
  • 网络photosynthetic capacity
  1. 结果表明,前两个生长季高浓度CO2处理增强了3个树种幼苗的光合能力;

    The results indicated that the photosynthetic capacity of three species was enhanced under high CO-2 concentration in the first two growing seasons .

  2. 6-BA或KT对水分胁迫条件下小麦旗叶光合能力及千粒重的影响

    Effect of 6-BA or KT on photosynthetic capacity in wheat flag leaf and the weight of 1000 grains under water stress

  3. 增施氮肥与CO2浓度有相反效应,通过提高N素营养可以维持ΦPSⅡ反应中心高度开放,缓解了CO2浓度带来的旗叶光合能力的下降。

    Nitrogen application and CO2 concentration have the opposite effect . It also maintain chlorophyll fluorescence reaction center highly open , relieve Pn decrease in flag leaf . 3 .

  4. 在铬胁迫条件下,H2S处理可缓解生长和光合能力的抑制作用,且本试验条件下以高H2S水平效果较好。

    H2S alleviated the inhibition in plant growth and photosynthesis by Cr stress , with higher H2S level having more beneficial effect .

  5. 结果表明,PM1和PM3株系与对照相比,叶绿素a与b绝对含量降低,且光合能力有所降低。

    Compared to CK , the contents of the chlorophyll a and b were reduced both in PM_1 and PM_3 , and the photosynthetic ability also decreased .

  6. 5月白刺刚开始萌发生长,叶片面积很小,叶绿素含量很低,光合能力不强,因此5月的Pn最低并且各处理之间没有显著差异。

    Leaf area is small , chlorophyll content is low , photosynthetic capacity is not strong , so Pn is the lowest and there was no significant difference between different treatments in May .

  7. 表明外源NO对NaCl胁迫下棉苗叶片的叶绿素含量和荧光参数有改善效应,利于提高光合能力。

    This demonstrated that exogenous nitric oxide alleviated the cotton seedling ` s chlorophyll content and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters reducing caused by NaCl stress , which is beneficial to improve the photosynthetic capacity . 3 .

  8. 当藻体PIC/POC比值较高时,光合能力和钙化能力较强,UVR对光合导致的抑制率较小,显示了PIC的保护作用。

    At higher levels of PIC / POC , rates of photosynthesis and calcification were higher , and UVR-induced inhibition on photosynthesis was smaller , indicating the protective role of PIC .

  9. 植物各组织中的全氮(TN)和C/N与其光合能力有着密切联系,被认为是衡量植物在长期进化过程中对其生存环境适应性的综合指标。

    Besides , the total nitrogen ( TN ) and C / N are both considered as comprehensive indexes to measure the adaptation of plant to the environment because they are closely related to the photosynthetic capacity .

  10. SRI能够有效地延缓水稻叶片的衰老,对提高水稻群体后期群体质量,增强籽粒灌浆期的光合能力,起到了重要的作用。

    SRI could effectively delay the senescence of rice leaves , which was very important to improve the quality of group at the later growth stage and strengthen the ability of photosynthesis of kernel at pustulation period .

  11. 垃圾土各成分的胁迫,使得植物PSⅡ受到破坏,光合能力遭受抑制,6种植物中夹竹桃光合作用受到的抑制相对较弱,蚊母、石楠受到的相对较强。

    The stress of each component of garbage soil , making the the PSH of plant was damaged , photosynthetic capacity Suffer from inhibition . In the six kinds of plants , the oleander is inhibited relatively weak , mosquitoes mother heather are relatively strong .

  12. 彩色棉抗逆性较强,VDF最低,为9%左右,但正常条件下光合能力有限;

    While colored lint variety , with the lowest VDF of 9 % , had a good resistance to stress , but a weaker photosynthesis under normal condition .

  13. PM2株系比对照叶绿素含量显著增加,且叶绿素a/b比值比对照明显降低,但其表观量子效率较CK低,光合能力也有所降低;

    The content of the chlorophyll in PM_2 increased greatly , but the ratio of the chlorophyll a / b was reduced , and the apparent quantum efficiency and the photosynthetic ability also decreased .

  14. 叶面积显著增加,光合能力增强,单株对CO2的同化力提高了25.9%,14C同化物分配给根系和分蘖节的比例提高。

    S-3307 also significantly increased the area of top leaf , improved the photosynthetic capacity of leaf , promoted the assimilatory ability of leaf by 25.9 % as compared with the control , and distributed more 14C assimilates to roots and tiller nodes .

  15. 但在不同程度干旱胁迫下ETR、фPSⅡ、qP都明显下降,说明干旱胁迫PSII反应中心的开放程度的降低,从而引起了电子传递速率的降低,最终导致了光合能力的下降。

    However , ETR ,ф PS ⅱ, qP decreased obviously under drought stress shows PSII reaction center to reduce the degree of openness led to lower the rate of electron transfer , eventually led to the decline in photosynthetic capacity .

  16. 本实验结果说明,H202可能作为信号分子,参与调控抗氧化酶的活性,从而提高梨叶片光合能力。

    These data indicate that H2O2 may act as signaling molecules involved in regulating the activity of antioxidant enzymes , thereby increasing the photosynthetic capacity of pear leaves . 4 .

  17. 超级稻上部叶片光合能力的研究

    Study on the photosynthetic capacity in upper leaves of super rice

  18. 镧对汞胁迫下豌豆幼苗光合能力的影响

    Effect of La on Photosynthesis of Pisum sativum Seedlings under Hg Stress

  19. 发光二极管辐照光合能力快速检测系统

    Rapid and Compact Optical Measurement System for Photosynthesis Ability Using LED Excitation

  20. 过量Fe~(2+)影响大豆光合能力。

    Excessive Fe2 + stress inhibited the photosynthesis of soybean .

  21. 光合能力的季节变化与其生长节律密切相关。

    Seasonal change of photosynthetic capacity is related with growth rhythm closely .

  22. 水稻光合能力的高温稳定性评价指标研究

    Study on Evaluation Indexes for High Temperature Stability of Photosynthesis in Rice

  23. 检测了叶片光合能力和营养水平;

    Their leaf photosynthetic capacity and nutritional level were determined .

  24. 施肥对毛竹林形态结构及光合能力的影响

    Effect of Fertilization on Morphological Structure and Photosynthetic Capacity of Phyllostachys Pubescens

  25. 盐胁迫显著降低了沙枣的光合能力。

    Photosynthetic capacity was significantly decreased by both types of salt stress .

  26. 这些均有利于提高甜菜的光合能力。

    All this were very useful to raise the photosynthetic ability of sugarbeet .

  27. 草莓组培苗的光合能力与强制通气对其生长的影响

    Photosynthetic Capacity and Effects of Forced Ventilation on Growth of In-Vitro-cultured Strawberry Plantlets

  28. 不同密度条件下小麦光合能力的研究

    Studies on the photosynthesis ability in Wheat under the conditions of variant density

  29. 经高温处理后,辣椒幼苗光合能力下降,在处理最初,净光合速率的下降以气孔限制因素为主;

    After heat treatment , the net photosynthetic rate ( Pn ) decreased .

  30. 不同程度改形对矮化苹果生长结果及光合能力影响的研究

    Effect of Modifying Tree Form on Growth Fruiting and Photosynthetic Ability of Apple