- Holocene;Recent;Recent epoch

The planet 's history contains many less stable and clement eras than the holocene .
Culture Region Sandy materials were deposited continually during the middle and late Holocene .
Velocities of P and S waves and their ratio in Tengchong volcano areas in Holocene Epoch
The interpretation of the environment information recorded by charcoal in a Holocene section at ETC site in the middle reaches of Jinghe
3m thick profile of the Holocene loess exposes near a brick kiln .
The prevalence of downward CO2 trends during equivalent intervals early in previous interglaciations poses a major problem for natural explanations of the late-Holocene CO2 increase .
During the early Holocene ( 12.0-9.0 ka BP ), deciduous broad_leaved forest / conifer and broad_leaved deciduous mixed forest were distributed in the east of Plateau ( 104 ° - 98 ° E ) .
The middle Pleistocene , late Pleistocene and Holocene strata are > 50 m , about 10m and < 5 m thick , respectively .
It consists of the First paleosoil ( S1 ), Malan loess ( L1 ) and Holocene paleosoil ( S0 ) .
However , high resolution of decades or hundreds years for geological samples and reliable ages of geologic strata chronology are an urgent problem to be resolved which challenges for further studies of geological disaster events .
The results show that the dislocation of the fault extends upward to the depth 20m or so below the surface . This fault has been active in early Holocene time . The average slip rate of the fault is 0.12mm/a .
Shandong Holocene littoral soft soil is distributed in bays , lagoons and river estuaries and has a thickness of 1-10m .
The horizontal slide rate from the Holocene is about 3.53 ± 0.34mm / a , and also the vertical rate is 0.29 ± 0.03mm/a .
In the Late Holocene , especially at 2700 aBP , a distinct environmental change with the considerable amplitude of variation indicating an important climate transition in the tropical eastern Asia was recorded , probably responding to the enhancement of ENSO phenomena in the Pacific Ocean .
The upper member ( 2.6 8 m ) resulted from the late Holocene ( about 3 to 2 ka BP ) eolian sedimentation . Two weakly pedogenic beds within this part suggest two short term climatic fluctuations in the prevailing eolian activity .
Based on data of seismic profiles from SO 50 and several wells , the Quarternary sediments of the central part of Pearl River Mouth Basin can be divided into four layers .
The study indicates that the oxygen isotope records , besides reflecting the variation of the monsoon intensity , can better reveal the abrupt change of climate during H1 , BA and YD as well as 9 100 a , 8 200 a and 4 600 a in Holocene .
Field investigation and the grain-size analysis in a loess profile of Holocene in the north bank of the Yangtze River , Nanjing , have revealed the characteristics of the environmental change during the last 10 000 years .
In the process of environmental evolution in the middle Holocene , about 7,000-8,000 years BP , a big sea transgression occurred in Leizhou peninsula , which underlay the present morphology .
The data obtained from ice core indicates that climate changes from warm to cold is gradual and from cold to warm is rapid , the coldest climate is about 23 Ka during the late Pleistocene .
Genes of Holocene coast - Dune - rocks in South China
Origin of the heteropic deposits in the Holocene Changjiang Subaqueous Delta
Holocene mud deposits in the west of the northern Huanghai Sea
The study on volcanic eruption and forest conflagration since Holocene Quaternary
The peat humification records of Holocene climate change in Hongyuan region
Pollen Analysis of Holocene Loess and Vegetation Evolution in Yan'an Area
A Preliminary Discussion on Basic Features of the Holocene Tectonic Movement
The Holocene peats in southern Jiangsu and relative sea level changes
Historical Climate Change s of the West China in the Holocene
Pedological processes and human dimensions on Weihe river plain in Holocene