
  • 网络Free TV;Free-TV;fta tv
  1. 转播豁免仅仅适用于免费电视领域,各个球队的单独转播权并不受转播豁免的限制。

    Broadcasting exemption is applicable only to free TV programs , while the right to the individual broadcasting of games played by individual teams is not restricted by broadcasting exemption .

  2. 他们厌烦了每个月100多美元的电视费。他们中越来越多的人不再交有线电视和卫星电视服务费,也不用室外天线接收免费电视信号。

    They 're tired of $ 100-plus monthly bills . A growing number of them have stopped paying for cable and satellite TV service , and don 't even use an antenna to get free signals over the air .

  3. 与此同时,对于哥伦比亚广播公司(cbs)这样的全国性免费电视播映商而言,与苹果的合作可能是转播费争夺战中更广泛谈判策略的一部分。

    Meanwhile , for the national free-to-air broadcasters such as CBS , a deal with Apple could be part of a broader negotiating tactic in the battle over retransmission fees .

  4. 上周,该公司首次获得了香港的免费电视牌照。

    Last week , it was granted its first free-to-air TV licence in the city .

  5. 本地免费电视节目服务

    Domestic free television programme service

  6. 大概15年前,所有的免费电视节目频道都热衷播放犀利的时评节目;

    FIFTEEN years ago nearly all the television shows that excited critics and won awards appeared on free broadcast channels .

  7. 但是这也造成一个问题:随着更多在线用户观看免费电视内容,广播商和广告商从他们的收费在线电视节目中获得的收益会更少。

    As a result , online video viewing is also rising and an increasing amount of broadcast and cable television content is appearing online .

  8. 就免费电视和付费电视进行探讨,分析目前付费电视所面临的问题,提出如何发展付费电视的观点。

    This article refers to free television programs and charged television programs , and it analyzes the problems in charged television programs at present , and it brings up an idea a - bout how to develop charged television programs .

  9. 娱乐时间(Showtime)等付费有线电视频道、以及播放《广告狂人》(MadMen)的AMC等免费有线电视频道,也在追随HBO的脚步。

    Subscription channels including Showtime and free ones such as AMC , which broadcast Mad Men , followed its lead .

  10. 他们获得免费的电视台信号,将它们连接到DVR上,然后允许用户从移动设备上观看。

    They captured the free over the air signals of TV stations , connect them to a DVR and then allows subscribers to watch them from a mobile device .

  11. 免费无线电视行业同样面临挑战。

    Free to air television also faces challenges .

  12. 免费手机电视似乎能够加强广播公司的品牌知名度,提高观众的忠诚度。

    Offering free access seems to reinforce the broadcaster 's brand , and boosts viewer loyalty .

  13. 崭新的飞机安全可靠,真皮座椅安逸舒适,每个座位都有免费卫星电视以供娱乐,而且还全面打折。

    The security of brand-new planes , the comfort of leather seats , the entertainment of free satellite televisions at each seat , all for a discounted price .

  14. 参加本展会,同时免费享有电视报纸主流媒体、杂志期刊平面媒体、网络媒体等多重资源多角度多层次宣传报导,影响力深而广,时间长达一年以上。

    Taking part in SLF , all the exhibitors can enjoy the main stream media , like TV , newspaper , magazine , internet , etc to cover themselves from different angles , multiple layers for over one year .

  15. 美国广播公司4月份开始在其网站上提供顶级电视节目下载服务。该公司发现,84%的受访者认为,能够以观看植入式广告作为交换条件免费观看电视节目,对他们而言非常划算。

    ABC , which began offering its top-rated television programmes for download from its website in April , has found that 84 per cent of respondents believed they were getting a great deal by being able to watch the programmes for free in exchange for viewing embedded advertisements .

  16. 这些信息可以很容易的被复制,攻击者获得这些加密信息后就可以免费地观看电视。

    These information can be easily copy and get the secret information to watch TV for free .

  17. 获胜后的查韦斯对反对派又是威胁又是恐吓,并且还对国家宣传机器进行严格的管制:如今,大部分免费播出的电视频道都在为政府摇旗呐喊。

    He cowed the opposition . He harassed its media outlets : today , most free-to-air television channels spout government propaganda .

  18. 英超联盟已商定,支持免费与付费电视相结合的混合模式。亚洲一位分析人士表示,至少会有四家竞标方参与下周一的拍卖。

    The Premier League has negotiated support for a hybrid model combining free and pay-television , with one analyst in the region saying at least four bidders are taking part in Monday 's auction .

  19. Amazon和Netflix等网络公司也暗藏杀机,它们破坏性强且拥有大量资金,通过因特网向观众提供低价或免费的电影和电视节目。

    Disruptive , deep-pocketed firms like Amazon and Netflix lurk , whispering promises of internet-delivered films and television shows for little or no money .

  20. 不过达成协议仅仅是将现在的棘手问题推迟而已,仍然没有人会愿意收购Hulu,除非它能继续提供免费的最新电视节目。

    Making those commitments simply prolongs the headaches the owners are trying to relieve through a sale , but nobody will want to buy Hulu unless it still has fresh , free television shows to offer .

  21. 除了技术,如免费数字安营在电视里的优惠券和邮件印刷出版,毫无作用于为客户在广告中的信息。

    Apart from techniques like toll-free numbers pitched in infomercials and mail-in coupons in print publications , there was no way for customers to act on the information in the ad.