
  • 网络Pioneer plant;pioneer species;pioneer
  1. 先锋植物沙棘Ⅲ&生活史分析

    The Pioneer Plant of Seabuckthorn ⅲ & the Analysis of the Life History

  2. 湿地松是一种适合沙化土地生态系统重建的先锋植物。

    Pinus elliottii had been found as pioneer plant suitable for sandy land ecosystem reconstruction .

  3. 空气NH3增高可能有利于退化生态系统的生态恢复过程中的氮积累和先锋植物的早期生长。

    Increased atmospheric N deposition would facilitate nitrogen accumulation and early growth of plants in the process of vegetation restoration .

  4. 先锋植物沙棘Ⅰ&共生体是实现先锋作用的根本因素之一

    The Symbiont Research of Seabuckthorn as a Pioneer Plant

  5. 水分对沙生先锋植物生长的影响

    The Influence of Moisture on Sand Vanguard Plants Growth

  6. 长江口潮滩先锋植物藨草腐烂分解过程研究

    Study on Putrefaction and Decomposition Process of Scirpus triqueter on the Changjiang Estuary Tidal Flat

  7. 苔藓是重要的初级生产者之一,在物质循环中起着重要的作用,影响森林植被的水分平衡,也是某些演替过程中的重要先锋植物。

    Bryophytes play an important role in energy flow , nutrient cycling and water balance .

  8. 根系分布浅,主要利用浅层土壤水和降雨生存,是侵入撂荒地的先锋植物,适合用以改良弃耕地。

    The root system primarily distributes in shallow soil and grow mainly on shallow soil moisture .

  9. 引入先锋植物;

    To introduce pioneer plant ;

  10. 先锋植物沙棘Ⅱ&克隆行为和根系特化是实现沙棘先锋作用的又一根本因素

    The Clonal Growth Behavior and Root System Specilization is Again One Basic Factor of Realization the Pioneer Plant Function

  11. 在准噶尔盆地西北缘古玛纳斯湖湖积平原区,通过引水灌溉进行规模土地开发中,利用紫花苜蓿作为先锋植物对新垦殖土地进行的改良和熟化。

    A study to use alfalfa as pioneer plant to improve virgin soil at North-West Junggar Basin was carried out .

  12. 研究发现这种现象主要存在于某些先锋植物物种和苔原生态系统中,因为那里传粉的昆虫很少。

    It is found particularly in pioneer weed species and in ecosystems such as the tundra , where insect vectors are rare .

  13. 福建长汀重建生态系统先锋植物热值和能量特征研究

    Study on Characteristics of Caloric Value and Energy of Pioneer Tree Species in the Restoring Ecosystem , Changting County of Fujian Province

  14. 提出了矿区废弃地先锋植物的选择原则、合适的植物配置以及植物群落的构建。

    The principle of choosing pioneer plants , the appropriate planting design and establishment of reasonable plant community in mined wasteland were raised .

  15. 这3种先锋植物可以在同类矿山尾矿沙山的植被重建与恢复中推广。

    The three kinds of pioneer plants could be extended to the vegetation reconstruction and recovery of the gangue sand hills of similar mine hills .

  16. 重金属能从不同方面直接和间接地影响共生固氮,寻找适合作尾矿先锋植物的豆科植物是当前的一个研究热点。

    Heavy metals could directly and indirectly affect the symbiotic nitrogen fixation in many manners and thus it is a research hotspot to find some pioneering gangue-colonizing legumes .

  17. 中华补血草可改善盐碱土的土壤结构,使盐土脱盐,被誉为盐碱地改造的“先锋植物”。

    It is crowned as a " pioneering plant " in salina land due to the function of removing salt from salt-soil and of improving the structure of soil .

  18. 矿区生态修复中的物种以选择自然定居的先锋植物为主,特别是在耐性强的乡土种中培育修复植物。

    Ecological restoration of mining areas to select the species of the pioneer settlers of natural plant-based , especially in the strong resistance of native species of plants cultivated repair .

  19. 结果表明,白茅、马唐、飞蓬、苍耳、耳草对重金属有较强的耐性,可作为生态恢复的先锋植物;

    The results showed that Imperata cylindrical , Digitaria sanguinalis , Erigeron acer , Xanthium sibiricum and Hedyotis auricularia can be used as pioneer plants for revegetation of manganese-mined wastelands .

  20. 本研究选择可能的适宜植物进行试验,比较植物的产量、质量及种植效益,分析基质理化性状的变化,探求最佳先锋植物;

    This study chose the possible plants to take experiment . Through comparing the yield , quality and benefit , analyzing the physical and chemical character , we chose the proper pioneer plants .

  21. 而湿地松因其耐旱、耐贫瘠和固沙能力强等特性是一种适合沙化土地生态系统重建的先锋植物因而被广泛引种。

    Pinus elliottii had been found as pioneer plant suitable for sandy land ecosystem reconstruction . It had been widely naturalized in sandy land owning to the feature of drought resistance , adapted to poor nutrients environment and the strong sand-fixing capacity .

  22. 经种植实验研究选择出适宜于矿区条件的先锋植物和适宜树种,建立了不同立地条件下的植被配置模式。

    As a result of the planting experiments , the pioneer plants and the seeds of trees suitable for the nature conditions of the mine area were selected . The models of vegetation disposition in the different soil and topographic conditions were set up .

  23. 攀缘植物有较强的适应性、耐旱性和吸附攀缘能力,不仅是荒漠化土地、荒山、沟壑恢复植被的先锋植物,而且也是城市绿化、桥梁美化、道路护坡的优良绿化植物。

    Additionally climbers must be paid attention as are characterized with wide adaptation , strong drought tolerance and climbing capacity , so that they are not only applied in greening dessert , bare mountain and hills , also in urban area , bridges and roads .

  24. 根据稀土矿场自然生态的特点,研究了土地复垦适宜性植物物种的选择,植物群落结构的配置、种植和施肥方法,并建立了先锋植物种群的结构配置模式。

    Based on natural ecological characteristics of rare-earth trailing sites , the study of land reclamation focused on the choice of favorite vegetation species , deployment of plant community structure , method of planting and fertilizing , so as to set up suitable models of initial plant population structure .

  25. 研究表明,沙棘是治理砒砂岩地区水土流失的先锋树种,沙棘植物柔性坝是防治该区水土流失的有效生态工程措施。

    The research result showed that seabuckthorn is the leading small arbor for controlling soil and water loss of the soft rock region , and seabuckthorn plant flexible dam is very effective ecology engineering for control and harness of soil and water loss of it .