
quán cháng
  • entire length;overall length
全长[quán cháng]
  1. 2002年1260尾子二代经过一周年人工饲养,全长21-23cm,体重65-78g,成活经96%。

    Through one year artificial breed in 2002,1 260 F2 giant salamanders was overall length of 21-23 cm , weight of 65-78 g , survive rate up to 96 % .

  2. 无托设计不牺牲打击力和杀伤效果而允许一个较短的武器全长。

    The bullpup design allows a shorter weapon overall length without sacrificing hitting power and wounding effects .

  3. B:全长29.2公里。

    B : It has a total length of 29.2 kilometers .

  4. 丝绸之路全长近6500公里。

    The Silk Road covered almost 6500 kilometers .

  5. 爱幻想的熊猫迷对盆状仪表板的全长感到恐慌

    The fanciful panda fan panics over the span of the pan-like panel .

  6. 线路全长91公里,最高设计时速350公里。

    The railway is 91 kilometers long and has a maximum design speed of 350 kilometers per hour .

  7. 6月30日,京沪高铁迎来运营10周年。京沪高铁全长1318公里,是当时世界上一次建成线路最长的高速铁路,连接首都北京和华东沿海经济枢纽城市上海。

    With a total length of 1318 km and linking the capital with the eastern coastal economic hub of Shanghai , the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway is the world 's longest high-speed line ever constructed in a single phase .

  8. 牡佳高铁于2016年11月开工,全长371公里,设计时速250公里。通车后,牡丹江到佳木斯的通行时间将从7小时缩短为2小时。

    Construction of the Mudanjiang-Jiamusi high-speed railway started in November 2016 . The 371-kilometer line , designed for trains running at up to 250 kilometers per hour , will cut travel time between Mudanjiang and Jiamusi from seven to two hours .

  9. 自2月28日至7月31日,每月的最后一个星期天,市政区及中央商务区的指定路段将在早上7时至9时全面封路,届时将形成一条全长约4.7公里的“无车区”。

    On the last Sunday of every month from 28 Feb to 31 Jul , selected roads in the Civic District and Central Business District ( CBD ) will be closed from 7am to 9am to form a car-free zone that stretches for about 4.7km .

  10. 脂蛋白肾病患者载脂蛋白E基因全长序列分析

    Genomic analysis of apolipoprotein E gene in patients with lipoprotein glomerulopathy

  11. 其编码区基因组DNA全长为4095bp,含5个外显子。

    The genome sequence of coding location contained 4 095 bp and 5 extrons .

  12. 方法:双下肢取中立位,行股骨横断面和全长CT扫描。

    Methods : Femur of healthy Chinese was scanned in standard neutral position by CT .

  13. 华支睾吸虫ATP合酶B亚基全长基因的生物信息学分析

    Bioinformatics Analysis of the Full-Length Clonorchis sinensis ATP Synthase B Chain-Like Gene

  14. 应用长片段PCR扩增全长HIV-1DNA的研究

    Research for Amplifying Full Length HIV - 1 DNA with Long Distance PCR

  15. 研究了两轮多重反转录巢式PCR扩增全长基因的方法。

    The method of multiplex reverse transcription - nested - double PCR was studied .

  16. 目的:为获得人血小板生成素全长cDNA克隆。

    Objective : To clone human thrombopoietin ( TPO ) cDNA .

  17. 桃叶片β-半乳糖苷酶基因全长cDNA克隆及原核表达

    Cloning and Expression of β - galactosidase Gene cDNA in Peach

  18. 全长cDNA文库构建方法及应用研究

    Methodology of Constructing the Full Length cDNA Library and its Application

  19. 人正常肾组织全长cDNA文库的构建及鉴定

    Construction and identification of a cDNA library of human normal kidney tissues

  20. 猪CTSD全长cDNA的克隆和表达分析

    Cloning and Expression of Porcine Cathepsin D Gene Full-length cDNA

  21. O型口蹄疫病毒O/LZ株基因组全长cDNA的构建

    Construction of foot-and-mouth disease virus O / LZ genome cDNA

  22. 人骨形态发生蛋白-7全长cDNA的克隆及序列测定

    Cloning and sequencing of human bone morphogenetic protein-7 full cDNA

  23. 东北梅花鹿鹿茸尖端组织全长cDNA文库的构建

    Construction of Full-length cDNA Library for Antler Tip Tissue of Sika Deer

  24. 方法:采用RT-PCR的方法,扩增Bad基因全长片段。

    Methods A full-length human bad gene was cloned by RT-PCR and confirmed by sequence analysis .

  25. 内听道后壁全长:(8.74±1.31)mm;

    The length of the posterior wall of IAC was ( 8.74 ± 1.31 ) mm ;

  26. 采用RT-PCR从人胎盘中扩增出TRAIL基因的全长cDNA。

    RT-PCR was applied to amplify the whole cDNA of TRAIL gene .

  27. 人卵泡抑素基因全长cDNA的克隆

    Cloning of full length cDNA of human follistatin gene

  28. 播娘蒿角果全长cDNA文库的构建与分析

    Construction of Full-length cDNA Library of Descurainia sophia Silique

  29. 新的生长激素异形体基因的发现及全长cDNA的克隆

    Detection and Cloning of the Full-length cDNA of a New Growth Hormone Isoform

  30. 我国登革2型病毒43株基因组全长cDNA的构建

    Construction of the full-length cDNA of dengue type 2 virus isolated in China