- public figure;Public Person

It took him some time to grasp that he was now a public figure .
When we ask teens to choose a hero , they usually select an older family member rather than a remote public figure .
Sophie became public property when she married into the royal family .
Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet .
You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life .
It can be difficult for public figures to win a libel case
The Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday hit out at public figures who commit adultery
People are prepared to be tolerant of extra-marital peccadilloes by public figures .
He couldn 't handle being public property
One expects people in the public eye to conduct their personal lives with a certain decorum
It 's not beyond the realms of possibility that the security services do bug important public figures .
If public figures seek publicity to further their careers , they can 't be selective about it .
Obama is only the most prominent public figure to declare inequality Public Enemy NO.1 and the greatest threat to reducing poverty in America .
Renting clothes has been thought of the sustainable and frugal4 alternative to fast fashion , popularised by companies such as Rent the Runway and public figures like Carrie Symonds , who rented her wedding dress and her outfits5 for the G7 conference .
they need to think deeply before they do or say anything .
We grasp most things that influential people say
The lyrics of Elvis 's ' Power of My Love ' gave him authority as a respected social figure , which made his asocial insinuations all the more gratifying .
But h.observed that becoming a public figure clouds a writer 's sharpness , and m.agreed .
The list of signatories to Thursday 's letter included several high-profile figures , including Beijing University sociologist Li Jianxin and Internet entrepreneur James Liang .
When a public figure 's tweet results in big buzz , Twitter makes sure other celebrities know it .
Most of us know it when we see it , in any CEO or public figure who commands attention with a seemingly magical combination of charisma and credibility .
The rising popularity of investing , of course , has made CEOs more prominent as public figures . The cusp is responsible for the famous auroras that grace high latitudes .
Some , such as Paul Polman , chief executive of Unilever , are public figures on issues ( the environment in his case ) beyond his corporation .
And the recent deaths ( even if accidental ) of men in my exact demographic - the food writer Joshua Ozersky , the tech entrepreneur Dave Goldberg - had put me in a mortality-anxious frame of mind .
They are not public people so I won 't share details here , but I did want to send out my love , respect and honor and thought I might be cheeky and ask you to send any left over positivity you have to j and s.
After a brief inquiry , London police said there was no need for further investigation into claims by The Guardian newspaper that two to three thousand public figures ' phones may have been accessed , as no additional information had come to light .
Sir Edward Burne-Jones was an eminent Victorian , a public figure who was considered the last and perhaps the best of the painters who belonged to the group of talented eccentrics , the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood .
It is important for celebrities and the general public to remember that images and data no longer just reside on the device that captured it , said Ken Westin , security analyst at Tripwire .
Sometimes public figures are liked even more after their pratfall .
People in public life must always be open to criticism .