
  • Lance;Cathedral of Notre Dame Former Abbey of Saint Remi and Palace of Tau Reims
  1. 从这儿到巴黎坐火车一会儿就到,那里与兰斯的宁静平和相比却又是另一番景象。

    Paris is just a short train journey away , providing the perfect counterpoint to the peace and quiet of Reims .

  2. 最后,我最好的朋友兰斯问我:“伯克,你怎么不回答我们?你去哪了?”我告诉他们我一直沿着斜坡走,但却怎么也找不到顶楼,我觉得这有点诡异。我问他们为什么要问这个。

    Finally , my best friend , Lance , said , " Berk , why didn 't you answer us ? Where did you go ? " I answered that I just kept following the ramps but I could never find the top , which I found weird , why do you ask ?

  3. 一条道德的道路,一种抱负的时尚(b兰斯莫罗)

    A moral trajectory , a style of aspiration ( bLance Morrow )

  4. 康菲石油公司CEO赖安o兰斯的商务机特殊待遇支出为330869美元。

    ConocoPhillips CEO Ryan Lance 's jet perk cost $ 330869 .

  5. 这里是华盛顿NPR新闻,我是南茜·兰斯。

    From NPR News in Washington , I 'm Nancy Laince .

  6. 他为癌症病人创立了兰斯•阿姆斯特朗基金,还设计了一款黄色的Livestrong腕带。黄色代表环法自行车赛,而livestrong(坚强生活)则是他的座右铭。

    Armstrong created the Lance Armstrong Foundation for cancer patients , and designed a yellow Livestrong wristband , the yellow for the Tour de France and'live strong ' , his motto .

  7. 兰斯在2012年年中被任命为公司CEO之后,董事会出于安全考虑要求他私人出行时乘坐公司商务机,除非全球安全总监确认其他安排的风险可以接受。

    After Lance was made CEO in mid-2012 , the board required him to use corporate aircraft for personal travel for security reasons unless the Manager of Global Security determines that other arrangements represent an acceptable risk .

  8. 就餐的餐厅恰好也在宏伟的哥特式大教堂兰斯主教座堂(Notre-DamedeReims)附近,大多数的法国国王都是在这座教堂里加冕登基的。

    The restaurant also happens to be just around the corner from the magnificent Gothic cathedral of Notre-Dame-de-Reims , where most of the kings of France were coronated .

  9. 迪尔曼举了旅行杂志《Afar》为例,表示奢华型消费者更期望“深度游”。比如香槟公司VeuveCliquot在法国的兰斯有一家只有获得邀请才能入住的酒店,名叫L’HotelduMarc。

    Dillman pointed to Afar Magazine , saying that luxury consumers will look to " travel deeper . " For example , The champagne company VeuveCliquot runs an invitation-only hotel in Reims , France , L'Hotel du Marc .

  10. 如今,据房地产中介longandfoster的兰斯霍斯利(lancehorsley)介绍,虽然东部城区的整体状况远远好于城市中的其它地区,潜在购房者和投资者却变得更加谨慎。

    Now , although the eastern downtown area as a whole has fared better than others in the city , according to lance Horsley of real estate agency long and foster , prospective residents and investors are being more cautious .

  11. 故事情节的细节尚未公布,但是CBS已经透露《小谢尔顿》里的三位演员伊恩·阿米蒂奇,兰斯·巴伯以及蒙塔纳·乔丹将会客串即将播出的《生活大爆炸》第12季。

    No storyline details are being shared , but CBS has revealed that Young Sheldon 's Iain Armitage , Lance Barber and Montana Jordan will appear in an upcoming episode of mothership series The Big Bang Theory .

  12. 中也露出了他那胖胖的肚子。科林•法瑞尔(ColinFarrell)出席《龙虾》(TheLobster)的首映红毯时,看起来如往常一般衣冠楚楚,然而在剧中他却大腹便便。为了给荒诞主义者欧格斯•兰斯莫斯(YorgosLanthimos)

    When Colin Farrell strode the red carpet for the premiere of The Lobster , he looked his usual trim self - but in the film he is distinctly paunchy .

  13. 携带KRT71基因变异的狗往往是卷毛,爱尔兰斯班尼犬就是这样。

    A variant in the KRT71 gene produces curly coated dogs , such as the Irish water spaniel .

  14. 在兰斯,唯一不需要你提前预订的香槟酒窖游是泰亭哲(Taittinger)酒窖,这里收费合理,16.50欧元便可享受一个小时的英语观光。

    The only Champagne cellar tour in Reims where you don 't need an advance booking is Taittinger , which charges a very reasonable 16.50 euros for an hourlong English-language tour .

  15. 一些兰斯的调整,不过那是另外一码事了。

    A little lance adjustment , but that 's another story .

  16. 兰斯:「别著急,一会你就知道了。」

    Lance Clayton : Do not worry , you will know .

  17. 如果我选择联系兰斯警官呢

    and I decided to make a call to detective Lance ?

  18. 约什:真奇怪,为什么兰斯没有收到我的短信。

    Josh : I wonder why Lance didn 't get my text .

  19. 蒋和兰斯计划去唐人街观光。

    Jiang is planning a trip to Chinatown with lance .

  20. 你朋友兰斯最后还是送了你圣诞节礼物

    So your friend Lance gave you a Christmas present after all .

  21. 兰斯:骑士就应该这样对待自己的女人。

    Lance : It 's how a knight would treat his lady .

  22. 看看兰斯,笑得停不下来了。

    Look at lance ! Lance can 't stop laughing .

  23. 我叫兰斯,我喜欢核桃。

    My name is lance , and I like nuts .

  24. 又需要我帮什么吗,兰斯先生

    You come to ask for my help again , Mr. Lance ?

  25. 兰斯:让我来帮你拿那个盒子吧。

    Lance : Let me carry that box for you .

  26. 打扰一下,你知道兰斯-阿波邦在哪吗?

    Excuse me , you jnow where lance Applebaum is ?

  27. 兰斯:有,这个人是费伊-她及其聪明。

    Lance : Yes , it 's Fay-she 's one smart cookie .

  28. 兰斯探长,我知道你恨我的家人

    Detective Lance , I know you hate my family ,

  29. 是在另一个弓箭手扔下另一具尸体后,兰斯给你的

    So Lance gave in after the other archer dropped another body .

  30. 不要在吧台旁摆弄你的头发,兰斯。

    Don 't play with your hair at the bar , Lance .