
quán jí
  • complete works;universal set;collected works;collected edition
全集 [quán jí]
  • [collected edition; collected works] 一个作者(有时是两个或几个关系密切的作者)、一个流派作者的全部著作集合编成的书(多用作书名)

  • 巴金全集

全集[quán jí]
  1. 然后,应用齐次马氏链建立节点流量的随机模型,可获得节点流量模拟序列的全集;

    Secondly , homogenous Markov chain is applied to modeling the nodal flow series , and the universal set of the nodal flow simulated series is gained .

  2. 全集看起来非常自然和显然,但是最终集合理论的几个矛盾可以追溯到存在全集这个假设,现在数学家们知道而这个假设是有缺陷的。

    The universal set seemed extremely natural and obvious , yet ultimately several paradoxes of set theory were traced to the assumption that it existed , which mathematicians now know is flawed .

  3. 他胳膊底下夹着一本书,看上去就像是夹了《莎士比亚全集》。

    Under his arm , there was a book which looked like the complete works of Shakespeare

  4. 我喜欢这一新版的《莎士比亚全集》。

    I like this new edition of the Complete Works of Shakespeare .

  5. Fox昨日(5月17日)发布了该剧回归版的全集预告片,看到原班人马悉数回归,当年追剧的感觉又回来了。

    Fox released the first full-length trailer for the revival1 series yesterday and seeing the original gang back together again brought all the feels .

  6. 迹相异Pn矩阵全集的构造理论;

    Construction theory of trace_different [ P_n ] matrix set ;

  7. 开关电容滤波器(Switched-capacitorfilter简称SCF)是国外近几年出现的一种全集成化有源滤波器。

    A switched-capacitor filter which occured abroad these years is a kind of all-integrated active filter .

  8. CW电视台有可能预定该剧的全集作为其2013年新剧。

    The CW may pick it up for a full series to launch in the fall of 2013 .

  9. 对于语言全集,您可能要做的一件相当简单的事情是分析其中各种事件(events)的频率分布,并基于这些已知频率分布做出概率预测。

    One fairly simple thing you are likely to do with linguistic corpora is analyze frequencies of various events within them , and make probability predictions based on these known frequencies .

  10. 但是,FF现场总线协议全集的复杂性使得FF现场总线的设计成为一个非常困难的问题。

    But the design of FF instrument is a much difficult problem for its complexity .

  11. 实验表明,与基于系统调用全集的方法相比,基于W子集的入侵检测技术具有较低的误报率,且所需存储空间代价和计算代价都较小,因而更加适合于实时入侵检测。

    Experiments show that the new technique has low false positive rate , low storage-cost , high computing efficiency and hence is applicable to real-time intrusion detection .

  12. 全集成2.4GHzCMOS对称式收发开关的设计

    Design of a Fully Integrated 2.4 GHz CMOS Symmetrical T / R Switch

  13. 本文给出了康托型集的定义并且证明了任一疏朗完全集是一个康托型集,此外我们还给出了疏朗完全集的势为x的一个新的证明。

    In this note we gave the definition of Cantor-type sets and proved that every nowhere dense perfect set is a Cantor-type set . Moreover we gave a new proof for each nonempty perfect set to have the power x.

  14. 我们需要全集装箱计算机硬件如硬盘,内存,CD-ROM,主板,键盘,鼠标,音箱,LAN,WLAN从巴基斯坦的USB。

    We need full container of computer hardware like hard disk , RAM , CD ROM , motherboard , keyboard , mouse , speakers , LAN , WLAN , USB from Pakistan .

  15. 请注意下面的列表只是SGML语法规则全集的简化版本,并不涉及比如优先级等其他复杂规则。

    Please note that the list below is a simplification of the full SGML syntax rules and does not address , e.g. , precedences .

  16. 设G是有限群,称Z是G的一个Sylow子群完全集,如果对G的每一个素因子p,Z包含G的一个且仅一个Sylowp-子群。

    Suppose G is a finite group . Z is called a complete set of Sylow subgroups of G if for each prime p dividing the order of G , Z contains exactly one and only one Sylow p-subgroup of G.

