
miǎn yì
  • immunity;immunization;immune;immuno
免疫 [miǎn yì]
  • [immune] 机体识别和排除抗原性异物、以维护自身生理平衡和稳定的一种保护性反应。有先天性免疫和获得性免疫两种

免疫[miǎn yì]
  1. 这种疫苗对流感的免疫效力时间较长。

    The vaccine provides longer immunity against flu .

  2. 疫苗也引起细胞介导免疫。

    Vaccines also induce cellmediated immunity .

  3. 我们的免疫系统正在杀死数以十亿计的细菌。

    Our immune systems are killing billions of germs right now .

  4. 在一些国家致命疾病免疫注射的覆盖面已达到99%。

    Immunization coverage against fatal diseases has increased to 99 % in some countries .

  5. 瑜伽能增强人体免疫系统。

    Yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system .

  6. 压力可能会破坏免疫系统。

    Stress can wreak havoc on the immune system .

  7. 人体的免疫系统是抵御疾病的主要屏障。

    The immune system is our main defence against disease

  8. 但免疫疗法目前仍处于实验阶段。

    For the time being , however , immunotherapy is still in its experimental stages

  9. 接受器官移植的病人免疫系统受到抑制后很可能会感染其他疾病。

    A suppressed immune system puts a transplant recipient at risk of other infections .

  10. 病人的免疫系统会对移植器官产生异质排斥反应。

    The patient 's immune system would reject the transplanted organ as a foreign object .

  11. 你的免疫系统已经因习惯了这种物质而不再敏感。

    Your immune system has been desensitized because it has become used to the substance .

  12. 这种综合征更容易对那些免疫系统已经低于正常水平的人构成威胁。

    The syndrome is more likely to strike those whose immune systems are already below par .

  13. 普通人一般不是很了解何谓免疫机能紊乱。

    The average man or woman in the street doesn 't know very much about immune disorders .

  14. 为了解艾滋病,人们的注意力从艾滋病病毒转向了免疫系统。

    In the effort to understand AIDS , attention is moving from the virus to the immune system .

  15. 卫生部和一位知名免疫学家严词抨击了上周《星期日泰晤士报》的一篇报道。

    The Department of Health and a top immunologist have blasted a report in last week 's Sunday Times .

  16. 希望这一治疗会激发免疫反应,清除感染了艾滋病病毒的细胞,同时又不损伤未感染细胞。

    It is hoped the procedure will trigger an immune response that will wipe out HIV-infected cells while leaving non-infected cells unharmed .

  17. 在某些方面,可以把免疫系统比作一个集权国家。

    In some ways the immune system may be compared to a totalitarian state .

  18. 一般说来,癌瘤不具有危险信号因此它们不会引发强烈的免疫反应。

    Generally , cancers do not have danger signals and , therefore , they cannot elicit strong immune reactions .

  19. 这些例子有血检、断喙、免疫接种、授精、性别鉴定、称重以及转运鸡群。

    Examples are blood testing , debeaking , vaccinating , inseminating , sexing , weighing , and moving birds from one location to another .

  20. 一位女士在患了引发手部剧痛的自身免疫疾病以后,被鼓励尝试编织,她在工艺纱理事会的网站上汇报说,她的手现在不那么僵硬和疼痛了。

    A woman encouraged to try knitting and crocheting after developing an autoimmune disease that caused a lot of hand pain reported on the Craft Yarn Council site that her hands are now less stiff and painful .

  21. 但是,只有当几乎所有的群体都加入进来时,群体免疫才起作用。

    But herd immunity works only when nearly the whole herd joins in .

  22. 如果有些人不接种疫苗又跑去搭便车,这个免疫系统就会崩溃,所有人都面临着更大的危险。

    When some refuse vaccination and seek a free ride , immunity breaks down and everyone is in even bigger danger .

  23. 这就是所谓的"群体免疫",它保护那些比较脆弱的人,比如由于医学原因不能接种疫苗的人,年纪太小无法接种疫苗的婴儿,以及接种无效的人。

    This is called " herd immunity " , which protects the people who get hurt easily , including those who can 't be vaccinated for medical reasons , babies too young to get vaccinated and people on whom the vaccine doesn 't work .

  24. 研究压力的科学家们发现,一点压力可以使免疫系统变得更强。

    Scientists who study stress learnt a little stress can make the immune system stronger .

  25. 结论:AbE有可能成为一种能改善造血与免疫功能的生物反应调节剂。

    Conclusion : AbE is potentially a biological response modulator for hemopoietic and immuno-regulstion .

  26. 维生素B6:有助于保持免疫系统和心脏健康;

    Vitamin B6 , which also helps support the immune system and heart health .

  27. 此外,睡眠不足会削弱免疫功能。

    In addition , insufficient sleep can erode9 immune function .

  28. 它不断地改变它的外观以逃避我们的免疫系统。

    It 's constantly mutating its appearance to evade2 our immune system .

  29. 蓝莓也因其对免疫系统的强大影响而闻名。

    Blueberries are also known for their powerful effects on the immune system .

  30. 一个弱免疫系统是不会增加感冒的感染可能性的。

    A weakened immune system does not heighten the risks of catching a cold .