianjin Binhai New Area

  23. 关于大学图书馆设置情报共享空间的探析

    Analysis on Setting up the Information Sharing Space in University library

  24. 高校图书馆信息共享空间模型构建及策略研究

    Research on Academic Libraries ' Information Commons Model Construction and Strategies

  25. 高校图书馆;信息共享空间;实证分析。

    University library ; Information Commons ( IC ); Example analysis .

  26. 提出了一种共享空间旋转变换的声学建模方法。

    An acoustic modeling method called the tying State-Specified Rotation is proposed .

  27. 信息共享空间在中国的实践模式探讨

    Research on the Practice Model of Information Commons in China

  28. 基于信息共享空间理论视角的公共档案馆建设

    Construction of Public Archives Based on Information Sharing Space Theory

  29. 基于信息共享空间的高校图书馆信息资源建设

    Construction of Information Resources of Academic Libraries based on the Information Commons

  30. 泛在知识环境下数字图书馆知识共享空间的构建

    Construction on Library Knowledge Sharing Space in Ubiquitous Knowledge Environment