
quán yuán
  • entire
  1. 短的花瓣边缘全缘或流苏状和啮蚀状下部。

    Petal margin entire or shortly fimbriate and erose proximally .

  2. 全缘的:用于描述叶、萼片或花瓣的边缘光滑、无裂片。

    Entire Describing the margin of a leaf , sepal , or petal that is smooth and undivided .

  3. 建立了HPLC法测定全缘千里光碱脂质体凝胶剂的含量。

    HPLC method was established for the determination ofintegerrimine liposome gel .

  4. 岛屿特有种全缘冬青遗传多样性的ISSR分析

    ISSR analysis of genetic diversity of Ilex integra , an insular endemic plant

  5. 不同基质对全缘千里光碱凝胶剂体外释放和透皮特性的影响

    Influence of gel vehicles on release in vitro and transdermal resorption of integerrimine

  6. 该种以其全缘的窄线形长叶为特征。

    This new species is characterized by long-linear , entire , narrow leaves .

  7. 其结果显示香味全缘孔菌营养菌丝生长的相对最适温度为33℃;

    The results showed that optimum temperature for the mycelial growth was 33 ℃ .

  8. 全缘千里光碱脂质体凝胶剂制备工艺的研究

    Study on Preparation of Integerrimine Liposomal Gel

  9. 亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州的灌木或小乔木,全缘一个半球形的壳斗围绕槲果。

    Semi-evergreen shrub or small tree of Arizona and New Mexico having acorns with hemispherical cups .

  10. 在美国热带,长有全缘叶子和大的聚伞状的花,长青的有毒的灌木和乔木属。

    Genus of poisonous tropical American evergreen shrubs and trees having entire leaves and large cymose flowers .

  11. 形态特征:落叶乔木。2-3回羽状复叶,对生,小叶全缘。

    Configuration feature : Deciduous leaf arbor.2-3 answers a shape compound leaf , opposite , flocculus whole reason .

  12. 掌状复叶,在3-5轮生里;小叶全缘到锯齿或具牙齿的或成羽状浅裂。

    Leaves palmately compound , in whorls of3-5 ; leaflets entire to serrate or dentate or pinnately lobed .

  13. 裂唇卷瓣兰的中萼片全缘前部具一粒状附属物,唇瓣基部两侧具耳。

    B.picturatum is characterized by its entire dorsal sepal with a seta and lip with two auricles at base .

  14. 全缘叶占43.6%。

    The leaf edges of 140 plants were investigated and the percentage of entire leaf plants was 43.6 % .

  15. 无叶根寄生兰类的一个属,花小,略带紫色或微黄色,具全缘或分裂的唇;在温带地区广泛分布。

    Genus of leafless root-parasitic orchids having small purplish or yellowish racemose flowers with lobed lips ; widely distributed in temperate regions .

  16. 全缘叶比例为30%。古气候年均温为11℃,年温差25℃。

    The species with entire leaf margines were 30 8 percent with an estimated mean annual temperature of 11 ℃ and mean annual temperature deviancy of 25 ℃ .

  17. 叶互生,近革质,倒披针形或长圆状倒披针形,长10-15厘米,宽2.5-3厘米,全缘,上面无毛,下面初时密生浅褐色丝质长柔毛;

    Leaves alternate , nearly leathery , oblanceolate or oblong-oblanceolate , 10-15 cm long , 2.5-3 cm wide , entire , glabrous above , initially densely brown villose beneath ;

  18. 叶缘和树高有着相似的变化情况,在经度范围内呈现出开口朝下的抛物线型变化,在经度114°处全缘叶比例最高,树高的高度达到最高。

    Leaf margin and tree height shows similar changes , presented the parabola change in the longitude range . Entire margined leaves reach the highest proportion at longitude 114 ° and tree has the highest height here too .

  19. 结果表明,恢复后群落外貌以小型叶、单叶、非全缘、草质的高位芽植物为主,表现出与演替前期相符的类似温带针阔混交林特征。

    The results showed that the physiognomy , after afforestation , was characterized by phanerophytes with microphylls , simple , unentire , herbaceous leaves , which represented some features of temperate coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest matched with the early successional stage .

  20. 1不同干扰尺度各群落的结构特征的研究不同干扰尺度各个群落生活型中的高位芽比例,叶特征中的小型叶、全缘叶、单叶、常绿叶所占比例最大。

    The different effect of community structure character has been discussed under the different scales of artificial disturbance . The results show that the proportions of phanerophyta in life form spectrum and microphyll , entire leaf , single leaf , evergreen leaf in leaf characters are most in each community .

  21. 全叶缘主要受年均温度的影响。

    Entire margined leaf is mainly affected by the mean annual temperature ( MAT ) .

  22. 【结果】金瓷全冠切缘抗折力为1200N(122kg),抗压强度为600MPa。

    Results The mean force of fracture resistance and compressive strength were as follows : for the ceramometal full crown on incisal edge , 1200 N ( 122 kg ) and 600 MPa ;

  23. 全瓷颈缘技术的应用对金属烤瓷全冠修复后龈缘的影响

    Effect of All-porcelain Labial Margin Technique on Gingival Margin in Porcelain-fused-to-metal Crowns

  24. 第2组,全瓷颈缘技术的金属烤瓷全冠;

    Group two , PFM with porcelain covering the whole neck margin ;

  25. 目的评价烤瓷全冠颈缘修复的临床美学效果,探讨颈缘变色的原因和预防措施。

    Objective To evaluate the clinical esthetical effect in the cervical margin of the porcelain fused to metal crown restoration .

  26. 【结论】金瓷全冠切缘的抗压强度大于天然牙切缘的抗压强度。

    Conclusion The compressive strength of the ceramometal full crowns is bigger than that of natural teeth on incisal edge .

  27. 金属烤瓷冠唇面全瓷颈缘制作方法和材料特性的比较研究

    Comparative Study on Material Characteristic of Techniques for Fabricating All-porcelain Labial Margin of Porcelain Fused to Metal ( PFM ) Crown

  28. 改进烤瓷熔附金属全冠颈缘美观效果的方法前牙种植修复体美观效果的影响因素和评价方法

    Improving the Attractiveness of Ceramic Teeth with Metal Top ; Impact factors and evaluation methods of the esthetic outcomes for the anterior implant restorations

  29. 对三种唇面全瓷颈缘制取技术制作的金瓷冠的边缘浮出量进行了测量,分析比较三种冠边缘的适合性。

    Abstract This study was to evaluate the marginal fit of all-porcelain labial margin of PFM crown in three techniques-direct lift , porcelain-wax and porcelain-resin .

  30. 而塔北还处于台地-斜坡环境,中、上奥陶统较全,台缘相灰泥丘生油岩分布广,中奥陶统礁滩相层序不整合面岩溶储层发育。

    Tabei area was then still in a platform-slope environment , Upper and Middle Ordovician were relatively complete , lime-mud mound source rocks of platform edge facies were widely distributed , and karst reservoirs on the unconformable surface in the Middle Ordovician sequence of reef flat facies were well developed .