
ɡōnɡ sī lǜ shī
  • corporation lawyer;corporate counsel
  1. 美国公司律师的角色定位与作用分析

    The Role and Function of Corporate Counsel in America

  2. 罗斯福极想使这位能干的公司律师成为接班人。

    Roosevelt was sorely tempted to make this able corporation lawyer his successor .

  3. 苹果公司律师马克·J·施威林格(MarcJ.Zwillinger)去年10月就一宗相关案件发信称,不能通过解读《所有令状法案》,

    Marc J. Zwillinger , a lawyer for Apple , wrote in a letter for a related case in October that the All Writs Act could not be interpreted to

  4. 在联邦法院周二公布的一封信中,苹果公司律师马克·J·茨维林格(MarcJ.Zwillinger)表示,在这另外九起案子里的至少七个案子中,苹果拒绝配合政府的要求。

    Apple is fighting the government 's demands in at least seven of the other nine cases , Marc J. Zwillinger , a lawyer for the company , said in a letter unsealed in federal court on Tuesday .

  5. 那一年,俄罗斯警方搜查了英国石油公司律师的办事处。

    That year , Russian police raided BP 's lawyers'offices .

  6. 公司律师需在周五前向法院递交异议书。

    Its lawyers have until Friday to file its opposition in court .

  7. 湖南省公司律师试点工作的调查与思考

    The Investigation and Reflection on the Piloting Work of Corporation Lawyers in Hunan Province

  8. 我要确保我们聘请到一位当地的优秀的公司律师。

    I 'd make sure that we have a good , local , corporate lawyer .

  9. 公司律师就新合同进行谈判

    Corporate attorneys negotiated the new contract

  10. 明天早晨之前你能把安德森公司律师的辩护状放在我办公桌上么?

    Can you have the briefs from the Anderson firms lawyer on my desk by tomorrow morning .

  11. 公司律师,女,43岁

    Corporate lawyer , female 43

  12. 论公司律师制度

    Discussing Company Lawyers System

  13. 此外,许多意欲提供反馈的企业也受到来自公司律师的约束。

    And many of the firms that want to provide feedback have their hands tied by company lawyers .

  14. 正因如此,美发师和美容师这类职业要比管理咨询顾问和公司律师更快乐。

    That is why hairdressers and beauticians are higher up the list of happy professions than management consultants and corporate lawyers .

  15. 对公司律师宜采取双重管理的体制,并建立一套合理的流动机制;

    For the better functioning of corporation lawyer , double regulatory regime should be taken , reasonable floating system should be established .

  16. 1992年,同为公司律师的美国丈夫因为工作关系要去香港,孙玮便和丈夫一起到了香港。

    In 1992 , Christianson and her American husband , also a corporate lawyer , moved to Hong Kong for his job .

  17. 英国女演员蒂尔达.斯温顿获得最佳女配角奖。她在惊悚片《迈克尔.克莱顿》中扮演一个铁石心肠的公司律师。

    Britain 's Tilda Swinton was named best supporting actress for her role as a ruthless corporate attorney in the thriller Michael Clayton .

  18. 同时,公司律师正在处理点火开关问题受害者的赔偿事宜,律师将于下周公布具体的赔偿金额。

    Meanwhile , the lawyers handling with compensation for victims at the ignition would release details of how much victims would receive next week .

  19. 如果这种担心现在给你造成了很大的负担,那么也许当你失去了“公司律师”的头衔后,你真的会感到自卑。

    If this worry looms so large now , it is likely that you will indeed feel diminished when you can no longer wear your corporate lawyer badge .

  20. 建立公司律师制度是中国企业适应国内和国际竞争的必然要求,也是进一步完善我国律师制度组织形式的客观需要。

    The establishment of corporation lawyer system is essential to Chinese enterprise in the face of domestic and international competition , and also necessary in further perfecting organization form of our lawyer system .

  21. 值得指出的是,如果奥肖内西真的误导了自己的投资者几乎可以肯定的是,其备忘录经过了公司律师的审核那么他将让自己和公司担上重大责任。

    Worth noting that if O'Shaughnessy really misled his investors in a memo that almost certainly was vetted by company attorneys he would be opening both himself and the company to major liabilities .

  22. 值得指出的是,如果奥肖内西真的误导了自己的投资者——几乎可以肯定的是,其备忘录经过了公司律师的审核——那么他将让自己和公司担上重大责任。

    Worth noting that if O'Shaughnessy really misled his investors -- in a memo that almost certainly was vetted by company attorneys -- he would be opening both himself and the company to major liabilities .

  23. 这是在转移视线。仅有3%的企业将会受到影响,且许多都是公司律师事务所、金融合伙企业等等,而不是多数人眼中的小企业。

    Only 3 per cent of businesses would be affected , and many of these are corporate law firms , financial partnerships , and the like – not what most people think of as small businesses .

  24. 广纳先进律师制度的理论与实践经验,建立适合我国国情的公司律师制度,是司法体制改革中一项不可或缺的内容。

    Building company lawyer 's system which is fit for our country 's condition will certainly be an indispensable content during the administration of justice system which is being reformed , basing on the wide theory and advanced lawyer 's system .

  25. 但除了创纪录的交易量和投资银行家及公司律师目前的丰厚酬金外,交易界正面临着一个大问题:这是否可能是并购交易再次沉寂前的最后一个好年景?

    But beyond the record numbers and the current fee bonanza for investment bankers and corporate lawyers , there is a big question looming over the deal world . Could this be the last good year for M & A before it all goes quiet again ?

  26. 这家公司为律师费用所累几乎破产。

    The company was almost bankrupted by legal costs .

  27. 她的第二任丈夫是一位稳重、刻板的公司法律师。

    Her second husband was a steady , unimaginative , corporate lawyer .

  28. 总部设在中国的公司的律师j将被发现的一部分问题归咎于文化差异,他们表示,市场与监管机构反应过头了。

    Lawyers for companies based in China say there has been an overreaction by the market and regulators , putting some of the perceived problems down to cultural differences .

  29. 索尼公司的律师大卫·博伊斯(DavidBoies)在星期日接受与媒体会面采访时说,这部电影最终还是会发行的。

    David Boies , a lawyer for Sony , told Meet the Press on Sunday that the film would eventually be distributed .

  30. 索尼公司的律师大卫·博伊斯(DavidBoies)在星期日接受“与媒体会面”采访时说,这部电影最终还是会发行的。

    David Boies , a lawyer for Sony , told " Meet the Press " on Sunday that the film would eventually be distributed .