
  • 网络optical ethernet
  1. 能提供VPN业务的光以太网

    Optical Ethernet Providing VPN Service

  2. 而以太网由于能很好的适应IP网络,并且随着百兆、千兆以太网标准的推出,光以太网正迅速成长为众多接入网技术中的一支重要力量。

    With the appearance of Fast Ethernet and its good adaptability to IP network , optical Ethernet becomes one important method among numerous access network technologies .

  3. EoS&实现电信级光以太网的新技术

    EoS & New Technology to Realize Carrier Optical Ethernet

  4. 用光以太网技术建设新一代宽带城域网

    Build New Generation Broadband MAN with Optical Ethernet Technology

  5. 浅析光以太网的网络安全

    SECURITY Security considerations of optical Ethernet Safety Cartoon

  6. 光以太网弹性分组环技术

    Optical Ethernet resilient packet rings technologies

  7. 构建可运营、可管理、电信级的光以太网

    Design Operation and Manage Light Ethernet

  8. 提出了构建基于光以太网的铁路管理信息传输平台方案。

    This paper describes how to constructive the railway management information system transport platform based on optical Ethernet .

  9. 光以太网将成为城域多业务网的可选技术,但还需要解决一系列问题;

    Optical ethernet will become an option for metropolitan multi-service networks , but a series of problems have to be settled .

  10. 个案对光以太网的经济效益进行了全面的衡量,为城域网采用光以太网提供了肯定的证据。

    Through overall study on economic benefit of optical Ethernet , it 's proven that optical Ethernet is feasible in MAN .

  11. 新兴的光城域以太网业务及其标准

    New Service and Standards of Optical Metro Ethernet

  12. 无源光网络用于以太网接入

    Passive Optical Network used by Ethernet Access

  13. 初步实现了光无线快速以太网。

    The experiments about the system are done in the paper and basically realize the wireless optical Ethernet .

  14. 通过研究帧中继、IP、ATM等分组业务的流量监控算法,提出了可适用于光传输网络的以太网流量的2种监控算法:PIR/CIR和CIR/EIR。

    This paper presents two traffic metering algorithm PIR / CIR and CIR / EIR which are suitable to ethernet transmitting over optical network based on the study of a lot of the traffic metering algorithms of packet traffic such as Frame Relay , IP and ATM services .

  15. 它综合了无源光网络技术和以太网技术的优点,具有成本低、兼容性好、技术成熟、便于维护、承载业务灵活等特点,成为下一代宽带接入网的最佳候选之一。

    It combines the advantages of passive optical network technology and Ethernet technology . It has characteristics as follows : low-cost , compatibility , maturity , easy to maintain , operational flexibility and so on .

  16. 以太网无源光网络综合了以太网技术成熟和无源光网络高带宽等优点,已经成为最具吸引力的宽带接入网解决方案之一。

    Ethernet Passive Optical Network ( EPON ) combines both the advantages of technology maturity of Ethernet and the high bandwidth of the Passive Optical Network ( PON ) which makes it one of the most attractive solution for future broadband access network .

  17. 本文首先指出了光城域网架构和模式的演变和发展方向,然后从城域光以太网和下一代SDH/SONET网络及技术层面探讨了其演进思路、特征、实现方式与发展趋势。

    Firstly the paper points out the way of evolution & development about framework and mode in optical metropolitan area networks . Then the thinking of evolution , character , mode of realization and trend of development are discussed on metro optical ethernet and next generation SDH / SONET .