- 名the six arts;the six classics

(1) [the classical six arts (propriety,music,archery,riding,writing,arithematic)]∶儒家所谓的礼(礼仪)、乐(音乐)、射(射箭)、御(驾车)、书(识字)、数(计算)等六种才艺
(2) [various Confucian classics]∶古代称《诗》、《书》、《礼》、《乐》、《易》和《春秋》六种经书。也泛指各种经书
(3) [six styles of calligraphy in ancient China]∶王莽时六种字体。即古文(战国时通行于六国的文字)、奇字、篆书、左书、缪篆、鸟虫书
Not As the Six Arts Yet Superior to Them & About the Academic Relationship Between Records of the Historian and Analects
He taught thousands of students during his lifetime , focusing on what he termed the Six Arts ; these include music , archery , mathematics , ritual , chariot-riding and calligraphy .
Ma Yifu 's Theory of LiuYi and His Poetics
View on Confucius ' Instructing Activities from His Ji yu · Liu Yi
MA Yi-fu 's Yi studies from the vision of the " Six Classics "
Calligraphy by six at the end of the art for calligraphers detached self expression and self cultivation .
On the influence of The Six Classics collated by Confucius on Records of the Historians by Si Ma-qian
Educational content includes : " Six Classics " study 、 physical education 、 practice technical education and labour education .
Description : According to Confucius in ancient China , six skills were basic requirements for an educated person to master .
In educational content , Mo Zi made certain breakthroughs in educational thoughts of Confucian school , which displayed his unusual creativity .
Music education is an important part of the education of'six arts'in the Confucian school and also an important method to carry out the moral education .
Ma Yifu 's thoughts include two focal points that are the theory of LiuYi and the poetics , and the latter is the component of the former .
On the other hand , classification by Six Arts shows his views of culture history and indicates his grand insight and value judge for past civilization production .
Ma Yifu 's " Theory of Six Classics and Mind " and the Philosophical Connotations of Confucian Classics : From " Classic Hermeneutics " to " Ontological Hermeneutics "
Modenistic humanities have their corresponding classical patterns , typical of the " seven arts " in ancient Rome and the " six arts " in the Pre Qin times .
Shooting as one of LiuYi education content in Shang and Zhou dynasties , It had been exerted an important effect for cultivating both civil and military personnel of ancient China .
In addition , the development of literature works of calligraphy collection is probed in longitudinal discussion , in order to highlight the academic status of Liu Yi Zhi Yi Lu from perspective of history .
" Six Arts ", various schools of Masters , the poetry and so on , edited and corrected by Liu Xiang and his son Liu Xin , are lucid in writing and elaborate in thoughts .
Physical education in Six Arts was supposed to develop students ' military skills to help forming their ethics thoughts , while recreation sport aimed to satisfy teachers ' and students ' needs for amusement , leisure , and body-building .
Confucius used Hexateuch and Six skills as textbooks to teach students in teaching activities , so , this pattern of teaching not only enable students received the edification of culture and arts , but also get the teaching and practice of primary science and technology .