- common ratio

" Ratio " refers to the common ratio of the sequence of numbers A2 , B2 .
Being or denoting a numerical order in a series . " Ratio " refers to the common ratio of the sequence of numbers A2 , B2 .
So he asked his concubine : " Look , who is more handsome , Xu Gong or I ? "
One morning , he tidied his clothes and hat , looked into the mirror , and asked his wife : " Look , who is more handsome , Xu Gong living in the north of the city or I ? "
Basket closer designed and made by oneself compared with imported 8 / 1250 basket closer , the lay pitch ratio shrunk . The wire rope diameter scope is 18.5 ~ 65 ?
To do injustice is more disgraceful than to suffer it .
The Design for Spindle Head Stock Drive Series of Multiple-Ratio
On the Common Ratio Curve for Calculation of the Rotor-Resistance of Multi-Rope Friction Winder
An enquiry into the design rule of the variable speed system of symmetric mixed common ratio
The common ratio varies with the effective length and the total input photon fluxes and the Raman gain coefficient of the channel separation .
This paper analyzes how the relative errors of output speeds influences the steps of a geometrically stepped speed range and offers a suggestion on the permissible limits of the errors .
Firstly , combing the theory of government , civil society , civic culture theory and other related concepts , put forward transition of ethical region government responsibility and the transformation of government ability .
According to the maximum effective dosage , the maximum lethal dosage and the common ratio obtained from preliminary test group determined dosage of Propafenone for abdominal cavity injection , control group was injected with normal saline .
The determination of the number of the pair of gears was discussed in basic group and transmission ratio exponent of the first extended group in the variable speed system with asymmetrical mixed common ratio , and the design rule was given .