
  • 网络optoelectronics industry;opto-electronics;opto-electronics industry
  1. 随着光电产业的快速发展,各种光电材料不断被开发,透明导电薄膜是其中之一。

    As the optoelectronics industry develops fast , various optoelectronic materials have been found .

  2. 近年来,随着光电产业的蓬勃发展,激光的应用领域日趋广泛,对于光束整形的需求也日益扩大。

    In recent years , with the optoelectronics industry booming , more frequent application of the laser , the demand for beam shaping is growing .

  3. 厦门建设海峡两岸光电产业合作基地的思路探讨

    Thoughts on Constructing Photonics Industrial cooperation Base across Taiwan Strait in Xiamen

  4. 川奇:光电产业新传奇

    Chuanqi , a new legend of LED

  5. 台湾光电产业发展迅猛

    Taiwan 's Optoelectronic Industry is Booming

  6. 随着太阳能电池等光电产业迅猛发展,对光电材料的需求数量日趋增长。

    With the rapid development of solar energy industry , the demands for quantity and quality of photoelectric functional materials are dramatically increasing .

  7. 处,则持续以创新的高科技化学品供应电子与光电产业,共同创造出更缤纷灿烂的美丽世界。

    A , contributes to the brilliant and beautiful world through the application of high-tech chemical products in the electronics and optoelectronics industries .

  8. 武汉诺琦光电产业集团所属诺琦光源制造有限责任公司,位于武汉“中国光谷”。

    Nuoqi Lamp-house Making Co. , Ltd. , a lamp manufacture located in China Optical Valleyof Wuhan , is subordinated to Wuhan Nuoqi Group .

  9. 史福特光电产业园全面建成,将继续致力于做“健康照明”的领跑者。

    SFT Lighting Industrial Park has been fully built up with an effort to play the role of a leading runner for healthy lighting .

  10. 雷射热裂切割法具有加工速度快、切割面平整及热残留应力低等优点,近年来已逐渐取代传统钻石刀切割研磨法成为光电产业液晶玻璃基板加工主流。

    The thermal fracture cutting technology for brittle materials has become the crucial technology for LCD glass substrate cutting to meet the low residual thermal stresses requirement .

  11. 尽管光电产业发展得很快,但光电产量在美国电力总产量中所占的比重还不到1%,因此美国市场尚未受到大规模的冲击。

    Though growing rapidly , solar power still accounts for less than 1 percent of American power generation , so the disruption has not yet been seen on a large scale in the United States .

  12. 化学机械抛光(ChemicalMechanicalPolishing,cMP)是现今加工硬脆材料最实用的方法,在微电子和光电了产业应用极其广泛。

    Chemical mechanical polishing ( CMP ) is now the most practical method of brittle materials , and widely used in microelectronics and optoelectronics .

  13. 在光电技术产业化的过程中,光电器件的重要性日益现显。

    In the process of photoelectric technology industrialization , the importance of photoelectric devices increasingly appears .

  14. 同时研究了单层有机光电导体产业化的关键生产设备设计的主要参数与制造技术的要点。

    The design and fabrication of coating machine for industrialization of single-layered organic photoconductor were studied .

  15. 厦门市光电技术产业的基础良好,研发实力较强,投资的软、硬环境具有优势。

    With a solid foundation and technical strength , Xiamen is an excellent place for investment in the field of photoelectron industry .

  16. 目前,吉林省的石化、粮食加工业、光电信息产业和生物医药制造业等产业也向集约化、规模化方向发展。

    Recently , industries of landification , grain processing , photoelectricity and telecommunication and biological medicine in Jilin province are becoming intensive and large-scale .

  17. 公司坐落在中国最具竞争力的、半导体光电照明产业最发达的地区&深圳。

    The company which located in the most competitive city and the most developed region for the semiconductor optoelectronic illumination industry in China & Shenzhen .

  18. 随着信息产业的发展,作为其上游产业链的光电模块产业也随之迅速发展,光电模块生产企业的竞争也由企业间的竞争发展为供应链综合实力的竞争。

    With the growth of the industry information the electric-optics transceiver industry grows well . The competition of transceiver manufactures goes to the competition between the supply chain management from the individual company competition .

  19. 亚洲四小龙半导体光电技术及其产业的发展

    Development of Semiconductor Optoelectronic Technology and Its Industry for the Four Small Dragons in Asia

  20. 一个典型的例子即为2001年2月正式开始建设的武汉光电信息技术产业化基地(武汉·中国光谷)。

    A typical example is the photoelectric information technology industrialization base of Wuhan of construction for February of 2001 formally ( Wuhan Optical Valley ) .

  21. 当今时代是信息化时代,随着信息产业化逐步从微电子时代过渡到光电子时代和光子时代,光电材料将成为光电产业的基础支撑。

    The present age is an information age . With the gradual transition of information industrialization from microelectronic age to optoelectronic age , the optoelectronic materials will become the basic support of optoelectronic industry .

  22. 透明导电氧化薄膜(TCO)是一种重要的光电材料,它具有高导电性且在可见光区具有光学透明性,在光电产业中有着非常广泛的应用。

    Transparent conducting oxide film ( TCO ) is a kind of important optoelectronic materials . Its good combination of high electrical conductivity and excellent optical transparency in visible region makes TCO a broad application .