
It would also put pressure on the mainland market to improve its corporate governance standards .
For the government , employee options could provide a way to improve corporate governance standards at listed companies .
Burton Malkiel : there is no question that transparency of Chinese accounting standards , standards of corporate governance , etc. , are problematic .
In 2002 , New York Stock Exchange published a new governance standards for listed companies , required all listed companies must establish internal audit systems .
Even though corporate governance standards have improved as more Chinese companies have listed overseas , analysts still believe there are serious deficiencies in the way companies treat minority shareholders .
CalPERS , which has a reputation as a tough guardian of shareholder rights , has so far excluded China from its list of investable markets because it falls short of its corporate governance standards .
The group 's crash has raised new questions about Taiwan 's corporate governance standards and the role of the 30-month-old Financial Supervisory Commission in an economy that traditionally has treated its entrepreneurs with reverence .
Fang Xinghai , the city government official charged with making Shanghai into an international financial centre , said the measure would help avoid bubbles in the mainland market and would promote higher standards of corporate governance .
Sinotech energy defended its reputation after it became the latest Chinese group listed overseas to become embroiled in allegations over its standards of corporate governance and accounting .
The agreement between 31 so-called development finance institutions ( DFIs ) is intended to hammer out an approach on how to weave corporate governance into investment criteria .
Corporate governance and listings standards vary widely across the region .
Finally , we discuss the new standards of corporate governance under all-circulation .
Therefore , option an appropriate measurement and using it to realize the object of corporate governance is an emergent and essential work .
This module seeks to acquaint them with international norms for corporate governance , the problems with China 's state-owned enterprises and issues of interest to publicly listed corporations .
Only when such adjustment succeeds could we begin the enterprise institution reform aimed at establishing a corporation legal body management structure .
While appropriate and credible policies are the basis for economic growth , they need to be backed by high-quality institutions , including ethical standards in corporate governance .
The brothers'lawyers say that Bouygues SA has always had high standards of corporate governance , with directors independent of the Bouygues family .
Together multinationals and governments must strive to implement standards of best practice in corporate governance and encourage socially responsible business activity , bringing the oxygen of investment to countries all around the world .
Nasdaq still , despite the record with Chinese companies , allows foreign issuers to apply lower corporate governance standards of the home country , which in this case is the Cayman Islands , not China .
Companies in Singapore and Malaysia are expected to draw the most attention since corporate governance standards there are perceived to be higher than in the rest of the region .
While there was no suggestion of wrongdoing at nine dragons , the move by S & P on Tuesday touched a nerve among investors who have become increasingly worried about the corporate governance standards of Chinese companies .