
ɡōnɡ sī pò chǎn
  • bankruptcy of a company
  1. 7月到9月间,一共有1,059家公司破产在管。

    Between July and September , a total of 1,059 firms called in the receiver .

  2. 公司破产后,有关他铺张浪费的种种传闻传遍了整个行业。

    When the company went under , tales of his extravagance surged through the industry .

  3. 像1973–1974年间那样的经济衰退能让1/10的美国公司破产。

    A recession like that of 1973 – 1974 could put one in ten American companies into bankruptcy

  4. 一家公司破产以后怎样处理呢?

    What follows after one firm goes broke ?

  5. 当一家上市公司破产的时候,它的股票就一文不值了。

    When a corporation becomes bankrupt , its stock is of no value any more .

  6. 通货膨胀使这个公司破产了。

    The inflation did the corporation up .

  7. Poisson过程及其稀疏过程在保险公司破产问题中的应用

    Ruin Problem for The Poisson Processes and p & Thinning Processes

  8. 10月31日明富环球(MFGlobal)宣布破产,这是自2008年雷曼兄弟垮台以来的最大一起金融公司破产案。

    On October31st , in the biggest collapse of a financial firm since that of Lehman Brothers in2008 , MF Global went bankrupt .

  9. Z记分模型是专门用来测算公司破产几率的重要工具。

    It is of great theoretical and practical significance to predict the probability of bankruptcy of companies , which can be done by the Z-score model .

  10. SPE虽然是导致安然公司破产的罪魁祸首,但它本身并不需要对此负责,需要反省的是会计。

    Although SPE is the chief criminal which leads to the bankruptcy of Enron group , it is not responsible for the bankruptcy and accounting should be of self-examination .

  11. 在国外,随着HIH公司破产、AIG财务丑闻等事件的发生,监管机构加强了对有限风险再保险的监管。

    With the occurrence of bankruptcy of HIH , financial scandals of AIG and so on , some foreign coun - tries took many measures to enhance the supervision of finite risk reinsurance .

  12. 制造商组织EEF的首席经济学家史蒂夫•拉德利(SteveRadley)表示,英镑走强在本世纪的最初几年确实迫使许多公司破产了,但现在,大多数公司已经做出调整。

    Steve Radley , chief economist of the EEF , the manufacturers ' organisation , says the pound 's strength " did force a lot of companies out of business in the early years of the decade but the majority have adjusted now " .

  13. 他的公司破产时,他就有失去房子的危险。

    He risked losing his house when his company went bankrupt .

  14. 违约率和公司破产都在短时间内急剧上升。

    Defaults and corporate bankruptcies are increased dramatically in a short time .

  15. 他在公司破产中丧失了他所拥有的一切。

    He lost all he possessed in the collapse of his company .

  16. 他在公司破产后曾试图自杀。

    He attempted suicide after his firm had gone bankrupt .

  17. 安然公司破产原因之我见

    My Opinions on the Causes of Enron Corp. 's Bankruptcy

  18. 保险公司破产模型的进一步研究

    A Further Research on a Ruin Model of Insurance Companies

  19. 总经理说公司破产,令人大为震惊。

    The president dropped a bombshell when he said they were bankrupt .

  20. 当一家公司破产时,首当其冲的是员工。

    When a business capsizes , its employees suffer first .

  21. 他在公司破产前辞职了。

    Before the company went bankrupt , he pulled out .

  22. 农业公司破产中农民股东与债权人利益的冲突与协调

    On the Conflicts between Farmer Shareholders and Creditors in Bankruptcy of Agricultural Companies

  23. 安然公司破产的原因及启示

    Causes of Enron Corp. 's Bankruptcy and Its Revelation

  24. 中国保险控股公司破产风险及其防范

    The Precaution System Against the Risk of Bankruptcy for Insurance Holding Company in China

  25. 一个叫徐伟的商人由于经营不善,公司破产了,他所有的财产也被拍卖以抵债。

    A businessman named Xu Wei went bankrupt , with all his property auctioned .

  26. 迈克尔:你的公司破产了吗?

    Michael : Did your company go bankrupt ?

  27. 过去的三个月里该区有二十余家公司破产。

    More than twenty companies in the district went bust during the last three months .

  28. 它表示,这是防止公司破产的部分计划。

    It says this is part of a plan to save the firm from insolvency .

  29. 在证券公司破产过程中,到目前为止仍旧缺少相关法律的规范。

    Bankruptcy process in a securities company , so far still lack relevant legal norms .

  30. 由于大量公司破产,房地产收入不再是确定的事情。

    Income from property is no longer a certainty given the number of companies going bust .