
  • 网络Fiber Optic Temperature Sensor;DTS;Optical-fiber Temperature Seo
  1. 介绍了一种基于非本征FP腔的干涉/强度调制型光纤温度传感器。

    A fiber optic temperature sensor based on extrinsic Fabry-Perot ( F-P ) cavity interferometric / intensity modulation mechanism is described .

  2. 分布式光纤温度传感器准确测量的技术实现

    The achievement of accurate measuring of distributed fiber optic temperature sensor

  3. 利用ZnO薄膜温变特性构建光纤温度传感器

    Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor Based on Temperature-dependent Optical Properties of ZnO Film on the Sapphire Fiber-ending

  4. ZnO薄膜温变特性在透射型光纤温度传感器中应用的研究

    The Research for the Transmission Fiber-Optic Temperature Sensor Based on High-Temperature-Dependent Optical Properties of Zno Film

  5. 用荧光光纤温度传感器测试X射线探伤机高压包热场分布

    Experimental analysis of thermal field distribution within the high voltage coil of x - ray detector with fluorescent fiber-optic temperature sensor

  6. 分布式光纤温度传感器所探测到的含有温度信息的Raman后向散射光十分微弱,甚至完全淹没在噪声中。

    The back scattering Raman signal with the information of temperature is weak or completely submerged in noise .

  7. 分布式光纤温度传感器APD最佳倍增因子的分析

    Analysis of the optimum gain of APD in distributed fiber temperature sensors

  8. 埋入式F-P光纤温度传感器在混凝土结构水化热测试中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Submerged F-P Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor in the Hydrous Heat Test of Concrete Structure

  9. 在30km分布光纤温度传感器系统的研制过程中,对系统的空间分辨率进行了优化设计。

    The spatial resolution of the 30km distributed optical fiber sensor is optimized .

  10. 利用误差反向传播算法(BP)和径向基函数(RBF)神经网络法,分别对医用体内光纤温度传感器探头进行设计,训练神经网络的数据通过实验和插值得到。

    BP and RBF neural network method has been used to design optical fiber temperature sensor probe using in medical treatment . Datum trained for neural network is gained from experiment and interpolation .

  11. 介绍了一种新型的光纤温度传感器,它基于Fabry-Perot自光干涉原理,可对温度进行绝对测量。

    The optical fiber temperature sensor based on Fabry-Perot white-light interferometric principle , which is capable of providing absolute temperature measurement 's introduced .

  12. 激光喇曼(Raman)型分布光纤温度传感器系统(DOFTSS)是一种用于实时测量空间温度场分布的光纤传感器系统。

    Laser Raman-type distributed optical fiber temperature sensor system ( DOFTSS ) is a new sensor system .

  13. 从设计原理、结构、性能测试与分析几方面,介绍了一种电磁波加温治癌中测温用的单片机GaAs光纤温度传感器。

    This paper describes the designing principle , structure , performance test and analysis of GaAs temperature sensor with a single-chip computer and optic fibre which is used to measure the cancer temperature in clinic of microwave or radio-frequency hyperthermia .

  14. 分布式光纤温度传感器(FODTsensor)用于地下电力电缆故障检测,可对阻性接地系统故障进行快速定位。

    In fault locating of XLPE insulated underground cable of resistance grounding system , the fiber optic distributed temperature sensor ( FODT sensor ) can be used to locate the fault position quickly .

  15. 放大的反斯托克斯拉曼背向自发散射的温度效应作为一种新的测温原理,已应用于远程30km分布光纤温度传感器系统。

    The temperature effect of the amplified anti-Stokes Raman spontaneous backscattering has been applied to long range 30 km distributed optical fiber Raman temperature sensor system as a new principle of temperature measurement .

  16. 为了测量长距离大范围空间分布温度场,设计制造出30km远程光纤温度传感器。基于光纤放大的反斯托克斯背向拉曼自发散射测温原理,对系统进行了优化设计。

    A 30km long range Distributed Optical Fiber Raman Temperature Sensor ( DOFRTS ) system is effectively designed and implemented for the measurement of spatial distribution temperature field based on the measuring principle of anti-Stokes Raman spontaneous scattering light amplified by optical fiber .

  17. 一种基于不同光谱反射比的光纤温度传感器

    An Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor Based on the Differential Spectral Reflectivity

  18. 金属敷层刻纹光纤温度传感器的特性研究

    Properties of the etched optical fiber temperature sensor with metal coating

  19. 从室温到1800℃全程测温的蓝宝石单晶光纤温度传感器

    Sapphire Fiber Thermometer Ranging from the Room Temperature to 1800 ℃

  20. 锁相相关检测技术在荧光光纤温度传感器中的应用

    Application of Phase Locked Detection Technology in Fluorescence Fiber-optic Temperature Sensor

  21. 电磁波加温热疗用光纤温度传感器的研究

    Study of Optic Fibre Temperature Sensor Used for Electro-Magnetic Wave Hyperthermia

  22. 半导体光强反射式光纤温度传感器

    Fiber-optic Sensing of Temperature Based on Light Reflected from Semiconductor Surface

  23. 蓝宝石光纤温度传感器的非线性误差分析与校正

    Nonlinear error analysis and calibration of sapphire optical fiber temperature sensor

  24. 对分布式光纤温度传感器背向拉曼散射信号提取方法的改进

    Improved Extracting Scheme of Backscattered Raman in Distributed Fiber Temperature Sensors

  25. 影响光纤温度传感器应用的两个主要因素

    Two Main Factors That Limit Application of Temperature Optical Fiber Sensors

  26. 具有波长标定功能的多模光纤温度传感器阻抗传感器,阻抗换能器

    Multimode Fiber Based Temperature Sensor with the Capability of Wavelength Encoding

  27. 荧光光纤温度传感器激励光源的选择

    Selection of exciting light sources of optical fiber luminescence temperature sensor

  28. 激光拉曼型分布光纤温度传感器系统

    Laser Raman - Type Distributed Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor System

  29. 油罐测温用光纤温度传感器系统的研究

    Optical Fiber Temperature Sensor for Temperature Measuring in Oil Tank

  30. 医用碳纤维的拉曼散射基于背向拉曼散射的分布式光纤温度传感器的研制

    THE RAMAN SCATTING OF CARBON FIBER A Distributed Optical Fibre Temperature Sensor