
  • 网络Light bending;Radial Warp
  1. 光线弯曲对激光测量热钢板厚度的影响

    Influence of Laser Beam Bending on Thickness Measurement of Hot Steel Plate

  2. 这一隐身技术通过将围绕物体特殊频率的光线弯曲使得该物体消失。

    The cloaking technique renders an object invisible by bending light of specific frequencies around the target .

  3. 唯一的条件是要从接近掠入射的方向去看公路,因为光线弯曲得非常慢。

    The only requirement is that you look at road at near glancing incidence because the rays bend very gradually .

  4. 综合考虑了光源漂移、光线弯曲、随机抖动等因素的影响。

    The influences of the light beam drift , the light beam incurve , the light beam radom tremble and etc.

  5. 论文中对长距离激光准直光束特性进行了较详细的实验研究和理论分析认为,影响其准直精度的三个重要因素是光源漂移、光线弯曲和随机抖动。

    The maesurement errors in the laser collimation are mainly caused by the light beam drift , the light beam incurve and the light beam random tremble .

  6. 作为光辐射通过接近地球时,它必须穿过大气层,它可能通过折射光而导致光线弯曲。

    As a ray of light passes near the earth , it must cut through the atmosphere , which might bend the ray through the refraction of light .

  7. 利用这些运动方程,具体考察伸缩子时空的一些经典引力效应&比如光线弯曲,行星进动,雷达波的延迟,以及红移。

    Using these equations of motion , we investigate some classical gravitational effects in dilaton spacetime , such as the bending of light rays , the perihelion advance of planet , the delay of radar echo , and the redshifts .

  8. 如果说在离开太阳之后红色光谱的光线弯曲向地球,那么在太阳和地球之间的和在地球大气中的越来越多的红尘会对这些光线产生什么影响?

    If light in the red light spectrum bends back toward Earth after leaving the Sun , what will the increased red dust do to these light rays between the Sun and the Earth an in the Earth 's atmosphere ?

  9. 对于钢板激光测厚系统,采用单表面单光路时,光线弯曲引起的测量误差较大,并且基本不随测量厚度减小而减小。

    For a laser thickness-measuring system for steel plate , when single surface single light path is applied , the measuring error caused by light-ray bending will be larger and it will basically not be reduced with the measured thickness reduction .

  10. 派采尔补充说:“当光线弯曲时,它会吞没物体,就像河床里的水漫过岩石后会继续流淌,好像它流过的地方什么都没有。”

    Mr Perczel added : " When the light is bent it engulfs the object , much like water covering a rock sitting in a river bed , and carries on its path , making it seem as if nothing is there . "

  11. 变折射率介质中光线的弯曲

    Curvature of Light Path in Gradient Refraction Index Medium All Changed

  12. 光线的弯曲是由折射造成的。

    The bending of the light rays is caused by refraction .

  13. 他计算出了光线将会弯曲到什么程度?

    He worked out just how much the light would be bent .

  14. 他准确地计算出了光线被弯曲的程度;他还能计算出恒星看上去移动了多少距离。

    He worked out just how much the light would be bent ; he could also work out how far the stars would appear to have moved .

  15. 阿尔伯特。爱因斯坦的广义相对论预言了一个密度极大的物体的重力场能够造成光线严重弯曲以致无法逃脱。

    Albert Einstein 's general theory of relativity predicted that the gravity of an extremely dense body could bend a ray of light so severely that it could not escape .

  16. 然而,当地人之所以能一直看到加拿大,是由于超折射这一罕见的自然现象,光线向下弯曲折向地面。

    However , locals were able to see all the way to Canada because of a rare natural phenomenon known as super refraction , where rays of light are bent downward toward the surface of Earth .

  17. 星上带容错功能的计算机引导系统的研究和实现他准确地计算出了光线被弯曲的程度;他还能计算出恒星看上去移动了多少距离。

    The Design and Implement of the Space-born Computer with Fault Tolerance ; He worked out just how much the light would be bent ; he could also work out how far the stars would appear to have moved .

  18. 然后按照他的理论,光线会出现弯曲。

    Then according to his theory , the beam of light will actually appear to bend .

  19. 内部的晶状体可以使光线发生一些弯曲,但这不能弥补在角膜处失去的折射,所以到达视网膜的光无法聚焦,水底世界看起来就很模糊。

    The inside lens bends the rays a little , but it can 't make up for the lost corneal refraction , so the light that reaches the retina isn 't focused and the underwater world looks blurry .

  20. 当光通过空气进入角膜时,角膜密度比空气大,大多数折射就发生在这个时候。但是水的密度和角膜的相似,所以,当我们在水底睁开眼睛的时候,入射光线很难弯曲或者聚焦。

    Most of the refraction takes place when light passes from the air into the cornea , which is much more dense , but water and the cornea have similar densities . So , when we open our eyes underwater , incoming light rays are hardly bent , or focused , at all .

  21. 但透明物体不会吸收或散射光,至少吸收或散射的程度不高。光线可以在不弯曲或无障碍的情况下穿过它们。

    But a transparent object doesn 't absorb or scatter light , at least not very much , Light can pass through it without bending or stopping .

  22. 关于光线的两种弯曲的讨论

    Discussion on the two kinds of deflection of the light ray

  23. 光线之所以会如此弯曲是由于空气密度的改变。

    The rays are bent this way because of changes in air density .

  24. 马丁说,异常寒冷的海洋空气使得光线反常地向下弯曲。

    The unusually cold sea air caused light to bend abnormally downward , Maltin said .

  25. 利用光线理论研究光纤弯曲损耗与弯曲半径、纤芯折射中以及包层折射率的关系。

    By the theory of ray optics , the bend losses of fiber as function of fiber parameters such as core index , cladding index , core radius and bend radius are set up .