
  • 网络tuition waiver;partial tuition waiver;waive
  1. 我突然想起来,免学费没有写出来。马上说。

    Because it carries with it a tuition waiver .

  2. 这使得高等教育成本成了2016年大选竞选活动的主题之一,与希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)角逐民主党总统候选人提名的伯尼•桑德斯(BernieSanders)以公立学院和大学免学费的承诺动员年轻选民。

    That has made the cost of higher education a theme of the 2016 election campaign , with Bernie Sanders , Hillary Clinton 's rival for the Democratic nomination , mobilising young voters with a pledge of free tuition at public colleges and universities .

  3. 上公立中学免学费。

    Public schools are free for the taking .

  4. 杰哈兹布大学是免学费的,但父亲需要生活费。

    Tuition at Jehanzeb was free but my father needed money to live on .

  5. 他之所以选择皇后学院,是因为它免学费,而且自己可以住在家里。

    He chose Queens College because it was free and he could live at home .

  6. 福建师范大学去年秋天开设了第一个免学费男生师范班。

    Fujian Normal University admitted its first class of male student teachers under the tuition-free program last fall .

  7. 免学费加人民助学金政策的形成、实施及其作用和影响

    The Policy of Tuition Free plus Grants from People : the Making , Enforcement , Function and Influence

  8. 历来受教育都不是容易的事情。上公立中学免学费。

    It never has been easier to get an education . Public schools are free for the taking .

  9. 上公立中学免学费。除了学费和食宿费,我还需要多少生活费?

    Public schools are free for the taking . How much shall I still have as living expenses besides accommodation and tuition ?

  10. 等孩子们长大了,他们也许能以自己的方式解决收入不平等和大学免学费的问题。

    When they are older , perhaps the children can reconcile questions of income inequality and free college tuition on their own terms .

  11. 中等职业学校免学费补助政策扩大到三年。

    The scheme to subsidize the waiving of tuition fees at schools providing secondary vocational education was extended to cover three years of study .

  12. 实施中等职业教育免学费政策,覆盖范围包括所有农村学生、城市涉农专业学生和家庭经济困难学生。

    We implemented the policy of tuition-free secondary vocational education for all rural students and all urban students who study agriculture-related majors or are from poor families .

  13. 但是哈佛大学公布的校历却错误地标明星期三才是截止日期,所以哈佛大学的官员们表示,也接受在那天提出的免学费休学申请。

    But an academic calendar published by Harvard incorrectly listed the deadline as Wednesday , so university officials said tuition-free withdrawals would be accepted on that day as well .

  14. 林语堂在上海圣约翰大学获得学士学位,之后半免学费赴哈佛大学文学系留学攻读博士学位。

    Lin studied for his bachelor 's degree at Saint John 's University in Shanghai , then received a half-scholarship to continue study for a doctoral degree at Harvard University .

  15. 中等职业学校农村家庭经济困难学生和涉农专业学生免学费政策开始实施。

    We started to implement the policy of free tuition for rural students attending secondary vocational schools whose families have financial difficulties and students in such schools who are studying agriculture-related majors .

  16. 允许你申请研究生但好象你需要拿到他们学院任何系能给你奖学金的证明,他们才能给你免学费。

    We will instruct you to apply to the Graduate School for admission if you accept any offers of financial aid our department might make you and we will then pay your fee for you .

  17. 他们称,一旦哈佛免学费的消息传开,来自各种背景的高水平候选者都会大幅增加,大学将不再存在平衡族裔多样性的问题。

    They say that once word spreads about a free Harvard education , the number of highly qualified candidates from all backgrounds will spike , and the university will no longer have trouble balancing its class for racial or ethnic diversity .

  18. 完善国家助学制度,逐步将中等职业教育免学费政策覆盖到所有农村学生,扩大普通高中家庭经济困难学生资助范围。

    We will improve the state financial aid system for students by gradually making all rural students exempt from paying tuition for secondary vocational education , and by granting financial aid to more students from poor families who attend regular senior secondary schools .

  19. 由于这些的原因,我创办了人民大学,一所非盈利性的、免学费的、授予学位的大学它提供了另一种选择,为那些没有其它选择的人创造了一种选择,一种价格合理的选择,一种可扩展的选择,

    These are the reasons I founded University of the People , a nonprofit , tuition-free , degree-granting university to give an alternative , to create an alternative to those who have no other , an alternative that will be affordable and scalable ,

  20. 发现高校学生拖欠学费问题产生的主要原因有,我国经济发展的不平衡,长期实行的免学费加助学金政策的影响;国家现行困难生资助政策的负面影响;

    The main reason why the question of the university students being behind in payment school expense spawn relies on the unbalance of the economy of our country , the influence of long-term implementation of " free school expense add the stipend " policy , the negative influence of .

  21. 你也许听说过BernieSanders关于免大学学费的提案,听起来挺不错的,是吧?

    You 've probably already heard about Sen. Bernie Sanders ' free-college tuition bill . It sounds like a great idea , right ?

  22. 已逾学龄未受基本教育之国民,一律受补习教育,免纳学费,其书籍亦由政府供给。

    All citizens above school age who have not received primary education shall receive supplementary education free of charge and shall also be supplied with books by the government .