
  • 网络proterozoic;Proterozoic Erathem
  1. 中国东南部的晚元古界和裂陷活动带

    Late Proterozoic group and fractured mobile belt in south east China

  2. 吉林省南部下元古界的变质不纯碳酸盐岩

    The Lower Proterozoic metamorphosed impure carbonatite in Southern Jilin

  3. 晚元古界早期构造层,为山前凹地或山间盆地磨拉石堆积,形成于1000-800Ma;

    The third one , formed at early stage of later-Proterozoic ( 1000-800Ma ), was belong to molasse formation accumulated in foredeep or intermountain basin ;

  4. 该区地层为下元古界桃湾群(Pt1t),玉矿赋存于浅海相泥质碳酸盐岩及钙质泥岩,局部夹中基性火山岩的桃湾组中。

    The quality of the two jades was also appraised in the paper . The stratum of the area is proterozoic , Tao wan group ( Pt1t ) .

  5. 城市圈层论论元古界矿源层


  6. 民和盆地发育在中祁连隆起带上,基底为元古界、下古生界,盖层为侏罗系至第四系。

    Minhe Basin is situated on central Qilian uplift belt .

  7. 辽东地区元古界硼矿床矿石学研究

    Ore Study on the Proterozoic Boron Deposits in the East Liaoning Province

  8. 巴马丹拿集团论元古界矿源层

    On the source - bed of the Proterozoic group

  9. 河北青龙河地区下元古界浊积岩金矿床

    Gold deposits of Lower Proterozoic turbidites in the Qinglong River area , hebei

  10. 山东省平度地区下元古界荆山群变质作用特征

    Metamorphic characteristics of Jingshan group of the Lower Proterozoic in Pingdu area , Shandong

  11. 硼矿、菱镁矿与元古界特定层位有关。

    The boron , magnesite are related to special layer of Proterozoic . 5 .

  12. 辽东地区下元古界镁硼酸盐矿床控矿模型及其勘查与评价研究

    Mineralization Model and Survey & Evaluation of Early Proterozoic Mg-borate Deposits in East Liaoning

  13. 四川盆地下古生界至元古界热演化气及其勘探方向

    Thermal Evolution Gas in Lower Paleozoic to Proterozoic of Sichuan Basin and Its Exploration Prospects

  14. 关于下元古界集安群层序的讨论

    On the sequence of the Ji'an group of the early proterozoic , in Southern Jilin

  15. 西天山元古界的热液沉积岩及其与成矿的关系

    The hydrothermal sedimentary rocks and their relationship with mineralization in Proterozoic era in West Tianshan

  16. 下扬子区中晚元古界沉积建造特征、构造运动及其演化

    The features of sedimentary formation , tectonization and evolution of lower Yangtze area during Middle-Late Proterozoic

  17. 经笔者研究证实,西成矿田容矿地层除泥盆系外,还有古元古界。

    Study proves that the host strata , besides the Devonian , include the Lower Proterozoic .

  18. Ⅲ、Ⅳ类组合则反映潜山古地形斜坡带,出露岩性为元古界碳酸盐岩。

    Type III and Type IV reflect its slope belt with lithology of Proterozoic carbonate rocks .

  19. 矿床受元古界基性、酸性双峰式火山岩层位及韧性剪切带双重控制,属绿岩带中的韧性剪切带型金矿床。

    It belongs to the ductile shear zone type of a gold deposit in the greenstone belt .

  20. 矿床围岩以中元古界高于庄组白云岩为主。桂东南混合岩区蚀变岩型金银矿床地质特征

    The geological characteristics of altered rock type Au / ag deposits in migmatite region , southeastern Guangxi

  21. 将这套含磷岩组称之为“吴家窑组”,其时代归属于下元古界甘陶河群。

    The age of this formation ought to belong to the Gantaohe group of Lower proterozoic era .

  22. 矿层赋存于早元古界辽河群里尔峪组含硼变粒岩段。

    The ore bed hosts in boracic granulite of Lieryu formation , Liaohe group of lower proterozoic .

  23. 皖南祁门&歙县地区元古界变质岩地层原始构造环境和形变

    Primary tectonic environment and deformation of strata of Proterozoic metamorphics in the qimen-shexian region of Southern Anhwei

  24. 华北蓟县元古界长城系串岭沟组岩石的古地磁再研究

    Restudy of paleomagnetism of rocks from Chuanlinggou formation of Proterozoic Changcheng System in Jixian county , north China

  25. 前寒武纪与微生物席相关的粉砂岩岩墙&以天津蓟县古元古界串岭沟组为例

    Microbial mat-related silty dykes of the Precambrian : An example from the Paleoproterozoic Chuanlinggou Formation at Jixian section in Tianjin

  26. 在江西北部都昌县大港一带,元古界浅变质岩系十分发育。

    Proterozoic low grade metamorphic rock series is well developed in the Dagang area , Duchang County , northern Jiangxi .

  27. 该发现解决了该套地层时代的归属问题,同时对于区内古生界和元古界划分对比具有重要意义。

    The discovery in this region has great significance for the classification and correlation of the Proterozoic and early Paleozoic strata .

  28. 试论黄陵断隆北缘中、下元古界的不整合关系皖南新元古界蓝田组碳酸盐岩沉积地球化学

    A preliminary discussion on the unconformity relationship between middle and Lower Proterozoic Erathem on the northern margin of Huangling faulted dome

  29. 中空骸晶结构在湖南省元古界海相基性火山岩中的发现及其地质意义

    Discovery and significance of the central absent skelecton crystal texture in the marine basic volcanics of the Proterozoic group of Hunan

  30. 顶、底界线清晰,与下伏太古宙变质花岗岩系及上覆中元古界熊耳群均呈角度不整合接触。

    Discordances existed between Fangniushan quartzite series and underlying Archean Eon metamorphic granite series , and overlying the Mesoproterozoic Era Xionger Group .