
gōng gòng fú wù
  • public service
公共服务[gōng gòng fú wù]
  1. 以营利为目的的公共服务机构——这是典型的用词上的自相矛盾(如果真有这种说法的话)。

    A public service run for profit — a contradiction in terms if there ever was one .

  2. 通过暑期就业机会计划,每年都有学生在全省公共服务及其相关机构、社区团体的各种暑期岗位上就业。

    Through the Summer Employment Opportunities program , students are hired each year in a variety of summer positions across the Provincial Public Service , its related agencies and community groups .

  3. 政府致力于改善公共服务事业,尤其是教育。

    The government aims to improve public services , especially education .

  4. 大使资助了一项100万美元的公共服务奖学金计划。

    The ambassador has endowed a $ 1 million public-service fellowships program .

  5. 我们想要止住公共服务质量下滑的局面。

    We want to stop the slippage of the quality of public services .

  6. 众议院法案将授权卫生与公共服务部部长去协商医疗保险和医疗补助相关的药品价格。

    The House bill would authorize the secretary of health and human services to negotiate drug prices in Medicare and Medicaid .

  7. 公共服务科高等国家证书

    a BTEC Higher National Diploma in Public Service Studies BTEC

  8. 这些研究者说,这是影响公共服务开支形势的一个惊人的变化。

    The researchers say this has been a remarkable3 shift in the shape of public-service spending .

  9. 意见指出,以户籍制度和公共服务牵引区域流动。

    According to the guideline , more efforts will be made to influence regional mobility via the household registration5 system and public services .

  10. 加快实施传染病医院、疾控中心标准化建设,提高城乡社区医疗服务能力。增加高品质公共服务供给。

    The central region should accelerate the standardization of hospitals for infectious diseases and centers for disease control and prevention , and improve the ability of urban and rural communities to provide medical services .

  11. 哈佛大学的调查指出,中国民众报告称,2016年政府提供的医疗、福利和其他基本公共服务相比调查开始的2003年大大改善,也更加公平。

    The Harvard survey said Chinese citizens reported that the government 's provision of healthcare , welfare and other essential public services was by 2016 far better and more equitable than when the survey began in 2003 .

  12. 他还把上述要求延伸至国民保健制度(nationalhealthservice)这样的公共服务机构。

    He extends these demands to public bodies like the national health service .

  13. 我国RFID公共服务体系标准架构分析

    Analysis on RFID Public Service Infrastructure Standards Architecture in China

  14. 开放RFID公共服务平台的研究与设计

    Research and Design of Open RFID Public Service Platform

  15. 去年,一个部分隶属于茶党(TeaParty)的激进反移民团体,开始大力倡导收紧移民政策。他们称,这些移民正在窃取美国人的就业岗位,加大公共服务体系的压力。

    In the last year , a strident anti-immigration group , partly affiliated with the Tea Party , has started pushing for tighter controls on migrants , arguing that they are stealing American jobs and stressing public services .

  16. 与许多公立学校不一样的是IllianaChristian学校不要求学生公共服务时间。

    Unlike many public high schools across the nation , Illiana Christian does not require its students to clock public service hours .

  17. 批判与超越:新公共服务理论及其启示

    Criticism and Transcendence : New Public Service Theory and Its Inspiration

  18. 公共服务是“公众”的公共服务。

    The master of " community service " is the public .

  19. 公共服务中的政府与非营利组织合作:三种模式分析

    The Analysis of Three Models of Government-Nonprofit Cooperation in Public Service

  20. 关于提高广西高速公路行业公共服务水平的思考

    Thoughts Regarding Raising the Level of Public Service of Guangxi Highway

  21. 甘肃省基本公共服务均等化问题研究

    Research on Equalization of the Basic Public Services in Gansu Province

  22. 公共服务、国家和分权管理改革部

    Ministry of Public Service , Reform of the State and Decentralisation

  23. 地理信息公共服务平台地理实体数据建模研究

    Research on Entity-based Data Modeling for National Geo-spatial Information Service Platform

  24. 提供公共服务,发展社会福利;

    Offer the public services ; develop the social welfare ;

  25. 构建公共服务型地方政府管理机制创新研究

    Construction of public service-oriented local government management mechanism innovation research

  26. 新公共服务理论:缘起、内涵及启迪

    New Public Service Theory : Origin , Meaning and Enlightenment

  27. 公共服务设施采取集中和分散两种布局方式。

    Public service facilities adopt both centralized and decentralized ways of layout .

  28. 我们如何能把公共服务和私营部门提供资金和服务结合起来?

    How can we combine public services with private financing and provision ?

  29. 乡镇政府在农业公共服务供给中的角色定位

    The Role of Township Government in Agricultural Public Service Supply

  30. 法律视野下的体育公共服务均等化研究

    Research to Equalization of Sports Public Service under the Law