
  • 网络public provide;public provision
  1. 本文概述了公务员六次加薪的情况,分析了公务员的收入水平,并进一步探讨了公务员加薪与财政收支、公共提供效率以及经济增长之间的关系。

    Giving a brief account of the six-time salary increase of civil servants , the treatise analyzes the income standard of civil servants , and further probes into the relationship between salary increase of civil servants and fiscal revenue and expenditure , efficiency of public provision and economic growth .

  2. 论公共提供的制度安排及其法律调整模式&兼谈我国公共提供的分类改革

    Study on the Institutional Arrangement and Legal Regulation Pattern of Public Provision & Also a Discussion on Classified Reforms in Public Provision in China

  3. 社区体育的提供方式也可分为公共提供以及私人提供两种类型。

    The supply of community sports can also be divided into two types : public and private supply .

  4. 但如何利用GPS技术为成都市城市公共交通提供高效而准确的服务,已成为一个紧迫的课题。

    How to use GPS technology to provide effective and accurate service for the urban public traffic of Chengdu City has become a pressing subject .

  5. 作为应用程序设计的一部分,很多mashup都要求公共用户提供输入。

    As part of their application design , many mashups solicit public user input .

  6. 随着Internet高速发展,VPN作为一种利用公共网络提供数据安全传输服务的技术得到了广泛使用。

    With the rapid development of Internet , VPN has been widely used as a kind of technology using public network to provide secure transmission of data services .

  7. 公共NNI提供对专用网的业务的透明度。

    The public NNI provides transparency to the services of the private network .

  8. C-SPAN是为公共事务提供24小时服务的有线电视网。

    C-SPAN is a cable television network that provides twenty-four hour coverage of public affairs .

  9. 哥斯达黎加在中等收入国家中排名第一,据EIU分析,这一结果部分得益于该国广泛的志愿者系统为公共服务提供了很多支持。

    Costa Rica ranks top among middle-income countries , thanks in part to extensive volunteer networks that support public services , according to the EIU .

  10. 西部农村公共物品提供与经济发展

    The Public Goods Provision in the Western Rural Areas and Economic Development

  11. 展堂为其下方的公共广场提供了遮阴和庇护。

    This hall provides shade and shelter for a public plaza below .

  12. 拓宽了公共物品提供的渠道,进一步完善了公共物品提供理论。

    This is the economic development theory of the public goods provision .

  13. 跨行政区公共服务提供机制与对策分析

    Public Service Supply Mechanism of Trans-administrative Districts and Analysis of Its Countermeasures

  14. 通过大量文献阅读,本文提出了包含公共服务提供总过程的政府信任前因变量的系统理论分析框架。

    Through literature reviewing , an integrative model of government trust is proposed .

  15. 项目也支持改进教育和社会保障领域的公共服务提供模式。

    It also supports improving public service delivery in education and social protection .

  16. 公共物品提供模式的理论分析

    Theoretical Analysis on the Provision Patterns of Public Goods

  17. 突破我国区域公共品提供的囚徒困境

    Breaking the Prisoners ' Dilemma on the Supply of the Regional Public Goods

  18. 中国经济转型中公共物品提供机制的演变与改革

    The Evolution and Reform of Public Goods Provision Mechanism in China 's Economic Transition

  19. 镶嵌式博弈与公共品提供结构以王村为例

    Embedded Games and the Supply Structure of Public Goods : A Case of Village

  20. 透过网路资讯共享,公共图书馆提供全方位的资讯服务。

    By way of network resource sharing , public library provide omnibus information service .

  21. 二是为国家经济安全和社会公共安全提供技术支撑;

    Second , providing technical support for the nation 's economic and public security ;

  22. 实现公共服务提供主体的多元化;

    Realizing the various of public service subject ;

  23. 财政外溢下的地方政府公共服务提供&以教育为例

    Public Service Provision by Local Governments under Fiscal Externalities & the Case of Education

  24. 城乡结合部管理体制改革:思路与政策建议&公共物品提供的主体、责任与机制

    The Administration System Reform of the Juncture of Town and Countryside : Thoughts and Advices

  25. 从全球看,给公共部门提供的抗疟药物数量也增加了。

    Worldwide , the volume of antimalarial medication delivered to the public sector has also increased .

  26. 医疗卫生资源市场配置的失灵决定了由公共财政提供的必要性。

    The market failure of medical health resources allocation determines its necessity for public finance supply .

  27. 这也验证了自上问责主体对公共服务提供过程和资金运作的过度关注。

    It further verifies that upward accountability subjects pay excessive attention to the processes and funds .

  28. 为环境权益,特别是环境公共利益提供及时、有效的司法救济途径;

    It brings the immediate and effective judicial remedies for environmental benefit , especial environmental public interest ;

  29. 分析的理论关注点主要集中在城市报纸是否为农民工这个弱势社群的公共表达提供了机会和空间?

    It focuses on whether the urban newspapers provide any public space for the group to express itself .

  30. 亚里士多德对城邦善与公正的探索,为现代公共管理提供了取之不竭的道德资源。

    Aristotle 's exploration for city-state goodness and justice has provided inexhaustible moral resources for the public administration .