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guāng huá
  • smooth;glossy;sleek;slick;burnish
光滑 [guāng huá]
  • [smooth] 平滑;不粗糙

  • 用手电筒往井里照一照,就会发现那口井的内壁不怎么光滑,上面有些小窝儿。--《第比利斯的地下印刷所》

光滑[guāng huá]
  1. 加入牛奶再揉成光滑的面团。

    Add the milk and mix to a smooth dough .

  2. 不停的流水把这些石头冲刷得很光滑。

    The stones have been worn smooth by the constant flow of water .

  3. 她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑。

    Her skin was as smooth as silk .

  4. 贝壳内壁光滑。

    The shell is smooth on the inside .

  5. 漆面像缎子一样光滑。

    The paint has a satin finish .

  6. 它的皮摸起来真光滑。

    Its skin feels really smooth .

  7. 他赤裸的双脚脚面很光滑,脚底却很粗糙。

    His bare feet were smooth on top and rough-skinned underneath .

  8. 最后上完蜡后,它看起来犹如缎子般光滑亮泽。

    The final stage of waxing left it with a satin sheen .

  9. 钻头必须缓慢转动,以保证钻孔平整光滑。

    The drill should be slowly rotated to ensure a clean hole .

  10. 她细腻光滑、美丽白皙的脖子上戴着一条精致的链子。

    She wore a fine chain about her alabaster neck .

  11. 晾干之后,表面摸上去就不再光滑了。

    When dry , feel the surface and it will no longer be smooth

  12. 用手掌将面团揉至光滑为止。

    Work the dough with the palm of your hand until it is very smooth

  13. 这种泥浆呈灰色,它光滑、柔软,像黄油一样易塑。

    The mud is smooth , gray , soft , and plastic as butter .

  14. 选些个头小、表皮光滑的土豆做色拉。

    Choose small waxy potatoes for the salad .

  15. 这匹马全身光滑,皮毛闪亮。

    The horse 's sleek body gleamed .

  16. 这种金属摸起来冰冷而光滑。

    The metal felt smooth and cold

  17. 她皮肤光滑,非常漂亮。

    She was smooth-skinned and pretty .

  18. 请注意上臂的皮肤是多么光滑,然后把它和肘部的皮肤比较一下。

    Note how smooth the skin of the upper arm is , then compare it to the skin on the elbow .

  19. 桦树有光滑的树皮和细长的树枝。

    The birch has smooth bark and slender branches .

  20. 这种油漆能附着于任何粗糙或光滑的表面。

    This paint will adhere to any surface , whether rough or smooth .

  21. 她的皮肤像缎子一样光滑。

    Her skin is as smooth as satin .

  22. 这块木料只有一边儿光滑。

    Only one side of this piece of wood is smooth .

  23. 像是活人身上敷了一层云石,光滑、洁白、巍巍然。

    They are like human beings with marble poured over them , smooth , white , monumental .

  24. 它们有着流畅的弧线、冰凉的屏幕,光滑而陌生,像一块鹅卵石。

    The rounded edges , cool glass , smooth and unknowable as a pebble .

  25. 他们计算出,滚动木块所需的力与沿着光滑的路径移动木块所需的力差不多。

    They calculated that rolling the block required about as much force as moving it along a slippery path .

  26. 指甲表面出现条条不光滑是欠那些维生素呢?

    Does fingernail surface appear be to owe those vitamins glossily ?

  27. 一块光滑的巨型圆石露出水面。

    A huge round mass of smooth rock protruding from the water .

  28. 阿精调车身颜色扰流是光滑集成在行李箱盖。

    A finely-tuned body-color spoiler is sleekly integrated in the deck lid .

  29. 它通过磨光器反复地擦变得光滑

    It was smoothed down by rubbing with a burnisher .

  30. 女士们更喜欢略加修饰的光滑闪亮型秀发。

    Women preferred sleek , shiny hair with little decoration .