- 网络Kruger Park;The Kruger National Park

It 's a common school day at Southern Cross School near the famous Kruger National Park in South Africa .
But German tourists last year at Kruger National Park had a more violent stand-off with an elephant .
The spectacle was captured on camera by British tourist Jamie Rooney , who was visiting the famous Kruger National Park in South Africa .
The Masai Mara Park Reserve in Kenya and the Kruger National Park in South Africa exemplify the timeless philosophy of man living in harmony with nature ,
Kruger National Park in South Africa , the largest game reserve in South Africa , is far from pollution and artificial lights of towns and cities .
More than half live in six protected areas , which is why tourists in Kenya 's Masai Mara or South Africa 's Kruger National Park can still see plenty of lions .
Officials at South Africa Kruger National Park say they are poised to combat poachers with a new equipment as sophisticated as that used by criminal gangs , who are killing animals .
In one densely wooded region , Punda Maria in the far north of Kruger , impala consume more grass than elsewhere in the Park .