  17. 但是我们当中的那些希望(也算上K本人)K新出版的P1909年书信的全集能够更加详细的记录下这一过程的人都大失所望。

    But those of who hoped , with Kolb , that Kolb 's newly published complete edition of Proust 's correspondence for 1909 would document the process in greater detail are disappointed . The very richness and complexity of the meaningful relationships that kept presenting and rearranging themselves

  18. NLTK全集文档通常有部分专门语言已经预先添加了标签,不过,您当然可以将您自己的标签添加到没有加标签的文档。

    NLTK corpora documents often come pre-tagged for parts of speech , but you can certainly add your own tags to untagged documents .

  19. 有一些方法可以决定每一个源文件和diff输出的全集,识别作出的更改,因为每一个测试的覆盖率数据都被收集了。

    There is some way to determine for each source file the full set of diff output identifying the changes made since the coverage data for each test was collected .

  20. 以Tow-Thomas(TT)经典有源RC电路为原型,导出了一种新的全集成双二次结构,并采用前馈技术得到了一般双二次全集成实现。

    A new fully integrated biquad structure is derived from the classical Tow-Thomas ( TT ) active RC prototype . And by using feed-forward technique , a fully integrated general biquad circuit is also realized .

  21. Percolator的一个关键设计理念是:提供对库中文档的随机访问,以实现对单个文档的处理,从而避免了像MapReduce那样对文档全集进行处理。

    One of the key design concepts behind Percolator was to provide random access to the repository to process documents individually , and thus avoiding the global processing required by MapReduce .

  22. 本文实现了一个应用于全集成L带DAB接收机的5阶Gm-C椭圆低通滤波器,该滤波器上集成了基于锁相环的片上频率自动调谐电路,使得该滤波器的截止频率可以准确控制在4MHz。

    A fifth-order elliptic low-pass Gm-C filter used in monolithic DAB receiver is presented . The filter integrates an on-chip frequency automatic tuning circuit based on PLL to control the cutoff frequency .

  23. 《普里莫·莱维全集》(TheCompleteWorksOfPrimoLevi),安·戈德斯坦编辑(Liveright出版社,三卷本,100美元)。莱维去世38年后,这本他出版过的作品的全集让人们注意到他的才华有多么广泛,而且彼此关联。

    THE COMPLETE WORKS OF PRIMO LEVI . Edited by Ann Goldstein . ( Liveright , three volumes , $ 100 . ) Twenty-eight years after Levi 's death , this collection of everything he published brings into focus the breadth and coherence of his genius .

  24. 尽管NLTK附带了很多已经预处理(通常是手工地)到不同程度的全集,但是概念上每一层都是依赖于相邻的更低层次的处理。

    While NLTK comes with a number of corpora that have been pre-processed ( often manually ) to various degrees , conceptually each layer relies on the processing in the adjacent lower layer .

  25. 断词方法对随机文本集合来说至关重要;公平地讲,NLTK捆绑的全集已经通过WSTokenizer()打包为易用且准确的断词工具。

    Tokenization matters a lot for random text collections ; in fairness to NLTK , its bundled corpora have been packaged for easy and accurate tokenization with WSTokenizer () .

  26. 由于挖掘密集型数据的频繁模式完全集非常困难,因而改进了传统的FP-树结构并提出了一种基于改进FP-树的最大频繁模式挖掘算法IFP-MAX;

    Because mining complete set of frequent patterns from dense database could be impractical , in this paper , the structure of a traditional FP-tree is improved and an algorithm ( called IFP-MAX ) for mining maximal frequent patterns based on improved FP-tree is proposed .

  27. 只要再一册,我的哈代全集就齐全了。

    I need one volume to complete my set of Hardy .

  28. 盛世修书&对于修订1981年版《鲁迅全集》的几点意见

    Several Remarks about 1981 Edition of The Complete Works of LU Xun

  29. 她著作的全集于1941年出版。

    A complete edition of her writings was published in1941 .

  30. 她在他的床上发现了整套的莎士比亚全集。

    She found the complete works of William Shakespeare at his bed .