
  • 网络PV Array
  1. 光伏方阵户外测试系统的研究

    Research on Outdoor Test System of PV Array

  2. 目前一般的光电水泵系统都是采用直联方式,即光伏方阵直接与电机水泵机组相连接。

    " Directly coupled " systems are currently in general use , where a PV array is directly coupled to a motor-pump group .

  3. 季节性负载光伏方阵的倾角

    Analysis of the optimum tilted angle of photovoltaic array for seasonal loads

  4. 固定式光伏方阵最佳倾角的分析

    Analysis of optimum tilted angle for fixed photovoltaic arrays

  5. 仿真电源有较好的动态响应,能够根据负载的变化自动寻找到光伏方阵的工作点并保持稳定输出。

    It can search the working point automatically and stabilize the output according to the change of the loads .

  6. 根据这一结论,摒弃原有串并联结构的光伏方阵,提出一种新型的并联方式。

    Based on this conclusion , discard the original series and parallel structures photovoltaic array , a novel parallel approach .

  7. 另外系统可以根据需要选择所要模拟的光伏方阵的功率。

    Besides , the power of the simulator can be selected according to the desired power of the PV arrays which are simulated .

  8. 然后研究了太阳能辐射原理,建立了光伏方阵倾斜面上的太阳辐射量工程模型。

    Then the paper studies the radiation theory of the solar energy , and establishes the radiation quantity of the sun on the slope of PV array .

  9. 通过改变相应放电深度的简便计算方法,即可得到相应于不同负载缺电率的一系列光伏方阵与蓄电池容量组合,从而确定最佳的方阵和蓄电池容量。

    With the simple calculation method of changing correlative depth of discharge , a series of array / storage combination corresponding to different LOLP can be achieved , thus optimum PV array and storage battery capacity can be obtained .

  10. 350瓦光伏聚光方阵电性能计算机分析

    The computer analyses of a 350W photovoltaic concentrator array performance

  11. 固定式独立光伏系统中光伏方阵设计

    Array Design for Fixed Stand-along Photovoltaic System

  12. 针对太阳能电池板的光电转换效率和投资成本问题,提出了采用目前使用较多的多晶硅太阳能电池板作为该独立光伏系统的光伏方阵。

    In order to solve the problem of photoelectric conversion efficiency and investment costs of solar panels , so put forward use the solar panel of widely used to independent photovoltaic power generation system as photovoltaic array .

  13. 当此外界因素发生变化时,就必须利用光伏最大功率跟踪器实时跟踪光伏方阵的最大功率点电压,以从光伏方阵中获取最大的功率输出。

    A maximum power point tracker ( MPPT ) is needed to operate the PV array at its maximum power point .

  14. 对于负荷全年均衡分布的独立光伏发电系统,在确定固定式光伏方阵的最佳倾角时应综合考虑方阵面上太阳辐射量的连续性、均匀性和极大性。

    In choosing optimum tilted angle of fixed array for a stand-alone photovoltaic power ystem with steady load over a year , the continuity , uniformity and maximum of solar radiation on the surface should be considered comprehensively .

  15. 通过分析比较特性曲线,得出当光伏组件输出特性出现差异时,通过并联方式组成的光伏方阵较之串联方式发电效率高的结论。

    Through analysis and comparison of characteristic curves obtained when the differences between the output characteristics of PV modules , through the composition of the photovoltaic array in parallel mode power efficient than the series conclusion .