
  • 网络sixty seven;Sixty-seven
  1. 六十七:我是否是肥胖的?

    Sixty seven : Am I fat ?

  2. 她知道她已六十七岁,并且接受这一现实。但是她无法想象罗伯特。金凯已经七十五岁。

    She knew she was sixty-seven and accepted it , but she could not imagine Robert Kincaid being nearly seventy-five .

  3. 第六十七条县级以上人民政府土地行政主管部门履行监督检查职责时,有权采取下列措施:

    Article 67 In performing their supervising and examination duties , the land administrative departments of the people 's governments at and above the county level have the right to adopt the following measures :

  4. 最近,这位自我提高领域的大师(他已经六十七岁),推出了他在近20年来出版的首部重要作品《金钱:掌控游戏》(Money:MastertheGame)【西蒙与舒斯特出版公司(Simon&Schuster),11月18日】。

    Now the giant of the self-improvement genre - literally , he 's six-seven - is rousing people to conquer their finances with his first major book in two decades : Money : Master the Game ( Simon & Schuster , Nov. 18 ) .

  5. 统一合同法第六十七条研究

    Studies of Clause 67 of China 's Uniform Contract Law

  6. 第六十七条国家鼓励开展教育对外交流与合作。

    Article 67 The State encourages foreign exchange and cooperation in education .

  7. 佛教是在公元六十七年传入中国的。

    Buddhism was introduced into China about A. D. 67 .

  8. 赫鲁是一位六十七岁的墨西哥商人。

    Carlos Slim Hel ú is a67-year-old Mexican businessman .

  9. 防止并清除海洋油污法一九七一年第六十七。

    Prevention and combating of pollution of the sea by oil act , NO.67 of1972 .

  10. 弗朗西丝卡在六十七岁生日时坐在窗口望着秋雨细细回味。

    Sitting by the window on her sixty-seventh birthday , Francesca watched the rain and remembered .

  11. 他们今年还是不能回家来跟她过生日,虽然这已是她六十七岁生日了。

    Neither of them could make it home again this year for her birthday , though it was her sixty-seventh .

  12. 晚上他发现自己来到了主大道和六十七街的路口,在那里转了一会儿,最后转身朝着波威里街走去。

    At evening he found himself at the Boulevard and Sixty-seventh Street , where he finally turned his face Bowery-ward .

  13. 我祖父固然是在风华正茂之年就弃世了,当时他只有六十七岁。

    My grandfather , it is true , was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-seven .

  14. 第六十七条禁止证券交易内幕信息的知情人员利用内幕信息进行证券交易活动。

    Article 67 . Security exchange personnel with inside information are not allowed to engage in securities trading activities using inside information .

  15. 我和儿子马修乘飞机去亚利桑那看望父亲,六十七岁的父亲调好吉他给孙子弹奏。

    My son Matthew and I had flown to Arizona for a visit , and his67-year-old grandfather was tuning up his guitar to play for the boy .

  16. 第六十七条涉外仲裁委员会可以从具有法律、经济贸易、科学技术等专门知识的外籍人士中聘任仲裁员。

    Article 67 A foreign arbitration commission may appoint foreigners with professional knowledge in such fields as law , economic and trade , science and technology as arbitrators .

  17. 他因骑马巡游他的农场得了重感冒于1799年12月14日病逝,享年六十七岁。

    Journey made by a sovereign or ruler He died at 67 , December 14 , 1799 , having contracted a severe cold while riding about his estate .

  18. 第六十七条犯罪以后自动投案,如实供述自己的罪行的,是自首。

    Article 67 Voluntary surrender refers to the act of voluntarily delivering oneself up to justice and truthfully confessing one 's crime after one has committed the crime .

  19. 其馀百姓所捐的金子,二万达利克,银子二千弥拿,祭司的礼服六十七件。

    And that which the rest of the people gave was twenty thousand drams of gold , and two thousand pound of silver , and threescore and seven priests'garments .

  20. 我可以告诉你国王们的一切关于那些国王你要知道的事情是…过去的六十七年里我所了解

    Oh , I can tell you all there is to know about kings . The thing you need to understand about kings is . For the past 67 years , i 've known .

  21. 将于2014年在第六十七届世界卫生大会上审查天花病毒的研究现状,并将根据审查结果,讨论和确定销毁剩余的天花病毒储存的日期。

    The state of variola virus research will be reviewed at the67th World Health Assembly in2014 and in light of that , determining a date for destruction of the remaining virus stocks will be discussed .

  22. 百分之六十七的同学在记忆单词的过程中有意识地或无意识地应用元认知策略和百分之五十七的学生应用认知策略,而55%的同学几乎都不用交际策略学习英语词汇。

    67 percent of the students and 57 percent of the students consciously or unconsciously learn vocabulary by Metacognitive Strategy and Cognitive Strategy respectively . 60 percent of the students hardly study English vocabulary by Communicative Strategy .

  23. 第六十七区秋季大会晚会已经落幕,我们成功地跨出舒适领域、学习如何爱在深秋、一同成长一同欢笑。

    The curtains of D67 Fall Convention dinner show has fallen . We 've stepped out of the comfort zone , we 've learned Love in Fall from each other , we 've grown together , but we won 't stop there .

  24. 第六十七条代理人知道被委托代理的事项违法仍然进行代理活动的,或者被代理人知道代理人的代理行为违法不表示反对的,由被代理人和代理人负连带责任。

    Article 67 If an agent is aware that the matters entrusted are illegal but still carries them out , or if a principal is aware that his agent 's acts are illegal but fails to object to them , the principal and the agent shall be held jointly liable .