
  1. 西方国家公务员监督的改革动向&公共管理新视角的分析

    The Reform Direction of Civil Servant Supervision in Western Countries

  2. 国家公务员监督制度研究

    Study of National Civil Servants ' Supervisory System

  3. 摘要公务员监督制度是建立高效、廉洁政府和选拔高素质公务员队伍的重要保证。

    The supervisory system of civil servant is of importance to establish efficient , incorrupt government and select highly qualified civil servant 's team .

  4. 在很大程度上,这要归功于其建立了一套卓有特色而且颇有成效的公务员监督机制。

    In large part , thanks to the establishment of a set of features and is quite renowned for the effectiveness of civil oversight mechanisms .

  5. 一个完整、规范的公务员监督体系机制,是保证公务员队伍廉洁、高效和稳定的必要条件。

    A complete , standardized mechanism for the civil service system of supervision is to ensure the civil service is clean , efficient and a necessary condition for stability .

  6. 公务员监督机制是公务员制度的重要组成部分,也是一个国家公务员制度优劣与否的重要表现之一。

    Civil oversight mechanisms is an important part of the civil service system , but also a national civil service is one important manifestation of the merits or not .

  7. 从我国当前的实际情况来看,反腐败工作说到底要把公务员监督制度的建立与完善作为关键。

    According to our country 's present actual conditions , the anti-corruption work should regard the establishment and perfection of civil servants ' supervisory system as the key after all .

  8. 第一章在对公务员监督制度进行概述的基础上,介绍了我国公务员监督制度的基本发展历程和实施的现状;

    Chapter one , based on the brief description of civil servants ' supervisory system , introduces the mainly developing process and current situation of civil servants ' supervisory system of our country ;

  9. 第三章、第四章分别对目前我国公务员监督制度中存在的缺陷和该制度在实施过程中所遭遇的障碍因素进行了系统的分析;

    Chapter three and chapter four separately analyze the defects existing in present civil servants ' supervisory system of our country and the obstacle factors met in the course of implementing the system ;

  10. 公务员监督机制的构建,既是历史传承、政治文化熏陶以及政治理念弘扬的问题,同时也是法治、政党以及社会等关系和谐合理安排的重要环节。

    Construction of civil oversight mechanisms , both historical heritage , political and cultural influence and promote the issue of political philosophy , but also the rule of law , harmonious relations between political parties and reasonable social arrangements of the important part .

  11. 此外,他们的一举一动都受到公务员的监督,媒体也像老鹰一样盯着他们。

    Moreover , their every move is supervised by civil servants , and watched like a hawk by the media .

  12. 这一部分论述了公务员的监督制度的内涵,这其中包括公务员的概念与范围界定,公务员监督的概念与政治功能,公务员监督对政治运行的意义。

    This section discusses the connotation of the office-bearer supervision system , including the definition and scope of the office-bearer , the concept and political functions of the office-bearer supervision , significance of the office-bearer supervision for political operation .

  13. 宁波市公务员激励与监督机制研究

    The Research on Motivation and Supervisory Mechanism of Civil Servant in Ningbo

  14. 因此,公务员职业道德监督机制的完善,已经是一项现实而紧迫的任务,任重而道远。

    The consummation of civil servants ethical supervision mechanism , already is a real and urgent task and shoulder heavy responsibilities .

  15. 有权力就必然有救济,完善的公务员责任对于监督公务员的具体行政行为有不可替代的作用。

    There will definitely have the power to relief , an improved civil service responsible for supervision of civil servants for the specific administrative act has an irreplaceable role .

  16. 我国公务员职务行为行政监督机制主要由主体、内容、方式和结果构成。

    Acts of civil service positions mainly by the main administrative oversight mechanisms , content , methods and results of composition .

  17. 一把手权力的制约与监督一直是我国公务员管理和干部监督的重要内容,也是践行科学发展观的客观诉求。

    The Supervisor and Limitation to " top leader " has been an import part of civil service management and Cadre Supervision , and an objective demand of the practice of the scientific concept of development .

  18. 公务员财产申报制度是一种有效预防公务员腐败的监督制度,已经在美国、韩国、香港等很多国家和地区得到成功验证。

    Civil Service Property Declaration System is an effective supervisory system to prevent corruption which has been successfully verified in the United States , the South Korea , the Hong Kong , and many other countries and regions .

  19. 第五章在借鉴了国际社会公务员廉政建设有益经验的基础上,力图对建立和进一步完善我国的国家公务员监督制度的对策方面进行一些探索和思考。

    Chapter five , referring to the beneficial experience of construction of making civil servants clean and upright in international community field , strives to probe and conceive of countermeasures of how to establish and perfect national civil servants ' supervisory system of our country .

  20. 摘要公务员绩效评估机制为公共部门人力资源管理其它环节的决策提供客观依据,并由此强化对公务员的监督,优化公务员队伍继而提升行政效率。

    Performance evaluation of civil servants provides an objective basis for decisions on other aspects of human resource management in public sectors and therefore enhancing the inspection of them will improve administrative efficiency by optimizing their teams .