- light curve

An investigation on the relationship between FWHM and fluence of FRED pulse light curve of GRB
In the light curve of comet Hale-Bopp in 1996 September , we found that a burst took place on Sept. 10 ~ 11 , when the nuclear magnitude increased by 2.1 mag.
A CCD Light Curve of the Eclipsing Cataclysmic Variable PG0027 + 260
We get reasonable light curves in B and V bands and find a positive correlation between variability and spectral slope .
The Light Curves and the Spectral Harness Ratios of Gamma - Ray Bursts
The Light Curves for PG CV Candidates
The X-ray and TeV light curves of this system are similar and display two-peak profiles .
The gamma-ray bursts ( GRB ) are the sudden flashes of the hard X / γ - rays in the sky with very complicated light curves .
Roche Model Analysis for the Light Curves of the Eclipsing Binaries ST Car and RY Ind
Photoelectric light curves of double colours and period changes of eclipsing binary XY Leo
, we consider SN 1979c should be classified to type II supernova with some special characteristics .
The hydrodynamic evolution of the fireball shell is comprehensively studied . Using the synchrotron mechanism and relativistic transformation from co-moving frame to lab frame , the light curves of the gamma-ray burst afterglow are obtained .
He studied the light curves of asteroids and thus their rotation , and also studied the variable star CZ Cassiopeiae , and the evolution of the orbit of Comet Halley .
The gamma-ray pulsar binaries usually emit multi-band radiation , i.e. from radio to TeV gamma-rays , and the light curves are modulated on the orbital periods .
This paper is contributed to the study of the light curve and periodicity of the black hole X-ray binary Cyg X-1.Black hole is the high-mass compact object , which is result of the gravity collapse of the star and most of the black hole system is X-ray nova .
We also find that the anisotropy in the pulsar wind , which has been suggested in the research of Crab Nebula , plays a significant role in producing the two-peak profiles in both X-ray and TeV light curves .
We found that the light curve of the system has changed obviously .
A method in drawing light curves of solar flares with high accuracy ;
The Light Curve of Comet Hale-Bopp in Eruption
The photometric observation is an important way to study the physical parameters of the asteroids .
The moment of mid-eclipse as obtained from our light curves turns out to be hel . J.
The variations of the light curves and orbital period may both arise from magnetic activities . 5 .
We show that this model can produce highly variable light curves with both fast and slow components .
The time profile in pulsating phase can be fitted by bremsstrahlung radiation of the radiative region which are cooling with time .
These light curves are different for various dynamic evolution of the shell , isotropic or anisotropic cases and various environment of the media .
Moreover , it is a very important method with study black hole states and the periodicity of the light curve to study their physical process .
We use this method to the historical light curve of OJ 287 and find that its main period is 11.9 years , which is in good agreement with the results obtained by other authors .
In the end it suggest that synchrotron selfabsorption and inner engine mechanism should be comprehensively studied either in fireball + shock model or in jet model in order to make theoretical calculation fit the observed light curve completely well .
Without knowing the mechanism of the bent of jet , we assume two relations between the view line angle and the observed time , and the light curve is calculated . We find some of the resulted light curves are similar to the observed ones .
In this thesis , the observational properties and main theoretical models on GRBs and their afterglow are reviewed , and present in detail the results of our tow research work on spectral lag between high and low photons and light curve of pulse in GRBs .