
  1. 水声信号处理中的时间反转镜技术,可以在没有任何先验知识的情况下自适应匹配声信道,通过仿真给出单阵元被动式时间反转镜PDS通信系统性能。

    The time reversal mirror ( TRM ) in UWA signal processing , can match the acoustic channel automatically without any transcendental knowledge . The performance of single-element passive time reversal mirror PDS system is given by simulation .

  2. 自适应干扰抵消应用于二元阵时间反转镜定位研究

    Research of Two-sensor-array Time Reversal Localization Technology Using of Adaptive Interference Counteraction

  3. 基于有限元法的主镜底支撑的优化分析

    Optimization analysis for the underside support of the primary mirror by the finite element method

  4. 系统各组元均为球面镜,形式简单、结构紧凑。

    Various components are the spherical mirror , the form are simple , and the structure is compact .