
  • 网络citizen supervision
  1. 建立公民监督制度;

    To build citizen supervision system ;

  2. 但现行公民监督机制还存在诸多不足,严重影响了公民监督的实际实效,必须加以改革与完善。

    However , the current citizen supervision system still has deficiencies , and that affect greatly in the actual results of citizen supervision .

  3. 第三,发挥体制外公民监督的约束力量。

    Third , develops the monitoring power of citizens outside the system .

  4. 迄今为止,对公民监督问题的研究已取得了较大进展。

    So far , the research has obtained big progress .

  5. 真实、高效的公民监督会对职务犯罪活动发挥巨大的遏制作用。

    It is well known that Constructive and highly effective citizen surveillance surely controls official crime activity .

  6. 浅析法治社会建构中公民监督权的完善

    Brief Analysis on the Perfection of Citizen Rights of Supervisory in Construction the Society Ruled by the Law

  7. 笔者认为,我国公民监督不断完善的根本出路在于使其制度化、法律化。

    This paper holds that it is essential for citizens'supervision to go on a systematic and lawful way .

  8. 而公民监督权力的运行也必须依照最高效力的规范。

    And the citizen of the supervisory authority must , in accordance with the highest operation also the effect of the standard .

  9. 同时,政府成本意识的强化和公民监督意识的加强;

    At the same time , the government 's sense of cost and the citizens ' sense of supervision is also strengthened .

  10. 这种功能主要表现在促进政策制定科学化、提高政策合法性以及促进公民监督的过程中。

    The function is mainly reflected in the process of facilitating scientific formulation of public policies , improving valid public policies and boosting citizens ' supervision .

  11. 目前,公民监督已取得了一定的成就.但公民监督的作用远没有得到发挥。

    At present , citizen 's supervision has already made certain achievement , but the function of citizen 's supervision has not been given its play enough .

  12. 其根本原因在于财政所有者公民监督的缺位,本应扮演监督者的民众被排除在财政监督之外。

    Its root cause lies in finance owner absence of citizen oversight , this should play the people to be excluded from the financial supervision of regulators .

  13. 党的纪律检查委员会、国家行政监察体制、听证制度的确立使公民监督权利行使有了制度保障。

    The establishment of the Discipline Committee of CPC , the National Administrative Supervision System and the Hearing System help the people to implement supervision right at institutional level .

  14. 从当前我国公民监督权存在现状着手,从理论上溯源,从实践上找出缺失,试图给出思考路径。

    This essay tries to trace back in theory and find out shortcomings in practice to give an analysis with the present situation of citizen supervisory authority in consideration .

  15. 权力监督机制的建设是依法治国中的重要方面,而公民监督渠道的畅通又成为权力监督中一个尤为重要的组成部分。

    Power supervision mechanism of construction are important aspects of governing the country according to law , citizen monitoring channels free has become a particularly important part of the authority .

  16. 不论是学界还是政界,不论出于理论建设还是制度构建的需要,公民监督权这一概念在中国大地上逐渐萌发并深入人心。

    Whether dissemination or political , or system building of the theory of needs , and voted the concept of citizens in china the ground gradually germination and grown stronger .

  17. 随着政府成本意识的强化和公民监督意识的加强,致力于建立以绩效为导向的公共管理体制已经势在必行。

    As the government pay more attention on cost and public pay more attention on monitoring government , it is very necessary to set up a public administration system oriented by performance .

  18. 行政执法中的公民监督是指公民依照一定的程序,对执法机关及执法人员行政执法活动进行的监察、督导、纠正等活动。

    Citizen supervision in administrative law enforcement is a social activity that citizens supervise advice and correct the law enforcement agency and law enforcement officer in their administrative law enforcing obey the specific legal procedures .

  19. 最后,针对根本性问题,着重从制约当前行政执法中公民监督的重要因素入手,对实现我国行政执法中公民监督的路径提出对策和建议。

    Finally , aiming at fundamental issues , to give advice and suggestions of realizing citizen supervision in the administrative law enforcement by finding out the restrict factors in citizen supervision in the administrative law enforcement in our country .

  20. 完善公民监督,应当加大普法宣传的力度,强化对公民监督的法律保障,完善公民监督的有效途径,实行政务活动公开化,完善听证制度。

    Perfecting citizen 's supervision should increase the law popularization , strengthen the legal guarantee of citizen 's supervision , perfect the effective way of citizen 's supervision , make the government 's activity open , perfect the public hearing .

  21. 对于舆论监督主体的多元化,应当更为广泛地授权司法机关对新闻媒体采取诉讼强制措施,同时,应当要求司法机关对公民监督以及学者监督采取必要的容忍态度。

    For the diversification of the main public opinion , the court should be more broadly authorized to take judicial action against the news media . At the same time , the judicial authority should take necessary tolerance to ordinary citizens and academics .

  22. 第三节分析公民预算监督权的法律保障问题。

    Section 3 analyzes the problem of protecting citizens ' rights to supervise in budget execution .

  23. 警察执行职务要接受社会和公民的监督;

    The police , while performing their duties , must accept the supervision of society and its citizens ;

  24. 行政决策关乎民生根本,是亟需公民参与监督的行政行为。

    Administrative decision-making related to the basic livelihood of the people , is in dire need of citizens ' supervision .

  25. 在本文中,首先对我国公民网络监督公务员机制的基本内涵和理论来源进行了阐释。

    First , the discourse explains the basic connotation and theoretical origin of the Mechanism of citizen-network-supervision on civil servant .

  26. 只有这样,才能够趋利避害,确保互联网环境下公民法律监督的健康、有序发展。

    Only in this way will be able to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages , ensuring that citizens under the Internet environment healthy , orderly development of legal supervision .

  27. 笔者认为,对于授权立法的监督控制措施主要有加强立法监督、加强司法监督、增进公民法律监督等等。

    I think that the main measures to supervise the Delegated legislation are to strengthen the legislative and judiciary supervision , to promote the citizen 's supervision and so on .

  28. 国家权力的运行需要制约和监督,因而对公民舆论监督权的保障便成为当下中国向法治社会艰难转型的主要价值目标。

    The operation of state power needs supervision and restriction , therefore , protecting the right of consensus supervision becomes our mainly value target during the transformation to the rule of law .

  29. 从其现实意义来看,第三方调查强化了公民的监督权利,使得政府调查与公众调查形成了既相互制约又相互促进的双赢效果。

    Its real sense , " The Third-party investigation " to strengthen the supervision of the rights of citizens , making government investigation and public surveys formed to promote both mutual restraint , mutual win-win results .

  30. 82年宪法对公民的监督权利进行了充分的确认,成为后来我国确立行政诉讼制度、国家赔偿制度、违宪违法审查建议权的宪法依据。

    In the Constitution of 1982 , supervision right was fully confirmed , according to which the systems of administrative suit , state compensation and the right to propose the motion of examining the constitutionality or legality were set up .