
ɡuānɡ mǐn huà zuò yònɡ
  • see also 光敏化
  1. 血卟啉对癌细胞DNA光敏化作用的一种可能机制:促进DNA与蛋白质的交联

    A possible mechanism for hematoporphyrin photosensitization on cancer cell dna : enhancement of DNA-protein crosslinking

  2. 在pH<3.0体系中用可见光照射,能使RhB染料在光敏化作用下有效降解,反应160min后矿化率达到71.8%。

    It was found that , in the system with pH < 3.0 , visible light irradiation significantly accelerates the degradation process by photosensitive effect . After 160 min the RhB was mineralized with a yield of 71.8 % .

  3. 忍冬藤提取物光敏化作用的初步研究

    Photosensitizing Effect of Two Extracts from Caulis Lonicerae : a Preliminary Study

  4. 硬脂酸铁和硬脂酸铈的光敏化作用相近,均优于二乙基二硫代氨基甲酸铁;

    Iron ( stearic ) and cerium stearic have the same photosensitive action on the film , which is better than that of diethyl iron dithiocarbamate .

  5. 结果表明,H2O2对水中乙草胺具有光敏化降解作用,其敏化作用效应与·OH有关;

    The results showed that H_ 2 O_ 2 exhibited photosensitive effects related to · OH .

  6. H2O2通过光解产生·OH,从而对水中乙草胺表现出显著的光敏化降解作用。

    H2O2 produced hydroxyl radical ( OH ) upon UV irradiation , then - OH proceeded to react with acetochlor , so that the photodegradation of acetochlor was greatly promoted .

  7. 煤大分子结构的光敏化、光催化作用主导PE光降解反应机理;

    Photosensitization and photocatalysis of macromolecule structure of coal lead an important pole of photodegradable mechanism in PE .

  8. 采用人工加速老化实验、户外曝晒试验、IR、UV及TGDTA等方法探讨了它们的光敏化效果及其光敏化作用机理。

    Theory and effect of photosensitization are explored by artificial acceler-ated ageing test , exposure test , IR , UV and TG-DTA analysis .