
ɡuānɡ xiān ɡuānɡ lǎn
  • optical fiber and cable
  1. ADSS工程设计是一项综合性的系统工程,涉及到机械、电气、地理、气候等因素以及线路、机械、光纤光缆等专业。

    ADSS engineering design is a complicated system engineering , deal with mechanical , electric , climatic and geographic factors and the specialized subjects of line , mechanical , optical fiber and cable .

  2. 光纤光缆国外发展动态

    The Trend of Optical Fiber and Cable in Foreign Countries

  3. 用于高功率YAG激光手术器的光纤光缆耦合器的设计

    Design of a fiber-optic cable coupler for high power YAG laser scalpels

  4. 光纤光缆在CATV领域的应用概述

    The Application of Optical Fiber in CATV

  5. 通过2米长的石英光纤光缆已能输出200W的激光光束,其辐合-传输效率达90%。

    200 watt output power and 90 % coupling-transmission efficiency are obtained by using the quartz fiber cable with 2m length .

  6. 以光纤光缆、光网络硬件和FTTH为重点,介绍了近年来世界光通信市场的现状和发展趋势。

    Focused on the optical fibre and cable , optical network hardware and FTTH , this paper introduces the status quo and trends of global optical communication market .

  7. 本文介绍了一种光纤光缆监测系统OMS98的系统功能、体系结构和设计思想。

    This article introduces the functions structure and design idea of an optical fiber monitoring system , OMS98 , which is effective , flexible and reliable .

  8. 通过光纤光缆可以将检测信号传输1km以上,系统的温度测量范围达到100℃,精度达±0.2℃。

    The detected signal can be transmitted to the control center through optical fiber cable up to distance of 1 km . The measurable range of this system reaches 100 ℃ with accuracy of ± 0.2 ℃ .

  9. 我国光纤光缆及光无源器件产业的现状与发展

    Optical Fiber and Passive Device Industries in China : Now and Future

  10. GB/T12507-1990光纤光缆连接器第一部分:总规范临时管道及电缆连接器

    Connectors for optical fibres and cables-Part 1 : Generic specificatio

  11. 光纤光缆的发展与思考

    Thoughts on the development of optical fiber and cable

  12. 光纤光缆用镀锌钢绞线的开发及管理

    Development and Management of the Galvanized Steel Strand for Light - Conducting Fibres

  13. 背向散射法是光纤光缆测量的最佳方法。

    The backscatter method is the best one for measuring optical fiber cable .

  14. 光纤光缆市场分析

    Analysis of Optical Fiber and Optical Cable Market

  15. 电缆膏;封口膏,密封剂,油灰,腻子;电瓶封口填料;密封接合物气相白炭黑在光纤光缆填充材料中的应用

    Sealing compound The Application of Fumed Silica in Filling Compound for Optical Fibre Cable

  16. 世界光纤光缆市场及其预测

    Global Fiber Optic Cable Market and its Forecast

  17. 本建议包括截止波长位移单模光纤光缆的特性。

    This Recommendation covers the characteristics of a cut-off shifted single-mode optical fibre cable .

  18. 光纤光缆的偏振模色散系数研究

    Study on the Polarization Mode Dispersion Coefficients of the Optical Fiber and Optical Fiber Cable

  19. 汽车电子,医用电子,民用电子,磁性材料,光纤光缆。

    Auto-electronics , medical electronics , civil electronics , magnetic material , optic fiber cable .

  20. 光纤光缆的应用及展望

    Outlook and Application of Fibre Optic Cable

  21. KEVLAR&光纤光缆和电缆的新材料

    KEVLAR-New Material for Fiber Optics and Cables

  22. 电力特种光缆进网质量检验现状及存在问题长飞(上海)在逆境中展翅飞翔&访长飞光纤光缆(上海)有限公司总经理张雁翔

    The network access examination state and existed problems of electric power special optical fiber wires

  23. 同时,还对涉及光纤光缆测量方面的一些新技术作了简单的介绍。

    In addition , some new measurement techniques for optical fibers and cables are introduced .

  24. 随着光通信不断向前发展,光纤光缆在传统市场规模缩小的同时,出现了一些需求的新热点。

    With the development of optical communication , there are the new demands and new technology .

  25. 第五,本文研究了中国光纤光缆市场的发展趋势。

    Fifthly , the thesis analyzes the trend of optical fibre and cable market in China .

  26. 光纤光缆填充油膏分油测试数据的计算机处理

    Dais Treatment with a Computer on Oil Separation Test of Optical Fibre and Cable Filling Gels

  27. 流变性是光纤光缆冷填充材料的重要工艺特性。

    Rheologic property is an important technological property for room temperature filling compound for optical fibre cable .

  28. 光纤光缆能很快地将大量的信息传送到世界上几乎任何一个地方。

    Fiber optic cable can very quickly deliver enormous amounts of information almost anywhere in the world .

  29. 我们设计的超高密度和大芯数光纤光缆具有良好的中间跨距分线功能。

    We designed ultra high density and high count optical fiber cables , which have good mid span branching characteristics .

  30. 白炭黑/NR复合材料界面相互作用研究气相白炭黑在光纤光缆填充材料中的应用

    Study on the interface interaction of silica / NR composite The Application of Fumed Silica in Filling Compound for Optical Fibre Cable