
  • 网络corporate autonomy;company autonomy
  1. 司法介入公司自治与公司法解释的政策尺度

    Judicial Intervention in Company Autonomy and Policy Measures in the Interpretation of Company Act

  2. 论公司自治的实质

    On t h e Substance of Company Autonomy

  3. 经营判断法则新议&公司自治与法院自制的妥协解

    Restudy of Business Judgment Rule : Compromise of Corporate Autonomy and Court Restriction

  4. 公司自治的局限是国家对公司内部事务进行干预的正当性基础。

    The limit of the corporate autonomy justifies the state intervention as necessary .

  5. 独立董事制度具有国家强制和公司自治范畴的双重属性。

    Independent directors system have double attributes of country power and company self-rule .

  6. 法律干预公司自治的合理途径

    The Reasonable Way of Legislation Intervention in Corporation Self-governance

  7. 公司自治但不能完全自洽,公司自治也是有限度的。

    Corporate autonomy but not full self-consistent , the company is limited autonomy .

  8. 首先,是对公司自治思想渊源的介述。

    It first describes the origin of corporate autonomy .

  9. 公司自治的实质是现代市场经济条件下有争议的问题,也是我国理论上和实践中需要澄清的问题。

    The substance of company autonomy is a contentious problem in theory and practice .

  10. 论公司自治与公司章程、公司法三者的关系

    Study on the Relationship among Company Autonomy , the Articles-of-association and the Company Law

  11. 为此,本章对公司自治的思想渊源进行了历史的回顾与理论的解答。

    This chapter looks backward to examine the origin of the thinking of corporate autonomy .

  12. 论公司自治及其限制

    A Study on Company Autonomy and Restriction

  13. 二是落实公司自治理念,完善公司治理结构,健全公司内部监督机制;

    Second , carry out autonomy in company , perfect company administration and complete internal supervision mechanism ;

  14. 论公司自治与国家干预在公司章程中的和谐共存

    On the Harmonious Co-existence of Company Self-management and State Intervention in a Company 's Articles of Association

  15. 首先对公司自治的定义进行了界定,从传统和现代、我国和西方比较论述。

    First , he defines the corporate autonomy by comparing traditional with modern and china with the west .

  16. 公司自治的表现形式

    Manifestations of Corporation Autonomy

  17. 故而要形成有效的独立董事制度,需要适当的国家强制与积极的公司自治的配合。

    For forming the effective independent directors system , proper country force and active company self-rule is needed .

  18. 应然边界是一种理想边界,是司法权介入公司自治的根本目标和根本原则。

    The ideal boundary is to study the fundamental objective of judicial intervention into corporate autonomy and fundamental principles .

  19. 本章主要探讨司法权介入公司自治有限性的合理把握的问题,从应然边界和实然边界两个角度进行了分析。

    This chapter focuses on a limited judicial power involved in the company of a reasonable grasp of autonomy .

  20. 因此,为保证公司自治,必须对公司法作相应修改。

    Therefore in order to acquire the autonomy of corporation , the corporation law of our country wants according amendments .

  21. 但是股利分配毕竟属于公司自治范畴,司法干预需要一定的理论支撑和条件限制。

    However , dividend distribution is a company self-government matter , judicial intervention requires certain theoretical supports and conditions allow .

  22. 公司自治是私法自治的具体表现,也是现在经济社会发展所需要的。

    Corporate autonomy is a concrete expression of autonomy of private law and is needed by economic and social development .

  23. 鉴于公司自治是一个争议颇大的概念,其内涵与外延在不同学者的心中大相径庭。

    Because corporate autonomy is a quite arguable concept ; different scholars has very different explanations for its intension and extension .

  24. 非讼程序的特性决定了司法权积极介入公司自治,保障公司治理的顺畅。

    Characteristics of non-litigation procedure determine the active involvement of corporate autonomy of judicial power to protect the corporate governance smoothly .

  25. 公司自治是进行公司治理的主要方式,也是现代公司法所彰显的价值倾向。

    Company autonomy is the main way for the corporate governance and a tendency to highlight the value of modern company law .

  26. 我国公司自治发展的历史不长,其主要依据是现行的公司法。

    The history of the company autonomy in our country is not long and its main basis is the current Company Law .

  27. 只有深刻理解三者之间的关系,才能准确的把握公司自治与国家强制之间的界限。

    Only with a profound understanding of their relations can we make a clear boundary between the company autonomy and the state compulsion .

  28. 事实上,就公司自治限度而言,它所涉及的绝非如一般人观念中属于单纯的国家干预的问题,而是有其十分复杂的理论知识背景。

    In fact , limit of corporate autonomy is not merely a question of state intervention ; it has its complex theoretical background .

  29. 故此,本文以公司自治为视角就公司法中的私权救济进行了探讨,以资有益于立法和实践。

    This article explores the remedy of rights in Corporation Law in the angle of corporation self-government and is to benefit legislation and practice .

  30. 而公司自治与强制也是一个矛盾体,二者相互依存,但是却也需要一个度。

    Company Autonomy and State Compulsory are two sides of a coin , so it is very important to draw a boundary between them .