
  1. 虽然共享收入的方法仍在不断变化,但据一位了解讨论的人说,其中一个可能是允许出版商在每篇Facebook文章中,用自定格式显示一个广告。

    Although the revenue-sharing ideas are still in flux , one would allow publishers to show a single ad in a custom format within each Facebook article , according to one person with knowledge of the discussions .

  2. 布莱信可能会选择品牌合资经营模式,与对方共享收入。

    Sir Richard may opt for a branded joint-venture operation in which revenues are shared .

  3. 预算收入划分为中央预算收入、地方预算收入、中央和地方预算共享收入。

    The budgetary revenues are divided into the central budgetary revenues , the local budgetary revenues and the budgetary revenues shared by the central and local governments .

  4. 然而,他表示,在被谷歌收购后,我们获得的受众规模之大,已足以让我们有机会支持创新,通过与用户共享收入来鼓励创新。

    Since being taken over by Google , however , we are getting an audience large enough where we have an opportunity to support creativity , to foster creativity through sharing revenue with our users , he said .

  5. 球会老板们指出他们的提议将会使球队之间共享的收入增长两倍。

    The owners note that their proposal would triple the amount of money the League currently shares between teams .

  6. 支持信息共享的客票收入统计系统的研究

    Research on Income Statistic System supporting information sharing in TRS

  7. 据当地媒体报道,这些矿工已同意共享所有合约收入。在圣何塞,他们每月的收入仅为900美元多一点。

    The miners , earning just over $ 900 a month at San Jos é, have agreed among themselves to share the proceeds from any contracts , according to local media .

  8. 欧洲足球联赛没有NFL那样的收入共享机制,大多数收入都被几家顶级俱乐部据为己有。它们还会买下所有的球星,其他球队在人才和收入方面只有喝口汤的份儿。

    Without an NFL-style shared revenue system , most of the money flows to a few top teams , who buy all the star players and leave everyone else with the talent and revenue crumbs .

  9. 约28%的调查受访者目前经营着综合性多元精品模式,即一系列半独立的专业投资精品机构与中央“母舰”共享支持服务和收入。

    Some 28 per cent of respondents to the survey currently operate an integrated multi-boutique model , under which a series of semi-autonomous niche investment boutiques share support services and revenues with a central " mother ship " .

  10. 该公司共享视频的广告收入,让内容创作者有机会从中获利,不过广告费率很低——每1000次观看大约带来1美元到4美元,相当于美国费率的十分之一左右。

    YouTube shares the revenue from advertising around the clips , giving content creators a way to earn a bit of money , although ad rates are low - from about $ 1 to $ 4 per 1000 viewers reached , or roughly one-tenth the rate in the United States .