
kè jǐ
  • self-denial;renunciation;temperance;reasonable;restrain one's selfishness;be strict with oneself;overcome one's own desires;deny self
克己 [kè jǐ]
  • [overcome one's own desires;deny self] 克制和约束自己;严格要求自己

  • 克己奉公

  • [reasonable] 旧时商店自称价钱公道,不多赚钱

  • 要价特别克己

克己[kè jǐ]
  1. 甘地体现了克己、禁欲和自我约束的美德。

    Gandhi exemplified the virtues of renunciation , asceticism and restraint .

  2. 他们属于更加克己的上一代人。

    They belong to an older , more self-denying generation .

  3. 但这种意志力和克己精神已属罕见&像洛克菲勒家族(Rockefellers)和希尔顿家族(Hiltons)那样令人遗憾的案例更为普遍。

    But such willpower and self-denial is rare-sad cases like the Rockefellers and Hiltons are more common .

  4. 歌是凯夫和米克·哈维(MickHarvey)合写的,哈维是乐队的吉他手,性格坚韧克己、鲜明清晰。两人的合作就这样从1974年一直延续下来,直至度过20世纪的终点。

    The songs that Cave wrote with Mick Harvey , the band 's stoic , clean-cut guitarist , formed the beginning of a collaboration that would last from 1974 to well past the end of the millennium .

  5. 我不是佛教僧人,我也不能说我本身喜欢“克己绝欲”,或者花上一个多小时出去打印一篇文章,或者错过NBA决赛。

    I 'm no Buddhist monk , and I can 't say I 'm in love with 16 ) renunciation in itself , or traveling an hour or more to print out an article I 've written , or missing out on the N.B.A. Finals .

  6. 面对自然的“摧残”,“坚忍克己”是多么的令人敬佩。

    Stoicism is an admirable response to what fate deals you .

  7. 修院表现的是极端的自私,而结果是极端的克己。

    The convent is supreme egoism having for its result supreme abnegation .

  8. 大卫坎贝尔曾说过,克己修身之道在于紧记自己的所需。

    David Campbell once said , Discipline is remembering what you want .

  9. 我们是曾以“克己”著称的民族。

    We are a people used to be known for " self-restraint " .

  10. 坚忍克己之人经受苦难仍能泰然自若。

    Stoic person responds to hardship with imperturbation .

  11. 商人离开后,游客称赞搬运工能忍辱克己。

    After the businessman left , the traveler complimented the porter on his restraint .

  12. 载有受过训练的宇航员的火箭.我似乎是一个受过训练的,克己的人。

    A rocket manned by trained astronauts I appeared a disciplined and subdued character .

  13. 我似乎是一个受过训练的,克己的人。

    I appeared a disciplined and subdued character .

  14. 在这一带山区,我们不需要任何英雄般的克己的公民。

    We do not want any citizens full of heroic resignation in these hills .

  15. 学着更加准确地筛检信息,更加克己。

    I need learn to check up information more accurately and be strict with myself .

  16. 坚忍克己:《一天的等待》中父子误解的根源

    Stoicism : The Cause of Misunderstanding between Father and Son in A Day 's Wait

  17. 应对灾祸,坚忍克己当然行之有效,但是对于开展改革来说,却是糟糕至极。

    Stoicism - however good for coping with adversity - is bad for bringing on change .

  18. 克己是孔子人格完善理论的重要内容,它具体包含克欲,处理好义利关系;

    Restraining oneself is the important content of the theory of the perfect personality put forward by Confucius .

  19. 这是你们全休息的安息日,应克己苦身:这是永久的法令。

    For it is a sabbath of rest , and you shall afflict your souls by a perpetual religion .

  20. 抑制通过克己或自我苦行的方式抑制(一个人的身体或物质欲望)

    To discipline ( one 's body and physical appetites ) by self - denial or self - inflicted privation .

  21. 接下来的几个月,我会称道从进克己理发店到进平常餐馆的各类所长。

    In the coming months , I will be singing the virtues of everything from cheap haircuts to greasy-spoon restaurants .

  22. 历史记载着人类的一切苦难、克己、忠诚和英勇的事迹。

    History records the suffering , the self-denial , the devotion , and the heroic deeds of people in the past .

  23. 假设我们成为了那种人(甚至无意识的想像),这可以使我们暂时从克己守法的义务中解放自我,并且不对社会造成任何伤害。

    Imagining ourselves as that person ( even unconsciously ) temporarily liberates us from these obligations without actually causing any harm .

  24. 孔子的“克己”、孟子的“寡欲”的核心乃实指“节欲”之意。

    Both Confucius ' " self-restraining " and Mencius ' " few desires " essentially focused on " controlling the desires " .

  25. 它强调个人对他人、对社会自觉地履行道德义务和责任,讲求“克己”的无私奉献精神。

    It emphasizes that individual must carry out ethics duties conscientiously to others , and asks a wholehearted devotion gist of offering selflessly .

  26. 对“礼仪廉耻忍耐,克己百折不挠”的推崇,使我坚信我将爱好这项运动一生一世。

    Deeply impressed by this saying , I have a strongly confidence that I will go along with this project all through my life .

  27. 梅里卡利奥曾写作过一本阿赫蒂萨里的传记。她说,这位芬兰前总统身上体现了一种坚韧克己的韧性,芬兰把此看作是本国人的品性。

    Ahtisaari and a journalist for the Finnish magazine Suomen Kuvalehti , said the former president embodied a stoic toughness that Finns see as their national trait .

  28. 当他递给我最后一块巧克力的时候,我敢肯定他的克己行为与其说出于无私还不如说是害怕发胖。

    I felt sure that his self-denial , as he handed me the last chocolate , was prompted less by selflessness than by a fear of getting fat .

  29. 所谓修身,就是“克已”,完善人品操行,提高人生境界,通过修身(克己)能达到儒家理想的“怀仁”“知礼”“的人格高度。

    To be benevolent and make one 's personality perfect , so as to reach a high level in one 's life is always what the Confucius advocated .

  30. 最后,在中国定位一个品牌时,产品须能解决野心勃勃与严守克己的矛盾,既要彰显个性,又要适应融入。

    The last rule for positioning a brand in China is that products must address the need to navigate the crosscurrents of ambition and regimentation , of standing out while fitting in .