
  • 网络Highway Construction;Road construction
  1. 基于AHP和DEA方法的公路建设项目评价

    An Evaluation of Road Construction Project Based on AHP and DEA

  2. 本文详细论述了民营资本投资公路建设的四种方式:TOT、BOT、BT、PPP。

    This article deals with four ways of private capital investment in road construction : TOT , BOT , BT and PPP .

  3. GIS在公路建设施工监理管理系统中的应用

    Application of GIS in Highway Construction Supervision Management System

  4. 而将GIS技术应用于我国的公路建设和管理中,是推进公路建设和管理现代化、信息化的重要手段之一。

    Applying GIS to the construction and maintenance of roads as well as traffic management is one of the important means to modernize them .

  5. 内资BOT公路建设项目投资决策评价模型研究

    Study on the Investment Decision-making and Economic Evaluation Based on China Inner Financed BOT of Highway Project

  6. 随着公路建设的发展,建设完善的隧道机电控制系统,实现利用现代控制系统管理高速公路是公路建设自动化的一个重要课题。本文介绍了SiemensS7300/400PLC在公路隧道控制工程中的应用。

    The paper introduces an application of SIEMENS S7 300 / 400 PLC to a control system of highway tunnel .

  7. 本文用弹性预测法,解决了在公路建设项目可行性研究中,如何确定社会经济发展同公路运输需求的关系问题,并编制了BASIC程序,使计算机工作简便、顺捷。

    This paper shows how to apply the elastic forecast method to solve the problem of relationship between social economic growth and highway transportation demand in highway project feasibility study , and compiles a program in BASIC language in order to calculate easily .

  8. 非公有资本以BOT、受让收费权等方式直接进入公路建设领域对于促进我国公路交通持续快速发展有着重要意义。

    The non-publicly-owned capital takes part in the construction of the road through BOT or TOT , which can promote the highway traffic sustainable and rapid development .

  9. 针对公路建设项目综合评价权重确定的一般方法(AHP)计算量大,主观性强的缺点,提出了一种改进的AHP算法。

    In order to overcome the large computing and subjectivity of analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ), this paper put forward a new method of weight value determination in the comprehensive evaluation of highway construction .

  10. 公路建设管理体制改革是建立社会主义市场经济体制的需要,是适应加入WTO的要求,是满足国民经济和社会发展的需要,也是中国公路建设事业持续快速健康发展的需要。

    The reform of highway construction management system is the requirements of establish the socialist market system and entering the WTO . Besides , it is essential to the development of highway construction and promoting the national economy and social development .

  11. 本论文首先阐述了项目管理的理论和项目进度管理的理论与方法,随后对w公路建设项目进度管理现状进行了详细的介绍。

    This paper begins by describing the theory of project management and project schedule management theories and methods , then pairs of W Highway Construction Project Schedule Management carried out a detailed introduction to the status quo .

  12. 陕西省公路建设项目采用TOT-BOT项目融资方式的风险研究

    The Risk Research on Shaanxi Road Construction Project Adopted the Model of Project Financing TOT-BOT

  13. 伴随着科学技术信息化的发展,传统的养护管理水平已不能适应公路建设发展的需求了,因此,将地理信息系统(GIS)引入到边坡养护管理中是大势所趋。

    By the informational development of science and technology , the traditional management for the slope conservation can not fit in the growing demands of the highway construction ; therefore , introducing the geographic information system ( GIS ) into the slope conservation management is the latest trend .

  14. 在建立公路建设与国民经济发展适应性评价模型的过程中,提出了带有偏好约束锥的DEA综合评价方法。最后,以陕西省咸阳市为例,进行实证分析。

    In the establishment of highway construction and economic development evaluation model adaptive process , made a binding preference cone method of comprehensive evaluation of the DEA . Finally , Xianyang City , Shaanxi Province as an example , empirical analysis .

  15. 再次,根据公路建设BOT项目的基本运作程序,结合的BOT项目特点总结出了成功关键因素,再从政府,银行,投资方三方出发,从关键因素中找出各自关注的焦点问题。

    Thirdly , according to the basic operation procedure of highway construction BOT project and the characteristic of BOT project , the paper summarizes the key factor , then considering three sides of the government , the bank and the investor , find out focus question from the key factor .

  16. 我国公路建设项目生态保护与恢复对策

    Countermeasures for eco-conservation and restoration of highway construction project in China

  17. 计算机网络信息技术在公路建设项目管理中的应用

    Application of Computer Network Information Technology to Highway Construction Project Management

  18. 公路建设对野生动物的影响与保护措施

    Influence of Highway Construction on Wild Animal and the Protection Measures

  19. 公路建设计算机辅助测量系统及其应用

    Computer Aided Design Survey System for Highway Construction and Its Application

  20. 公路建设项目工程决算编制与加强和规范造价管理

    Making Final Accounts and Improving Cost Management for Highway Construction Project

  21. 公路建设项目承包商的风险管理探讨

    Discussion on the Project Risk Management of Contractor in Highway Construction

  22. 谈生态绿化防护工程在公路建设中的实施

    The Study on Implement of Ecological Protection Engineering to Highway Construction

  23. 浅谈山西公路建设中的工程机械配置

    Simple talk about the machinery equipment in highway construction of Shanxi

  24. 草炭土工程特性在公路建设中应用的研究

    Research on the Project Characteristics of Turfy Soil in Highway Construction

  25. 公路建设作为国家基础设施建设发展迅速。

    Highway construction as national basic facilities construction developes quickly .

  26. 公路建设经济影响的动力学研究

    Dynamic study on measurement of economic influence of highway construction

  27. 公路建设施工招标中造价控制分析

    Analysis on Cost Control in Public Bidding of Highway Construction

  28. 公路建设中对环境有害影响控制的对策

    Control Measures for Harmful Environmental Impact Factors in Highway Construction

  29. 建立公路建设项目环境管理体系是加强公路环保工作的迫切需求。

    It 's very imminence to build a management system .

  30. 工程中债务链问题一直是制约我国公路建设健康发展的重要问题。

    Debt chain is an important problem that seriously affects highway construction .