
  1. 上海以社区为基础的0&3岁儿童服务机构的运行走向研究

    Research on the Running Trend of Shanghai Community-Based Institutions of 0-3 Years Old Children Services

  2. 你报告给儿童服务机构了?

    You report that to child services ?

  3. 今天苏塞克斯郡的警察和地方政府的儿童服务机构说,他们已经着手开始调查这个事件,并保证会继续向年轻的父母们提们支持与帮助。

    Today Sussex Police and the local council 's children services said they have investigated the case and pledged continued support for the young parents .

  4. 而当前的首要研究问题是如何建设服务网络的基本单位的问题,即如何建设和运行以社区为基础的早期儿童服务机构。

    However , at present , the chief problem is how to establish the unit of services network , i.e. how to establish and run institutions of community-based early children services .

  5. 特区儿童与家庭服务机构在2006年的一项调查中称C。

    The D.C.Child and Family Services Agency investigated an allegation in2006 that C.J.

  6. 其中一位造访者是肯德拉·希思科特(KendraHeathscott),和多加德州长第一次见面时,她只有10岁,多加德当时在一家救治有行为问题的儿童的社会服务机构担任执行主任。

    Among the visitors was Kendra Heathscott , who was 10 when she first met Mr. Daugaard , then the executive director of a social services organization that treats children with behavioral problems .