
  • 网络public relation
  1. 纽曼女士是华盛顿一位公关关系专家。

    Newman is a public relations professional in Washington D.C.

  2. 公关关系行业以及教育于20世纪80年代进入中国,经过二十多年的蓬勃发展已有丰硕成果。

    Public Relations practice and education had entered into China since 1980 . PR industry and education have shown prosperous growth within the past 20 years .

  3. 即使抛开公关关系不提,一个卡梅伦-克莱格联盟是否建立在足够多的共同点上?

    Even aside from PR , is there enough common ground for a cameron-clegg coalition ?

  4. 同时注重短渠道、间接渠道及加强与旅行社的合作,充分运用诸如广告、公关关系、网络等现代促销手段在长株潭地区进行旅游产品的推广。

    At the same time focus on short-channel , indirect channels and strengthen co-operation among travel agencies ; fully use modern promotion means , such as advertising , public relations , promotions , Internet and so on to expand the tourism products in Changsha , Zhuzhou , and Xiangtan .

  5. 跨国公司在华社会责任与公关行为关系的实证研究&以医药企业为例

    Empirical Study on the Relation between Corporate Social Responsibility and Public Relations of TNCs ' in China : Example as Medicine Industry

  6. 为了有效解决这些企业现实问题,本文在借鉴前人研究的基础上,利用相关理论构建了基于混沌消费者环境下的危机公关管理关系模型。

    In order to effectively solve the practical problems for enterprises , on the basis of previous studies , this paper constructed a Crisis PR-management model under chaotic consumer environment .

  7. 本文着重从信息的沟通、信息的反馈、信息噪音处理和信息沟通的最终目的四个方面,论述信息与公关的关系。

    This paper expounds the relationship between PR and infor-mation from four angles : flow of information , feed-back of information , informa-tion noise treatment , and the ultimate aim of information flow .

  8. 美国记者与公关人员敌意关系溯源

    Hostility Relationship between American Journalism and PR Practitioner

  9. 开展国际公共关系,做好在华日军、国际友人及爱国华侨等的公关工作。公共关系增强了新四军的凝聚力;

    By exerting efforts on international public relations .

  10. 政府网络公关是政府公共关系的重要组成部分。

    The government network public relations are the important part of the government public relations .

  11. 她们的工作使她们拥有良好的公关技能,人脉关系,为跨行发展打下基础。高级运动教练

    Their job teaches them to build good PR skills , personalnetworks and stepping stones to other fields .

  12. 她们的工作使她们拥有良好的公关技能,人脉关系,为跨行发展打下基础。

    Their job teaches them to build good PR skills , personal networks and stepping stones to other fields 。

  13. 索迪公关立足于公关关系的专业服务精神,决心为行销与传播事业的发展做出自己的贡献。

    SurodePR Agency based on the professional spirit , determining to make its own contributions to the development of marketing and communication .

  14. 他本人也面临压力,必须解释他的警方与世界新闻报前记者运营的一家公关公司之间的关系。

    And he personally had been under pressure to explain his force 's links with a public relations company run by a former journalist at the newspaper .

  15. 公关广告是公共关系与广告整合下诞生的新的广告形式,作为广告大家族的一员,公关广告已渐趋强势。

    Public relations advertising is public relations and advertising under the birth of a new integrated forms of advertising . As advertising a large family , public relations advertising is getting stronger .

  16. 公关战略强调公众关系目标对企业发展的战略意义,重视与公众关系环境的协调平衡,以实现自身的可持续发展。

    " Public Relations Strategy " stresses strategic significance of enterprises ' development based on the objective of public relation and balance coordination with the environment of public relations in order to realize its sustainable development .

  17. 所谓社区公关就是把公共关系的一些有效方式和方法,拿到社区文化建设中来,以提高社区居民的对社区的满意度和忠诚度,进而提高社区居民的认同感和归属感。

    The so-called communication public relation is to apply in the construction of community culture some effective approaches and methods for public relations , so as to improve the sense of belonging and satisfaction of community residents .

  18. ①认识到只做好外部的公关活动并非是成功的企业公共关系,公关活动只是公共关系的一部分。

    The enterprise should realize that the execution of external PR activities alone does not constitute successful corporate public relations , but rather , it is just a part of the latter .