
rù zhuì
  • marry into and live with one's bride's family;son-in-law by adoption
入赘 [rù zhuì]
  • [marry into and live with one's bride's family] 上门女婿,男子到女方家落户

  • 今夜要来入赘,没奈何,只得允从。--《杨家将演义》

入赘[rù zhuì]
  1. 后来他拿着林冲送的盘缠来到沧州,入赘给一个店家,最后继承了这家小酒店。

    Later on he hold woods wash travelling expenses that give come Cangzhou , marry into and live with one 's bride 's family to a hotel owner , Carried on this pub at last .

  2. 他入赘于新娘家中。

    He was adopted into the bride 's family .

  3. 人物介绍:他其实是宫安希的哥哥,但因入赘而使用未婚妻的姓氏。

    Intro : elder brother of anthy , yet he has surname of his fiancee .

  4. 其中的人口密度和血缘组织关系两个原因是桂西壮族入赘婚俗流行的最关键的起决定作用的要素。

    There are four main reasons of which population density and consanguinity relationship are two decisive factors in the popularity of such customs .

  5. 蒙古族进入阶级社会后,受到宗法思想的影响,形成了收继婚、抢婚制、世代婚、等级婚、入赘婚、买卖婚、抱斧婚等名目繁多的宗法性婚姻形态。

    After Mongolian entered into class society , effected by patriarchal , They took shape of some marriage form such as continual marriage , despoil marriage , inherit marriage , grade marriage , etc.

  6. 第一部分主要以媒体报道的浙江萧山某些入赘婚所引发的争议为引子,分析此类婚姻存在的问题,即形式上的合法性与实质上的不道德性。

    The first part , based on the controversies of the uxorilocal marriage in Xiaoshan County reported by the media , mainly analyze the problem of existence of the uxorilocal marriage , which is validity in form but immorality in nature .

  7. 土司统治时期,土家族出现了一些特殊婚俗,如初夜权、入赘婚等,但对偶婚仍然占据主导地位,这与当时土家族地区落后的经济相关。

    During the period of toast , Tujia had some special marriage customs , such as the first night right , uxorilocal , but the pairing marriage was still dominant . This is related to the backward economy of the Tujia areas .