
  • 网络OAN;FTTx;FTTH;OAN Optical Access Network
  1. 基于GIS和ES的光纤接入网规划系统的设计和实现

    The Design and Implementation of Intelligent Planning System for OAN

  2. 光纤接入网中CMOS单片集成光接收芯片的研制

    Research and Development of CMOS Monolithic Integrated Photoreceiver for Optical Access Network

  3. 全业务光纤接入网:无源光网络上的ATM传输

    Full Service Optical Access Networks : ATM Transport on Passive Optical Networks

  4. 用Bayes网络对光纤接入网供电系统故障的监控

    Bayes Fault Detection for Power Supply System of Optical Access Networks

  5. 基于CDMA的光纤接入网方案

    Optical access network based on CDMA

  6. 铁路车站2M带宽光纤接入网应用探讨

    Develpment on application of 2M-bandwidth optical access network in railway stations

  7. 基于EPON技术的光纤接入网的研究

    Research on Fiber Access Network Technology Based on EPON

  8. EPON是一种新型的光纤接入网技术。

    EPON is a new fiber-optical access technology .

  9. SDH设备在传输网、光纤接入网、骨干传输网中都起了非常重要的作用。

    SDH equipment plays a very important role in transmission network , fiber-optic access network and backbone transmission network .

  10. 光码分多址(OCDMA)塑料光纤接入网的研究

    Study of Plastic Optic Fiber Access Network Based on OCDMA

  11. 近期光纤接入网的规划建设淮北煤矿专用通讯网光缆SDH传输网规划建设

    The Programming Developments of the Special Communication Network and the SDH Transmission Network of Fiber Optic Cable in Huaibei Coal Mine

  12. EPON(EthernetoverPassiveOpticalNetwork,以太无源光网络)是一种新型的光纤接入网技术,它采用点到多点结构、无源光网络传输,在以太网之上提供多种业务。

    EPON ( Ethernet over Passive Optical Network ) is one new solution for optical fiber access network . It has a Point-to-Multipoint Architecture and provides Multi-Service basing on Ethernet .

  13. 对V5接口和采用V5接口及光纤接入网的方式作了具体的论述和介绍。

    The V5 interface , mode of V5 interface and optical fiber access network are introduced in detail .

  14. Ethernetpassiveopticalnetwork(EPON)是一种新型的光纤接入网技术,采用点到多点结构、利用无源光纤传输,在以太网上提供多种宽带业务。

    Ethernet Passive Optical Network ( EPON ) is a new kind of optical access network , which employs point to multipoint connection structure , is transferred by passive fiber optic and provides many broadband services on Ethernet .

  15. 本文介绍了国外为满足光纤接入网和光纤到家庭(FTTH)的需要而研制的各种新的光纤连接器结构。

    The paper presents a variety of new connectors developed for fiber optic access network and fiber to the home in some foreign countries .

  16. FTTH是未来光纤接入网的最佳解决方案,它是光通信系统发展的一种必然趋势。

    FTTH is the best solution for future fiber access networks . It is an inevitable trend in the development of optical communication systems .

  17. 介绍一种可用于光纤接入网的交叉连接系统(LXM)的基本设计思想。

    In this paper we describe the basic design thoughts of a kind of cross connect system ( LXM ) used in optical access network .

  18. 在分析光纤接入网的基本构成及应用类型的基础上,重点研究了EPON和GPON等无源光网络的核心技术。

    Secondly , after discussion of the basic principles and characteristics of optical access network , the key technologies of passive optical networks such as EPON and GPON are studied .

  19. 基于宽带PON系统的高速以太网接入是将以太网与无源光纤接入网相结合,来实现以太网的高速、远距离接入。

    Ethernet access technology based on broadband PON system is a integration of Ethernet and broadband PON system , which can provide a high speed and distance access application for Ethernet .

  20. 波分复用无源光网络(WDM-PON)具有传输容量大,业务透明和网络安全等优点,被公认为是下一代光纤接入网的代表技术。

    Wavelength-division-multiplexing passive optical network ( WDM-PON ) is widely considered as a promising candidate for next generation optical access network technology due to its large transmission capacity , network security , and data transparency .

  21. 光纤接入网尤其是PON技术以其巨大的带宽优势受到了广泛的关注。由于所有用户分享信道带宽,EPON、GPON这种基于TDM/TDMA技术的无源光网络,无法满足未来用户对网络带宽持续增长的需求。

    Optical access network , especially PON , with huge bandwidth has been widespread concerned , Since all users share the bandwidth , EPON , GPON which based on TDM / TDMA technology is unable to meet the growing demand for network bandwidth .

  22. 随着通信网、广播电视网与互联网三网融合高带宽业务的迅猛发展,作为光纤接入网的核心主流技术,无源光网络(PON)趋向于长距离接入和大范围覆盖。

    With the development of triple play service , passive optical network ( PON ), as a key technology to optical access network , tends to be long-reach access and large area covering to reduce the end-to-end cost of bandwidth and simplify the network .

  23. FTTH是光纤接入网发展的最终形式,运营商的光纤直达用户家中,通过光网络单元(ONU)连接各种终端设备,向用户提供多种多样的电信业务。

    FTTH is developing optical access network in final form , operator of the fiber to the home , by the optical network unit ( ONU ) connected to various terminal equipment , to provide users with a variety of telecommunication services .

  24. 文章首先介绍光纤接入网的基本概念,H0NET接入网对综合业务的实现方案,然后介绍HONET系统的传输组网能力,HONET系统的集中维护和112系统,最后阐述HONWT系统的应用情况。

    The basic concepts of optical access network and the integrated services access solution to HONET are presented . Then the transmission and networking capability of HONET , the centralized maintenance of HONET system and 112 system are introduced . Finally , the applications of HONET system are described .

  25. 光纤接入网双纤自愈环的保护分析

    Protection Analysis of Self Healing Ring for Optical Access Networks

  26. 江西省光纤接入网网络规划探讨

    Study of the Optical Access Network Planning in Jiangxi Province

  27. 高可靠性光纤接入网的设计方法

    Design Method of Highly Reliable Optical Fibre Access Network

  28. 一种用于塑料光纤接入网的多优先级控制协议设计

    Analysis and Simulation of Multipriority Reservation Protocol for Plastic Optical Fiber Access Network

  29. 光纤接入网的规划设计

    The Planning and Design for Optical Fiber Access Networks

  30. 光纤接入网的用户线交叉连接系统

    Subscriber Line Cross Connect System for Optical Access Network