- civil obligations;civil duties

The constitutional norms must hold the function of power control and rights protection as the tenet , and harmonize the valuable relations between national powers and civil rights , civil rights and civil obligations , national powers each other .
Ensure the inviolability of the citizens ' legitimate rights and interests
This is the rationale behind corporate social responsibility or corporate citizenship .
Civic duty ? And you think you 're gonna get away with this ?
That 's right , it 's my civic duty , isn 't it ?
Andrejs Salaks , an accountant , says it is a question of civic duty .
Already did my civic service today .
But James didn 't develop his new vocabulary of civic obligation and social responsibility overnight .
Assurance of Citizens ' Right to Education in Compulsory Education Period in Yanbian Korean Nationality Autonomous Prefecture
The privileges and freedoms inherent in self-government are balanced by the duties and responsibilities of citizenship .
To fulfill this urgent obligation , the perspective needed is not only national , but also global .
In the Constitution , the constitutional re-education through labor system is based on the norms of civic duty .
We value patriotism and the obligations of citizenship , a sense of duty and sacrifice on behalf of our nation .
Sense of civic responsibility is an important part of citizens'qualities in modern citizenship , and is the core of civic education .
Provisions of civil law obligations , but also gives many rights of citizens , including one of the privacy rights of personality .
Mr. Cook , who has called privacy a civic duty , said as much in a letter to Apple customers on Tuesday .
Parents could spend more time with their children or other dependents and there would be more opportunity to get involved with civic duties or charity work .
Capricorn rules over professionalism , leadership , goals and aspirations , success , civic duty , public recognition , and earning the respect of our peers .
More recent theorists have suggested that voting confers the " psychic benefits " ( also known as a feeling of well-being ) of performing a civic duty .
Instead of communes or the free market , anarcho-militarism suggests that people will be free of nations and citizenship , instead taking up arms and join tribal militaries and will fight .
Researchers looked at the effects of both the genes and the environment in the volunteers who had their scales of civic , work and welfare obligation measured on a scale of zero to ten .
《 opulation law 》 has given expression to the modern legal system which has laid stress on the duties of citizens , and which has attached importance to the human independent personality and human dignity .
Although military service may be unpopular in South Korea , the public expects all men to fulfill their civic duty and harshly judges those who do not . ( Women are not required to serve . )
The explosion of volunteerism was hailed as a watershed moment for civil society in China , a country where civic duty and social responsibility have long taken a back seat to personal achievement and the accumulation of wealth .
The modern responsible administration has the following essential features . As far as the relationship between the people and the government is concerned , it has shifted from the previous orientations of citizens ' duties and government power to modern orientations of citizens ' power and government responsibility .
In April , they will begin holding weekly lotteries in which 60 top-range cars a year will be offered as prizes to consumers who do their civic duty by asking caf é s , restaurants , car mechanics and other businesses for receipts that include their personal tax number .
The referendum , he said in a statement , could have added 6 billion francs ( $ 6.52 billion ) a year in labor costs to the Swiss economy , but the vote " clearly shows that the population continues to focus on individual freedom and responsibility of citizens . "
In April , they will begin holding weekly lotteries in which 60 " top-range cars " a year will be offered as prizes to consumers who do their civic duty by asking caf é s , restaurants , car mechanics and other businesses for receipts that include their personal tax number .
It is the obligation of citizens to perform military service .
Governments place the onus on their citizens to volunteer organs .