
  • 网络fiber-optic hydrophone;fiber optic hydrophone;optical fiber hydrophone
  1. 基于Matlab干涉型光纤水听器调制与解调仿真

    Modulation and Demodulation Simulation of Interferometric Optical Fiber Hydrophone Based on Matlab

  2. Sagnac效应在光纤水听器中的应用

    Application of the Sagnac effect in the optical fiber hydrophone

  3. 新型AGC电路在光纤水听器中的稳幅作用

    A Novel AGC Circuit Applied in the Hydrophone to Stabilize Amplitude

  4. 基于FPGA的光纤水听器PGC解调算法实现

    FPGA-based implementation of PGC demodulation algorithm for fiber optic hydrophone

  5. 在干涉型光纤水听器的信号检测处理技术中,相位产生载波(PhaseGeneratedCarrier简称PGC)的处理方法应用广泛。

    The process method of phase generated carrier ( PGC ) is used widely in signal demodulation of fiber-optic interferential hydrophone .

  6. Michelson干涉型光纤水听器中的SBS效应

    SBS effect in fiber hydrophone based on michelson fiber interferometer

  7. 提出了基于DSP和CPLD的光纤水听器时分(TDM)阵列的数字化解调方案;

    A digital demodulation scheme of TDM fiber-optic hydrophone array is put forward based on DSP and CPLD ;

  8. 光纤水听器阵列TDM信号处理算法研究

    Research on a Signal Processing Algorithm for TDM in a Fiber-Optic Hydrophone Array

  9. 基于CCS的干涉型光纤水听器PGC解调方法研究

    Research on PGC demodulation method for fiber-optic interferential hydrophone based on CCS

  10. 数字化PGC解调光纤水听器的动态范围

    Dynamic Range of Fiber Optic Hydrophone Using Digitized Phase Generated Carrier

  11. 干涉型光纤水听器PGC零差解调技术研究与实现

    Realization of interferometric fiber-optic hydrophone using homodyne demodulation techniques

  12. 干涉型光纤水听器PGC解调方案的研究

    Research on PGC demodulation of interferential fiber-optic hydrophone

  13. Michelson干涉型光纤水听器是一种高灵敏度的干涉型光纤水听器,易于大规模成阵。

    The fiber hydrophone based on Michelson fiber interferometer has high sensitivity which can be made up of large scale array .

  14. 最后利用PGC时分数字化解调方案设计出时分&波分的光纤水听器阵列。

    At last a TDM and WDM fiber-optic hydrophone array based on TDM digital PGC demodulation scheme is designed .

  15. 本文对光纤水听器时分复用系统阵列结构进行了分析,提出一种利用1×N的光开关代替光门器件和延迟光纤来对各通道进行功率分配,实现光纤水听器时分复用的方案。

    In this paper , the structure of the optical fiber hydrophone time division multiplexing ( TDM ) array is discussed , and a novel TDM method using an 1 X N optical switch to distribute optical power is proposed .

  16. 论文详细讨论了带法拉第旋转镜的相位载波干涉型光纤水听器的基本原理及相应的PGC检测技术。

    This paper discuses the postulate of phased-carrier interferential fibre-optics hydrophone having farad revolving mirror and corresponded PGC detecting technology .

  17. 论文详细论述了干涉型光纤水听器的消偏振衰落技术和PGC零差检测技术;

    The dissertation discusses the elimination polarization fading technique and phase-generated-carrier homodyne detection technique of interferometric fiber-optic hydrophone in details ;

  18. 针对Sagnac光纤水听器阵列信号处理,折叠结构的时分复用和噪声光脉冲抑制等关键技术进行了理论和实验研究。

    The signal processing , Time-Division Multiplexing and anti-noise-pulses-overlap in the folded Sagnac sensor array ( FSSA ) are proposed and demonstrated .

  19. 本文的研究是发展大规模光纤水听器阵列的一个基础部分,为研制适合光纤水听器阵列用的EDFA打下了良好的基础。

    This dissertation is part of the basic studies on large scale fiber-optic hydrophone array . The researches in this dissertation provide a foundation for EDFA development in our institute .

  20. 当前,光纤水听器阵列的多路复用技术已成为研究的重要课题之一,而时分复用(TDM)技术被认为是最简单有效的方案。

    At present , the research of multiplexing technology of fiber-optic hydrophone array has become more important . Time division multiplexing ( TDM ) is considered as the simple and effective design for practical application .

  21. 采用相位载波调制解调技术(PGC)的岸基阵光纤水听器信号检测方案将光源与信号处理都放在岸上,系统湿端全光纤化。

    Light source and the signal processing device are placed on the shore in the optical fiber hydrophone system using phase-generated-carrier technique , which make the wet end with no electronic devices .

  22. 美国海军研究实验室(NRL)于80年代初首先将发展光纤水听器列入军事战略发展计划。

    Naval Research Laboratory ( NRL ) of America was absorbed in the research of fiber-optic hydrophone at the beginning of 80 's and placed the development of fiber hydrophone in military strategic plan .

  23. 本文分析了干涉型光纤水听器内调制相位载波(PGC)调制解调的原理,提出了PGC调制解调的全数字化方案,通过计算机仿真,并在光纤水听器系统中实现了PGC的数字化解调。

    In this paper we analyse the principle of phase-generated carrier ( PGC ) modulation of interferometric fiber optic hydrophone , then put up a scheme to realize PGC demodulation by digital scheme , perfect it by lots of simulations on computer .

  24. 光纤水听器(FOH)探头技术是FOH系统的基础,探头的动力特性直接影响水听器动态响应的幅频特性、响应范围和带宽。

    The basis of fiber optic hydrophone ( FOH ) system is FOH probe , the probe natural frequencies and modes have direct influences on the dynamic response characteristics of the hydrophone , such as amplitude-frequency curve features , response range and bandwidth .

  25. 本文针对不同方案的光纤水听器波分复用系统的串扰进行了详细的理论分析。

    The crosstalk in different WDM systems is analyzed and calculated .

  26. 基于光纤水听器阵列的高速时分复用系统研究

    Research on High-Speed Time-Division Multiplexing System Based on Fiber-Optic Hydrophone Array

  27. 拖曳线列阵用光纤水听器的研究

    A fiber optic hydrophone to be used in towed line array

  28. 光纤水听器波分复用系统关键技术研究

    The Study of Crucial Techniques for Fiber Optic Hydrophone WDM System

  29. 光纤水听器时分复用阵列串扰分析

    Cross - talk analysis of fiber - optic hydrophone TDM arrays

  30. 带空气腔芯轴型光纤水听器特性研究空心同轴锗锂探测器

    A Fiber-Optic Air-Backed Mandrel Hydrophone hollow core coaxial Ge Li detector