
  • 网络aliexpress
  1. 去年年初,阿里巴巴推出了跨境交易网站全球速卖通(aliexpress),可以像ebay一样进行在线交易。

    Early last year , the group launched aliexpress , a cross-border site that allows online transactions , just like eBay .

  2. 阿里巴巴的大部分收入来自于其面向消费者的电商网站,如全球速卖通、天猫商城、淘宝和聚划算。

    The majority of Alibaba 's revenue comes from its consumer-facing sites , such as AliExpress , Tmall , Taobao , and Juhusu .

  3. 在淘宝及其英文网站阿里巴巴全球速卖通(AliExpress)上,明显存在大量形态各异、尺寸不一的仿冒品。

    On Taobao and AliExpress , the English-language version of the site , myriad fakes of all shapes and sizes are evident .

  4. 阿里巴巴全球速卖通表示,在双方支持者中帽子均是最畅销的商品,其次是T恤、面具和旗子。

    AliExpress said hats are its best-sellers among both sets of supporters , followed by T-shirts , masks and flags .

  5. 费尔南达·巴塞罗斯律师住在巴西东北部的哥亚尼亚,她自去年起便一直用全球速卖通购物。

    Lawyer Fernanda Barcelos lives in the northeastern Brazilian city of Goiania , and has been shopping with AliExpress since last year .

  6. 贝宝高管今年发给阿里巴巴的一封电子邮件显示,(停止合作的)原因是全球速卖通消费者交易量的上升。

    According to an e-mail sent to Alibaba by PayPal executives this year , the reason was the rise in consumer transactions on aliexpress .

  7. 阿里巴巴,这家在中国创造了“购物节”的公司两年前在巴西开设了葡萄牙语版的网站“全球速卖通”。

    Alibaba , the company credited with creating the " shopping holiday " here in China , a Portugese version of its website , AliExpress , in Brazil two years ago .

  8. 就目前而言,“全球速卖通”仅接受中国供应商,但一旦公司有信心该平台能运行无误,就会将其向海外供应商开放。

    For the time being , aliexpress admits only Chinese suppliers , but it plans to open the site to international suppliers as soon as it is confident of operating it without glitches .

  9. 阿里巴巴旗下的俄罗斯子公司全球速卖通主要销售从中国进口的商品,而且不必担心来自亚马逊的竞争,因为亚马逊作为美国商业巨头在俄罗斯并没什么市场。

    Alibaba 's Russian unit AliExpress mostly sells goods imported from China and hasn 't had to worry about competition from Amazon.com Inc. because the U.S. behemoth has little presence in the country .

  10. 2005年前后,这种模式帮助了大批中国公司在美国上市,或者进行反向收购。阿里巴巴也将这种方法用到了自己在中国境内的业务,比如淘宝网、阿里巴巴网站和阿里巴巴全球速卖通等。

    This was the corporate template helping power the wave of Chinese IPOs and reverse mergers in the U.S. during the mid-2000s , and it 's employed by Alibaba for the China-domiciled operations such as Taobao Marketplace , Alibaba.com .