
ɡōnɡ mín yì wù
  • civil obligations;civil duties
  1. 宪法规范必须以控制权力和保障权利为宗旨,合理安排好国家权力与公民权利、公民权利与公民义务和国家权力与国家权力之间的价值关系。

    The constitutional norms must hold the function of power control and rights protection as the tenet , and harmonize the valuable relations between national powers and civil rights , civil rights and civil obligations , national powers each other .

  2. 保证公民义务不可剥夺的合法权益

    Ensure the inviolability of the citizens ' legitimate rights and interests

  3. 这就是公司社会责任或公司公民义务背后的逻辑依据。

    This is the rationale behind corporate social responsibility or corporate citizenship .

  4. 公民义务?你以为你跑得掉?

    Civic duty ? And you think you 're gonna get away with this ?

  5. 没错那是公民义务不是吗?

    That 's right , it 's my civic duty , isn 't it ?

  6. 萨拉克斯是一名会计师,他说,这是公民义务的问题。

    Andrejs Salaks , an accountant , says it is a question of civic duty .

  7. 今天已经尽过公民义务了。

    Already did my civic service today .

  8. 但詹姆斯没有在一夜之间想出公民义务和社会责任之类的新词。

    But James didn 't develop his new vocabulary of civic obligation and social responsibility overnight .

  9. 延边州公民义务教育阶段受教育权保障

    Assurance of Citizens ' Right to Education in Compulsory Education Period in Yanbian Korean Nationality Autonomous Prefecture

  10. 自治所固有的特权和自由,是与公民义务及责任相辅相成的。

    The privileges and freedoms inherent in self-government are balanced by the duties and responsibilities of citizenship .

  11. 为了履行公民义务,这种需要不仅是全国范围的,而且是全球的。

    To fulfill this urgent obligation , the perspective needed is not only national , but also global .

  12. 在宪法方面,劳动教养制度的宪法依据是关于公民义务的规范。

    In the Constitution , the constitutional re-education through labor system is based on the norms of civic duty .

  13. 我们重视爱国精神和公民义务,职责感和为国献身的精神。

    We value patriotism and the obligations of citizenship , a sense of duty and sacrifice on behalf of our nation .

  14. 青少年公民义务意识是现代公民素质的主要组成部门,是公民教育的核心内容。

    Sense of civic responsibility is an important part of citizens'qualities in modern citizenship , and is the core of civic education .

  15. 法律在规定公民义务的同时,也赋予了公民诸多权利,其中包括人格权之一的隐私权。

    Provisions of civil law obligations , but also gives many rights of citizens , including one of the privacy rights of personality .

  16. 库克曾把隐私称为一种公民义务,在上周二写给苹果用户的信中,他也用了这种说法。

    Mr. Cook , who has called privacy a civic duty , said as much in a letter to Apple customers on Tuesday .

  17. 父母可以花更多的时间陪伴孩子和其它家属,也有更多机会履行公民义务,参与慈善活动。

    Parents could spend more time with their children or other dependents and there would be more opportunity to get involved with civic duties or charity work .

  18. 摩羯座统治在职业化、领导、目标和志向、成功、公民义务、公开公认和收入我们的同辈尊敬。

    Capricorn rules over professionalism , leadership , goals and aspirations , success , civic duty , public recognition , and earning the respect of our peers .

  19. 最近的理论家认为投票履行了公民义务,会带来一种“精神福利”(也被称为幸福感)。

    More recent theorists have suggested that voting confers the " psychic benefits " ( also known as a feeling of well-being ) of performing a civic duty .

  20. 与公社或自由市场不同,无政府军事主义希望人们脱离国家与公民义务,而拿起武装,参与部落军队,然后战斗。

    Instead of communes or the free market , anarcho-militarism suggests that people will be free of nations and citizenship , instead taking up arms and join tribal militaries and will fight .

  21. 研究者将基因与环境对于受访者承担公民义务、享受福利等方面表现的影响划分成了10等分。

    Researchers looked at the effects of both the genes and the environment in the volunteers who had their scales of civic , work and welfare obligation measured on a scale of zero to ten .

  22. 《人口法》体现了现代法制从强调公民义务本位转变到权利本位,强调重视人的独立人格和尊严。

    《 opulation law 》 has given expression to the modern legal system which has laid stress on the duties of citizens , and which has attached importance to the human independent personality and human dignity .

  23. 虽然兵役在韩国可能不受欢迎,但公众期待所有男性履行自己的公民义务,严厉批评那些不履行义务的人(女性不必服兵役)。

    Although military service may be unpopular in South Korea , the public expects all men to fulfill their civic duty and harshly judges those who do not . ( Women are not required to serve . )

  24. 志愿精神的兴起被视为中国社会的一个分水岭,长期以来个人成就以及财富积累成了人们追逐的目标,而公民义务和社会责任没有得到应有的重视。

    The explosion of volunteerism was hailed as a watershed moment for civil society in China , a country where civic duty and social responsibility have long taken a back seat to personal achievement and the accumulation of wealth .

  25. 现代的责任行政具有以下的基本特征:在人民与政府的关系上,从过去的公民义务本位和政府权力本位转向现代的公民权利本位和政府责任本位;

    The modern responsible administration has the following essential features . As far as the relationship between the people and the government is concerned , it has shifted from the previous orientations of citizens ' duties and government power to modern orientations of citizens ' power and government responsibility .

  26. 今年4月,他们将开始每周抽奖,每年将送出60辆顶级汽车,以奖励那些履行公民义务向咖啡厅、餐厅、汽车维修车厂等企业索要含有其个人税收号码的发票的消费者。

    In April , they will begin holding weekly lotteries in which 60 top-range cars a year will be offered as prizes to consumers who do their civic duty by asking caf é s , restaurants , car mechanics and other businesses for receipts that include their personal tax number .

  27. 他在声明中说,如果这项提议通过公决,那么每年将增加60亿瑞士法郎(约合65.2亿美元)的人力成本,但投票结果“清楚地表明,人们不仅关注个人自由,同时也愿意承担公民义务”。

    The referendum , he said in a statement , could have added 6 billion francs ( $ 6.52 billion ) a year in labor costs to the Swiss economy , but the vote " clearly shows that the population continues to focus on individual freedom and responsibility of citizens . "

  28. 今年4月,他们将开始每周抽奖,每年将送出60辆“顶级汽车”,以奖励那些履行公民义务——向咖啡厅、餐厅、汽车维修车厂等企业索要含有其个人税收号码的发票——的消费者。

    In April , they will begin holding weekly lotteries in which 60 " top-range cars " a year will be offered as prizes to consumers who do their civic duty by asking caf é s , restaurants , car mechanics and other businesses for receipts that include their personal tax number .

  29. 依照法律服兵役是每个公民的义务。

    It is the obligation of citizens to perform military service .

  30. 政府规定公民有义务自愿捐赠器官。

    Governments place the onus on their citizens to volunteer organs .