
  • 网络Gongzhuling City
  1. 近日,公主岭市中医院艾滋病门诊接诊了一名艾滋病患者,病情十分危急,紧急救治工作开始了。

    Recently , AIDS Gongzhuling City Chinese medicine hospital outpatient reception of a AIDS , a very critical condition , emergency treatment began .

  2. 近日,中国东北吉林省公主岭市三门李村的一所小学成为人们关注的焦点,只有两名教师,他们只教一名12岁的学生。

    A primary school at Sanmenli Village in Gongzhuling City in northeast China 's Jilin Province has come into spotlight - two teachers teach just one 12-year-old student .

  3. 公主岭市中医院本着救死扶伤、以人为本的工作理念,对艾滋病患者做到尽职尽责、一视同仁,受到患者的赞誉。

    Gongzhuling City hospital of Chinese medicine based on life-saving , people-oriented work ethic , and AIDS patients to do due diligence , will be treated equally by the patients of the community .