
ɡuānɡ xù
  • Guangxu reign period
  1. 你只须将想要研究的样本放在一块载玻片上,再将其插入这个支架中,如果支架中的光绪系统检测出载玻片上的毒素、蛋白质、细菌、病毒或其他生物材料,iPhone的屏幕就会指示出波长移位。

    Just put a sample of what you want to study on a slide and insert it into the cradle . The iPhone screen indicates a shift in wavelength when the cradle 's photonic crystal detects toxins , proteins , bacteria , viruses or other biological materials on the slide .

  2. 随着光绪帝,她逃到了西安。

    Along with the Guangxu Emperor , she fled to Xi'an .

  3. 光绪通宝宝河局打造母钱

    A mother Guang Xu Tong Bao coin stricken by Baohe Bureau

  4. 你那套光绪年的办法太守旧了。

    Your Qing dynasty methods are way out of date .

  5. 慈禧、光绪曾多次在此召见群臣,接待外国使节。

    Turning , Guangxu repeatedly summoned officials here , the reception of foreign envoys .

  6. 妖术恐慌中的民教冲突&关于光绪二年(1876)皖南教案和苏南闹教

    Conflicts of Religious and Non-religious People in the " Witchcraft " Terror in 1876

  7. 若没有她,锐意求进的光绪皇帝,一定会进行他的维新大计。

    Without her the progressive Emperor Kuangshu would certainly have gone on with his reforms .

  8. 拉马五世改革与光绪帝变法异同论

    On the Differences and Similarities Between Lama V 's Reform and Emperor Guang Xu 's Reform

  9. 清光绪二十四年;

    Twenty-four years the Qing dynasty ;

  10. 这个皇帝天赋文武双全。慈禧夺权后,就将光绪皇帝幽禁在瀛台。

    After seizing the throne , Cixi had the emperor put under house arrest on Ying'Tai .

  11. 但是,理想扼杀慈溪和光绪被关押在自己的宫殿。

    But the ideals were stifled by Cixi and Guangxu was jailed in his own palace .

  12. 在让利争权的宗旨下,光绪三十三年十二月(1908年1月)订立正合同。

    None other in the struggle for power purposes , the January 1908 contract was entered into .

  13. 他于光绪壬寅五月东渡日本考察学制,总结并提出了一系列学制思想。

    He went to Japan to study School System , summarized and made a series of academic thinking .

  14. 哥老会与光绪十七年长江教案

    The Society of Brothers and the " Yangtze River Missionary Case " in 1891 The Story of Year

  15. 后来我们才知道她是光绪皇帝的妃子,很年轻的皇后。

    We were told later that this was the Young Empress , wife of the Emperor Kwang Hsu .

  16. 慈禧太后和光绪皇帝均于1908年去世,留下了一个相对来说无能和不稳定的中央政权。

    Cixi and the Guangxu emperor both died in 1908 , leaving a relatively powerless and unstable central authority .

  17. 晚清徽州社会救济体系初探&以光绪三十四年水灾为例

    The Huizhou Social Relief System in Late Qing Dynasty & a Case Study of Huizhou Mountain Torrents Disaster in 1908

  18. 1895年,光绪皇帝在一份“诏书”中列出了要做的“十大实事”,其中就有“立学堂”。

    In 1895 , Emperor Guangxu issued an imperial edict making the construction of universities one of ten national priorities .

  19. 城南书院与湖南其它书院一样,在清代光绪年间,开始步入改制时期。

    The same as other academies in Hunan , Cheng Nan Academy begins its reform during the reign of Guang Xu .

  20. 沈家本,浙江湖州人,清光绪年间任法部侍郎、大理院正卿等职。

    Shen Jiaben , born in Huzhou , was the assistant minister of the Ministry of the Law and the minister of Daliyuan etc.

  21. 光绪十年(1884年),清廷决定设立甘肃新疆省,定迪化为省会。

    Guangxu decade ( 1884 ), the Qing court decided to set up Xinjiang , Gansu , will be Dihua is the capital .

  22. 子弟书是满族八旗入关后创制的说唱艺术,清乾隆至光绪年间,在北京曾盛极一时。

    Zidishu , a kind of folk art , was famous and popular in Beijing between Qianlong and Guangxu periods in Qing dynasty .

  23. 产品描述:京剧于清光绪年间形成于北京是中国的国粹。

    Description : Peking Opera was originated at the end of Qing Dynasty , it is regarded as one of the greatest Chinese art .

  24. 内容提要本文引用的主要资料是同治、光绪年间曾任南海知县的杜凤治的日记。

    The main data used in this article are the diaries of Du Fengzhi , who was magistrate of Nanhai county during the Tongzhi and Guangxu periods .

  25. 版本来自《续修四库全书》,据上海图书馆馆藏清光绪十八年廖廷相刻本的影印本。

    The version come from Continuation of Si Ku Quan Shu , according to the copy of the Shanghai Library eighteen years of the Qing dynasty edition .

  26. 清朝在同治和其后的光绪二帝在位的时候,大权全部落在慈禧太后手中;

    Qing Dynasty in the Tongzhi and its after the reign of Emperor Guangxu second time , power all come into the hands of the Empress Dowager Cixi ;

  27. 本文以被誉为“湖南百科全书”的光绪《湖南通志》为主要对象,辅以其他方志,研究清代湖南的灾荒与荒政。

    In this paper , the author studied the Hunan chorography as well as some other chorography to investigate the natural disaster and disaster control in Qing dynasty .

  28. 郭嵩焘的政治思想基本上以其于光绪二年(1876年)出使英法为界分为前后两个阶段。

    His political thought was divided basically into two stages by 1876 , in this year he became the first envoy of Qing Dynasty to England and France .

  29. 嘉庆至光绪间,在全州龙水出现了一个以蒋励常、蒋启敷、蒋琦龄等为代表的蒋氏文学家族。

    During Jiaqing and Guangxu period , in Longshui of Quanzhou , there appeared the literature faintly ot Jiang represented by Jiang Lichang , Jiang Qiyang , and Jiang Qiling .

  30. 论文分析指出,频繁、严重的灾荒造成了巨量的人口死亡,减缓了人口增长的速度,这是光绪朝人口增长缓慢的一个主因。

    First , the frequent severe catastrophes caused a mass of life loss , slowed down the population growth rate , and became the major cause of the slow population growth .