
  • 网络children emotion
  1. 在实验结果基础上,结合文献中已有的研究结果,探讨了ADHD儿童情感性决策的异同及其所蕴藏的心理机制。

    The data allowed us to explore the underlying mechanisms of affective decision-making and their deficits in children with ADHD . This study includes three experiments .

  2. 胎次效应与儿童情感性障碍的风险性研究

    Study on relationship between birth order effect and risk of child affective disorder

  3. 结论胎次越高,发生儿童情感性障碍的可能性越大。

    Conclusion The higher the birth order , the more vulnerable to child affective disorder .

  4. 音乐体感活动矫治智力落后儿童情感障碍的个案实践

    Somatosensory music activities for children treatment of mental retardation cases the practice of affective disorder

  5. 目的探讨儿童情感性障碍与胎次效应的关系。

    Objective To explore the relationship between birth order effect and the risk of child affective disorder .

  6. 这是秦文君的小说关注儿童情感需要的内在因素。

    This is the Qin Wenjun novel pays attention to the intrinsic factor which the child emotion needs .

  7. 目的:探讨儿童情感性精神障碍首次确诊困难的原因。

    Objective : To explore the factors which related to the difficult identification of childhood affective disorder at first interview .

  8. 家庭对儿童情感的发展起决定性作用,家长在促进家庭幼儿情感教育方面具有主导作用。

    Family plays d decisive role in the home education of childish emotions , and parents act as a leading role in advancing the home education of childish emotions .

  9. 大量的研究已经表明,与身体性攻击相似,关系性攻击明显地与儿童情感问题、行为问题、边缘行为人格特征等社会心理适应问题相联系。

    A number of studies have shown that similarly to the body attacks , it obviously associates with peer rejection , emotional problems , behavior problems , and edge behavior personality traits psychological and social adaptation problem .

  10. 少年儿童上学情感发展的调查研究

    A survey of school children ′ s emotional development

  11. 孤独症儿童家庭情感康复训练的个案分析

    Training of autistic child for emotional rehabilitation in family : A case analysis

  12. 儿童期情感性精神障碍临床特点的对照研究

    Clinical comparison study of childhood affective disorders

  13. 使艺术成为儿童表达情感的有效通道。

    Therefore , the arts can become an efficient way to express the emotions for children .

  14. 他发现早期儿童的情感与其父母的情感并无多大差别。

    He discovered that the feelings of very young children are not so different from those of their parents .

  15. 儿童审美情感的发生需要客体和主体两方面的条件,其主要的发生方式是移情。

    The generation of children 's aesthetic emotion needs subjects and objects , and its main approach is empathy .

  16. 研究者还发现宫内暴露于儿用阿司匹林的儿童的情感和同龄人其它问题的发生率较低。

    The investigators also noted lower overall rates of emotional and peer problems among children exposed to baby aspirin in the womb .

  17. 情感成分的平均数中城市学校校长的得分高于农村学校校长,这表明城市学校的校长对特殊需要儿童在情感方面给予更多的同情和认可。

    And , in the average of emotional element , principals in urban schools have higher scores than rural school principals , which means that the former principals give more sympathy and recognition to children with special needs .

  18. 留守儿童道德情感的生成经历了情动感受、体验理解、内化移情三个阶段,进而各阶段被整合后,其道德情感即具有了一定的理论意义。

    The generation of the moral emotion of left-behind children has experienced three stages of " emotional activities feeling "," experience comprehension ", and " internalization empathy ", and with each stage integrated , their moral emotion has been provided with a certain theoretical meaning .

  19. 乌特勒支大学青少年研究中心的博士生卡斯帕?范利萨(CasparVanLissa)即将发表的一项研究显示,儿童时期的情感同理心能够预测青少年时期的认知同理心水平。

    children 's affective empathy predicts their level of cognitive empathy as teens , says a forthcoming study by Caspar Van Lissa , a doctoral candidate at Utrecht 's adolescent-research center .

  20. 而社会环境与学校环境又左右着儿童的不同情感的形成。

    Social and school contexts play a vital role in forming children 's affect .

  21. 流动儿童的父母情感温暖、理解少,较少偏爱、干涉流动儿童。

    They perceive less emotional warmth , favouring subjects and involvement from parents . 3 .

  22. 通过编码和记分得到母亲与儿童间积极情感得分以及自我控制得分。

    Points obtained by coding and positive affect between mother and child scores and self-control score .

  23. 学业不良儿童的估算情感认同与他们的估算成绩之间关系更为密切。

    Only the emotion identification of computational estimation is closely related to their achievement of computational estimation .

  24. 对儿童的审美情感的研究是儿童审美心理研究的重要内容之一。

    The study on children 's aesthetic emotion is a important part of studies on children 's aesthetic psychology .

  25. 同时,同伴群体的反应会促进儿童某些道德情感的产生和发展。

    At the same time , the reaction of his peer group can enhance the occurrence and development of some kind of moral emotions .

  26. 借用人本主义教学理念,引导帮助儿童发展健康情感,是儿童外语教学活动成功的重要保证。

    Humanistic activities focus on people 's affective factors and are able to help develop children 's healthy affect and thus improve their learning performance .

  27. 结论:脑电生物反馈训练能有效地改善儿童注意、情感、活动水平、异常行为、学业等方面的问题。

    Conclusion : Brain Wave Biofeedback Training can greatly improved the attention , feeling , active state , abnormal behaviour and studies of children with ADHD .

  28. 引起语病的原因事实上也不能同语言输入质量,家长与儿童间的情感,儿童所处的语言社团相分离。

    As a matter of fact , the reasons of language problems are not isolated from the quantity and quality of input , the emotional relationship with parents , as well as speech community to which the children are exposed .

  29. 结果学习不良儿童在父母情感温暖及惩罚严厉2个维度得分和一般儿童比较,差别有统计学意义(P<0.01),孤独感得分显著高于一般儿童(P<0.01);

    Results Scores of " warmth and understanding " and " stern punishment " of parents and score of " felling s of loneliness " were significantly higher in LD children than in normal children ( P < 0.01 ) .

  30. 斯坦福大学从事贫穷和教育不平等研究的教授肖恩·里尔登指出:“早期童年经历会对儿童在社会、情感和认知方面的长期发展产生很大影响。

    Early childhood experiences can be very consequential for children 's long-term social , emotional and cognitive development , said Sean Reardon , professor of poverty and inequality in education at Stanford University . "